Cvs Tb Testing Locations (2025)

1. TB Test Near Me | Tuberculosis Testing | MinuteClinic - CVS

  • Book your TB test appointment at a MinuteClinic near you. Find answers to common questions about tuberculosis types, symptoms, and prevention methods.

  •® is not available to customers or patients who are located outside of the United States or U.S. territories. We apologize for any inconvenience.

2. TB Testing – 847 Walk-In Clinics Available | CVS MinuteClinic

3. PPD / Tuberculosis Testing - Walgreens

  • This test is available at Healthcare Clinic locations for patients 18 months and older. If you believe you have a medical emergency, please call 911.

  • Walgreens. Trusted Since 1901.

4. [PDF] TB Screening Locations Chicago

  • clinic ( Mile Square Health Centers. Location: South Shore: 7131 S. Jeffery Boulevard. Hours: MTThF 9-5, W 9:30-5:30. Phone: 312-996-2000. Type of Test ...

5. TB Testing Sites | Project Outreach

  • TB Testing Sites · 1. UHS- University Health Service 207 Fletcher Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 734-764-8325. By appointment only. Available weekdays except ...

  • 1. UHS- University Health Service 207 Fletcher Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 734-764-8325

6. Family Health Care by MinuteClinic - CVS Health

  • And the MinuteClinic locations inside CVS® HealthHUB™ offer additional services, including sleep apnea assessments and blood work. Explore services. Our clinics.

  • MinuteClinic® provides affordable, quality health care in 1,200 family health care clinics and through virtual visits.

7. L.A. Care and Minuteclinic

  • L.A. Care's retail clinic partner, MinuteClinic®, offers board-certified nurse practitioners at locations in select CVS Pharmacy stores. They can diagnose ...

  • L.A. Care's retail clinic partner, MinuteClinic®, offers board-certified nurse practitioners at locations in select CVS Pharmacy stores.

8. TB Test (Quantiferon-TB Gold) Near Me | LabFinder

  • Just choose your location and enter your insurance information to find the closest Quantiferon-TB Gold (TB Test) near you. When searching for a “TB blood test ...

  • Find a TB Test (Quantiferon-TB Gold) near me & book an appointment online. Book a TB Test (Quantiferon-TB Gold) near me that accept your insurance

TB Test (Quantiferon-TB Gold) Near Me | LabFinder
Cvs Tb Testing Locations (2025)


How long does it take to get TB blood test results? ›

This test is more accurate and more specific than skin tests for TB. Results are ready in 24 hours. Also, you can have this screening test if you have been vaccinated against TB. The TB vaccine is called bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG).

Does Walgreens do a 2 step TB test? ›

The test may be done at any local health department, primary care clinic, doctors office, CVS, Walgreens etc. 4. Why is the 2-step TB skin test needed? Some people infected with M.

What does a positive TB test look like? ›

Within 48 to 72 hours, a positive TB skin test is marked by an area of reddish induration greater than 10 mm. It is the induration (firm bump) that is gently palpated that determines the size, not the area of redness. This reaction is slightly larger than the average positive test 17 mm in size.

What not to do after a TB test? ›

After the test, you should avoid using bandages, putting on lotion, or scratching the test area because it may affect the results. You can wash the area with water, but do not wipe or scrub. If the area itches, put an ice cube or cold cloth on it.

How do I know if I passed my TB test? ›

If you have an Mtb infection, the skin around the injection site should start to swell and harden within 48 to 72 hours . This bump, or induration, may also change color. But the induration's size, not the color, will determine your results. An induration of less than 5 millimeters (mm) is a negative result.

Can a TB blood test be false positive? ›

The gold standard method for diagnosis of tuberculosis is the isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis through culture, but there is a probability of cross-contamination in simultaneous cultures of samples causing false-positives. This can result in delayed treatment of the underlying disease and drug side effects.

What if there is no bump after a TB test? ›

The test is "negative" if there is no bump (or only a very small bump) at the spot where the fluid was injected. A negative TB skin test usually means that you don't have TB. In some situations, you may need to have another TB skin test later.

What confirms positive TB? ›

The tuberculosis (TB) blood test, also called an Interferon Gamma Release Assay or IGRA, is a way to find out if you have TB germs in your body. The TB blood test can be done instead of a TB skin test (Mantoux). There are two kinds of TB blood tests: QuantiFERON®-TB.

How do you confirm a TB test? ›

Sputum tests

Your health care provider may take a sample of the mucus that comes up when you cough, also called sputum. If you have active TB disease in your lungs or voice box, lab tests can detect the bacteria. A relatively quick laboratory test can tell if the sputum likely has the TB bacteria.

How long after a TB test can I shower? ›

A: You can take showers and baths as you normally do.

Is there anything you shouldn't do before a TB test? ›

Is there anything I need to do to get ready for the test? Be sure you don't receive any live vaccines in the 28 days before your TB test as they can interfere with the test (MMR, chicken pox, oral typhoid, shingles, or yellow fever vaccines).

Can I drink water before a TB test? ›

Before the Test

Make sure you are hydrated; drink lots of water on the day of your test. Let the medical provider know if you are allergic to latex.

How long does it take to get TB blood test results from labcorp? ›

Results: 2-5 days from when your sample arrives at our lab. Preparation: Vaccines (such as MMR, Varicella, Yellow Fever) may affect test results. It is recommended to either get the TB blood test the same day as vaccination or wait 4-6 weeks after getting the vaccine.

How long does it take to get TB blood test results from Quest? ›

This is generally 2-5 business days from the time the sample is received, depending on your test. (Any result requiring prompt attention will be communicated to you by Licensed professionals from PWNHealth LLC and affiliated professional entities and sent directly to your account.)

Are TB blood tests accurate? ›

Sensitivity of 79% and specificity of 97% with specificity being as low as 59% in BCG-vaccinated patients (high false positive).

Can TB be detected through blood test? ›

The tuberculosis (TB) blood test, also called an Interferon Gamma Release Assay or IGRA, is a way to find out if you have TB germs in your body. The TB blood test can be done instead of a TB skin test (Mantoux).

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.