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Washington, DC 20054 In the Matter of the Joint Application of Securus Investment Holdings, LLC, Transferor, Securus Technologies, Inc., Licensee, T-NETIX, Inc., Licensee, T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc., Licensee, (collectively, the "Licensees" or "Securus") and SCRS Acquisition Corporation, Transferee, For Grant of Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the Commission’s Rules to Transfer Indirect Ownership and Control of Licensees to SCRS Acquisition Corporation

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WC Docket 17-126 ITC-T/C-20170511-00094 ITC-T/C-20170511-00095









1500 K Street N.W. Suite 1100

Washington, DC 20005-1209 (202) 230-5857

Counsel to The Wright Petitioners June 16, 2017

RINKER IDDLE EATH - [PDF Document] (2)


The proposed $1.5 Billion dollar sale of Securus Technologies from ABRY

Partners to Platinum Equity is a microcosm for everything that is wrong with the

prison-industrial complex and the growing trend of local, state and federal

governments privatizing services they once provided, without any consideration of

the impact on their citizens.

In order to obtain monopoly control to provide inmate calling services at a

correctional facility, private companies like Securus voluntarily agree to split the

revenue they earn with the government agency. This revenue-sharing scheme has

led to Securus and other companies voluntarily agreeing to remit to the correctional

authority up to 98% of the revenue earned in order to be selected as the sole source

of telephone, video visitation, email, education and commissary services for inmates

and their families at that correctional institution.

The instant transaction proposes to assign the FCC authorizations associated

with Securus from ABRY Partners, which paid $640 million for control of Securus in

2013, to Platinum Equity, which has agreed to pay $900 million more than ABRY,

just four short years later.

In 2013, the Commission denied a request to set aside the ABRY transaction

due, in part, to commitments by ABRY and the Securus leadership to not make any

"changes in rates, terms, or conditions of service as a result of the transaction." As

reflected herein, Securus failed to comply with that commitment by actually raising

Intrastate ICS rates across the country.

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In addition, when the Commission prohibited per-call connection charges and

flat-rate fees in 2016, Securus simply rebranded the charges as "flat-rate fees" and

continued on. Coupled with numerous public admonishments for violating other

Commission rules, policies and procedures, Securus has clearly demonstrated that

it lacks the character qualifications to remain a holder of Commission-issued


Therefore, in light of Securus' abuse of its position as the monopoly service

provider at thousands of correctional authorities, the Commission must deny the

Applications, and immediately launch an investigation into these serious violations

of Commission rules, policies and procedures. In the alternative, the Applications

must be held in abeyance while the Commission conducts its investigation.

Importantly, none of the issues raised in the instant Petition depend on the

unresolved question of whether the Commission has the requisite authority under

Section 276 to regulate Intrastate rates and fees. Instead, the issues raised herein

relate directly to Securus' repudiation of the commitments made to the Commission

in 2013, and the past serious violations of Commission rules, policies and

procedures which call into question whether Securus has the requisite character

qualifications to hold authorizations issued by the Commission.

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INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................... iii

PETITION TO DENY .................................................................................................... 1

PARTIES TO THE PETITION ..................................................................................... 3

BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................. 5

A. Procedural History: Commission Bans Per-Connection and Per-Call Charges Of The Sort Exploited By Securus ........................................ 5

B. Securus Has Long Used Per-Call And Per-Connection Charges To Inflate Call Charges ..................................................................................... 7

DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................. 10

A. Standard of Review. ................................................................................... 10

B. Securus' Actions Demonstrate That It Is Unqualified to Hold Authorizations. ........................................................................................... 11

CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................. 14

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Washington, DC 20054 In the Matter of the Joint Application of Securus Investment Holdings, LLC, Transferor, Securus Technologies, Inc., Licensee, T-NETIX, Inc., Licensee, T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc., Licensee, (collectively, the "Licensees" or "Securus") and SCRS Acquisition Corporation, Transferee, For Grant of Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the Commission’s Rules to Transfer Indirect Ownership and Control of Licensees to SCRS Acquisition Corporation

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WC Docket 17-126 ITC-T/C-20170511-00094 ITC-T/C-20170511-00095


Pursuant to Section 63.03(a) and Section 63.52(c) of the Commission's rules,

The Wright Petitioners, Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants, Prison Policy

Initiative, The Human Rights Defense Center, The Center for Media Justice,

Working Narratives, The United Church of Christ, OC Inc., and Free Press, hereby

submit this Petition to Deny the above-referenced applications (the "Applications")

to transfer control of the above-referenced Section 214 Authorizations (the

"Authorizations") from Securus Investment Holdings, LLC ("SIH"), to SCRS

Acquisition Corporation ("SCRS"). SIH has agreed to transfer control of the

Authorizations to SCRS.1

1 See Domestic Section 214 Application Filed For The Transfer Of Control Of Securus Technologies, Inc., T-NETIX, Inc., and T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc., To SCRS Acquisition Corporation Public Notice, DA 17-500 (May 23, 2017) and See

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SIH is ultimately controlled by ABRY Partners VII, LP, and SCRS is

ultimately controlled by Tom and Holly Gores through the Gores Family Trust.2 In

addition to his other interests, Mr. Gores personally owns a National Basketball

Association team, the Detroit Pistons.

When the Commission adopted rules to prohibit per-call connection fees and

flat-rate charges, Securus simply renamed its connection fees as "first-minute rates"

and began charging even higher rates. Moreover, the Licensees have been cited

repeatedly for violating the Commission's rules, procedures and policies, leading to

three public rebukes by the Commission. These practices raise serious concerns

whether Securus has the requisite qualifications to hold Commission


Therefore, as discussed in more detail below, the Applications must be

dismissed. Securus is in violation of Section 64.6080 and Section 64.6090 of the

Commission's rules and has a long history of abusing Commission rules, policies

and procedures.3 As such, the transfer of control of the Authorizations from SIH to

SCRS would not be in the public interest, convenience and necessity. In the

alternative, the Commission should hold the Applications in abeyance until such

time that the Commission completes an inquiry of Securus' wide-scale violation of

the Commission's proscription against per-connection and flat-rate charges.

Streamlined International Applications Accepted for Filing, Rpt. No. TEL-018515 (rel. June 2, 2017) (collectively, the "Public Notice"). 2 See Application, Exhibit A. 3 47 C.F.R. § 64.6080 (2017) ("No Provider shall impose a Per-Call or Per-Connection Charge on a Consumer."). 47 C.F.R. § 64.6090 (2017) ("No Provider shall offer Flat-Rate Calling for Inmate Calling Services.").

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The Wright Petitioners - Ulandis Forte, Ethel Peoples, Laurie Lamancusa,

Dedra Emmons, Charles Wade, Earl Peoples, Darrell Nelson, and Jackie Lucas –

brought suit in the United District Court for the District of Columbia against

Corrections Corporation of America in 2000, seeking to set aside exclusive telephone

contracts among the private prisons and certain telephone companies. The matter

was subsequently referred to the FCC in August 2001 to act “with dispatch.” These

parties have prosecuted this action actively through The D.C. Prisoners’ Legal

Services Project, Inc. at the Washington Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights and

Urban Affairs.

Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) is a grassroots criminal

justice reform organization with 18,000 members throughout the country.

Approximately 60% of CURE’s members are incarcerated; many of their members

have loved ones who are incarcerated. CURE has been working since the 1990s to

reduce the high cost of calls for incarcerated persons and their loved ones. Since

2000, CURE has conducted the eTc Campaign (Equitable Telephone Charges)

whose sole purpose is to promote lower prison phone rates.

The Prison Policy Initiative challenges over-criminalization and mass

incarceration through research, advocacy, and organizing. We show how the United

States’ excessive and unequal use of punishment and institutional control harms

individuals and undermines our communities and national well-being. Through its

research, it recognized that the prison and jail phone industry is yet another way

that mass incarceration punishes entire communities. The Prison Policy Initiative

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works with partners across the country in support of fair rates for families and

friends of incarcerated people.

The Human Rights Defense Center (“HRDC”) is a non-profit organization

founded in 1990 that nationally advocates on behalf of those imprisoned in

American detention facilities. The HRDC serves as an important source of news and

legal research for prisoners’ rights advocates, policy makers, academics,

researchers, journalists, attorneys, and others involved in criminal justice-related

issues. In support of this effort, HRDC publishes materials including Prison Legal

News, a monthly publication with subscribers in all 50 states and internationally

that provides a voice to prisoners, their families, and others affected by criminal

justice policies.

One of the largest media justice network in the country, the Center for Media

Justice is a national organizing and training cente fighting for human dignity,

rights and racial justice in a digital age.

Working Narratives is an arts and social justice organization. Their Nation

Inside network which works with communities directly impacted by mass

incarceration is located in 38 states with over 400,000 members.

The United Church of Christ, Office of Communication, Inc. (UCC OC Inc.) is

the media justice ministry of the United Church of Christ, established in 1959 to

advocate for media justice and communications rights. The Cleveland-based United

Church of Christ has almost 5,000 local congregations across the United States.

Free Press is a nationwide, non-partisan, non-profit media and technology

advocacy group, with approximately one million members around the country and

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around the world. It advocates for everyone’s rights to connect and communicate,

focusing especially on the communications needs of communities of color, low-

income populations, and other historically unserved and underserved groups.

Each of the parties have actively participated in the several Commission

dockets regarding the ICS industry – CC 96-128, WC 12-375 and GN 13-111 – and

thus are parties of interest with standing to submit this Petition.4


A. Procedural History: Commission Bans Per-Connection and Per-Call Charges Of The Sort Exploited By Securus

In October 2015, the Commission adopted the Second Report and Order in

the Rates for Interstate Inmate Calling Services rulemaking proceeding.5 In

addition to the adoption of rate caps for Interstate and Intrastate inmate calling

services ("ICS"), the Commission adopted Section 64.6080, which prohibited an ICS

provider from imposing a per-call or per-connection charge. The Commission also

adopted Section 64.6090, which prohibited an ICS provider from imposing a flat-

rate charge for ICS calls.

In banning per-call, per-connection and flat-rate charges, the Commission

noted that no ICS provider submitted comments in support of the retention of the

charges, and highlighted the support of one ICS provider, Pay Tel Communications, 4 47 C.F.R. § 1.939 (2017). To the extent necessary, leave is requested to submit this Petition in connection with the Domestic Section 214 applications after the period specified in DA 17-500. Because the Commission cannot grant final approval until the 30-day period has been completed, and because it is still possible that the Commission staff could, on its own motion, remove the Applications from streamlined processing, no harm will be caused by the acceptance of this Petition. 5 See Rates for Interstate Inmate Calling Services, Second Report and Order, 30 FCC Rcd 12,763 (Nov. 5, 2015), 80 FED REG 79,136 (Dec. 18, 2015).

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in the Commission's adoption of a rule that disallowed "the use of per-call or per-

connection charges."6 The Commission also noted that the "Joint Provider

Proposal" submitted in advance of the Second Report and Order by Securus, Global

Tel*Link and Telmate did not include per-call or per-connection charges.7

Moreover, the Commission agreed with Pay Tel Communications that imposing flat-

rate charges for ICS calls which did not depend on the duration of the ICS call "does

not comport with our requirement to make ICS rates just, reasonable and fair."8

Subsequent to the adoption of the Second Report and Order, certain ICS

providers submitted petitions for stay, which were denied by the Wireline

Competition Bureau (the "Bureau") on January 22, 2016.9 In particular, the

Bureau denied requests by Securus and Telmate to stay the effectiveness of Section

64.6080 and Section 64.6090. The Bureau's decision to not stay the effectiveness of

Section 64.6080 and Section 64.6090 was affirmed by the United States Court of

Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on March 7, 2016,10 and was not

addressed in the recent Order, decided on June 13, 2017.11

6 Id., 30 FCC Rcd at 12,811. 7 See Letter from Brian D. Oliver, Chief Executive Officer, GTL, Richard A. Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Securus, and Kevin O’Neil, President, Telmate, to Chairman Tom Wheeler, Chairman, FCC, WC Docket No. 12-375 (filed Sept. 15, 2014). 8 See Second Report and Order, 30 FCC Rcd at 12,813. 9 See Rates for Interstate Inmate Calling Services, Order Denying Stay Petitions, 31 FCC Rcd 261 (WCB 2016) ("2016 Stay Order"). 10 See Global Tel*Link, et al. v. FCC, Order, No. 15-1461 (D.C. Cir. Mar. 7, 2016). 11 See Id., Order (D.C. Cir. June 13, 2017).

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Therefore, Section 64.6080 and Section 64.6090 became effective on March

17, 2016 for prisons and June 20, 2016 for jails, and remain effective as of today.12

In short, per-call, per-connection and flat-rate charges have been prohibited for

more than a year now. Securus fought the prohibition, and when it lost the fight,

Securus it nevertheless continued the practice of charging the fees, but under a

different name.

B. Securus Has Long Used Per-Call And Per-Connection Charges To Inflate Call Charges

Securus had a long history of charging a per-call or per-connection fee in

addition to a traditional per-minute rate. Alternatively, it charged a flat-rate

regardless of the length of the call. One of the first attempts to capture a snapshot

of these charges was published by the Prison Legal News in April 2011.

As reflected in the PLN study, attached hereto as Exhibit A, Securus charged

per-call connection fees between $1.20 and $3.95 as far back as 2007. An updated

study was supplied by the Wright Petitioners in their 2013 Comments.13

Subsequently, the Wright Petitioners conducted a comprehensive study of Securus'

Interstate and Intrastate rates in September 2013. As reflected in Exhibit B, prior

to the adoption of the cap on Interstate ICS rates, Securus charged inmates and

their families ICS rates up to $17.30 for a fifteen minute Interstate call.

12 See Wireline Competition Bureau Updates Applicable Rates For Inmate Calling Services, Public Notice, 31 FCC Rcd 2247-2248 (2016). 13 Comments of The Wright Petitioners, Exhibit E, WC 12-375 (March 23, 2013).

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We also collected data with respect to local Intrastate calls.14 As shown in

Exhibit C-1, Securus routinely charged a per-call connection or flat-rate fee

regardless of the length of the call, with most such charges between $1.00 and

$4.25. The result was that a local Securus call cost an average of $3.71 for fifteen

minutes, and that an average of $2.71 was charged to inmates and their families

regardless of the length of the call. Once the Interstate rate caps went into effect in

2014, Securus merely shifted its practice of charging unjust, unreasonable and

unfair ICS rates to Intrastate calling.

Moreover, once Section 64.6080 and Section 64.6090 went into effect in 2016,

it is clear that Securus simply renamed its "connection fee" or "flat-rate charge" as a

"first-minute" charge. As reflected in Exhibit C-2, Securus now charges a "first-

minute" rate that is almost identical to the per-call connection fee or flat-rate fee it

charged prior to the effective date of Section 64.6080 and Section 64.6090. Even

worse, for several county facilities Securus now charges more for its "first-minute"

rates than it used to charge in 2013. Similar disparities between the first-minute

rate and those charged for the 2nd minute and thereafter are shown in Exhibit D.

Of special note are the following Intrastate rates being charged by Securus,

with some of the highest first-minute rates being charged in Michigan, the home of

the Detroit Pistons since 1957:

14 Where applicable, we used the telephone number of the closest Domino's pizza restaurant to the correctional facility.

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State Facility ICS Provider

1st Min. Charge


Add. Min Charge


15 Min. Rate ($)

MI Sanilac County Jail Securus 8.20 0.01 8.34 MI Benzie County Sheriff Securus 5.90 1.19 22.56 MI Roscommon County Jail Securus 5.90 1.19 22.56 MI Van Buren County Jail Securus 5.90 1.19 22.56 MI Marquette County Securus 5.87 1.16 22.11 MI Wexford County Jail Securus 5.87 1.16 22.11 MI Branch County Jail Securus 5.79 1.08 20.91 MI Saginaw County Sheriff Securus 5.73 1.02 20.01 MI Montcalm Sheriff Securus 5.70 0.99 19.56 MI Alger County Sheriff Securus 5.65 0.69 15.31 MI Ontonagon County Jail Securus 5.65 0.69 15.31 MI Presque Isle County Jail Securus 5.65 0.69 15.31 MI Muskegon County Jail Securus 5.64 0.97 19.22 MI Clare County Jail Securus 5.61 1.19 22.27

By charging a rate of $8.20 for the first minute and a token $0.01 for the following

minutes, Securus flouts the prohibition on per-call and flat-rate fees. While the

disparity between the first-minute rate and subsequent minute charges are less

gaping at other facilities, these disparities are still stark, and these first-minute

rates are an obvious attempt to replace the per-call connection and flat-rate fees

that have been prohibited under Sections 64.6080 and 64.6090 of the Commission's

rules since 2016.

Overall, the evidence is clear. Subsequent to the imposition of rate caps on

Interstate calls, Securus merely shifted its excessive rates to Intrastate calls.

Moreover, when the Commission adopted rules to prohibit per-call connection and

flat-rate fees, Securus simply renamed its connection fees as "first-minute rates" and

began charging even more money for the same prohibited charge.

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Therefore, Securus' adoption of first-minute rates, which are at the same

level if not higher than the now-banned "per-call connection fees" and "flat-rate

fees" violated Section 64.6080 and Section 64.6090 of the Commission's rules. As

such, the Commission must deny the Applications and initiate an inquiry into

Securus' egregious rule violations. At the very least, the Commission must hold the

Applications in abeyance while it completes its inquiry into this practice.


A. Standard of Review.

In 2013, the Commission had the opportunity to consider the transfer of

control of the Licensees when ABRY Partners paid $640 million to Castle Harlan.

At that time, several public interest organizations petitioned the Commission to

deny those applications due to Securus' excessive rates, and the lack of an

affirmative showing that the proposed transaction would serve the public interest.15

In reviewing the advocates' petition and reply to Securus' Opposition, the

Commission stated:

a threshold requirement in [the] transaction review process is whether the Applicants meet the requisite character qualifications to hold Commission licenses. To meet this requirement, Commission precedent requires that an applicant must operate in a manner consistent with the Act and the Commission's rules.16

15 See Applications Granted for the Transfer of Control of the Operating Subsidiaries of Securus Technologies Holdings, Inc. to Securus Investment Holdings, LLC, Public Notice, 28 FCC Rcd 5720 (WCB 2013) ("2013 Decision"). 16 Id., 28 FCC Rcd at 5724 (citing Application of AT&T Inc. and BellSouth Corporation Application to Transfer Control, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 22 FCC Rcd 5662, 5674 (2007) and Applications of Guam Cellular and Paging Inc. and DoCoMo Guam Holdings, Inc., Memorandum Opinion and Order and Declaratory Ruling, 21 FCC Rcd 13,580 (2006)).

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Ultimately, the Commission rejected the advocates' petition due, in significant part,

to the pendency of WC Docket 12-375, which was considering the issue of

excessively high rates and fees charged by Securus and other ICS providers.17

However, in making this determination, the Commission relied upon the

Licensees' commitment that "there [would] be no changes in rates, terms or

conditions of service as a result of the transaction."18 In fact, that commitment was

included with the Licensees' 2013 application, and then reaffirmed in a sworn

Declaration of Dennis Reinhold, the Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary

of Securus Technologies, Inc., T-NETIX, Inc., and T-NETIX Telecommunications

Inc., which was provided to the Commission on April 17, 2013, and also restated in

a letter from Securus' counsel on April 24, 2013.19

B. Securus' Actions Demonstrate That It Is Unqualified to Hold Authorizations.

It is clear from the information provided in Exhibit C1 and Exhibit C2 that

this commitment was abandoned soon after the transfer of control of Securus was

completed. The substantial restructuring of Securus' Intrastate rates between 2013

and the present is in direct contrast to commitments provided by Securus' officers in

2013 in exchange for approval of the transaction.

Moreover, Securus also committed several violations of the Commission's

rules and policies. Specifically, Securus has repeatedly misrepresented its ability to

pay Interstate site commissions. Instead, it has informed its correctional institution 17 2013 Decision, 28 FCC Rcd at 5723. 18 Id. 19 Id., 28 FCC Rcd at 5723, nt. 32.

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clients that the Commission had affirmatively banned the practice of paying site

commissions on Interstate ICS calls. Examples of this incorrect advice to county

governments in Michigan are provided as Exhibit E, all of which contain some

variation of "in accordance with the FCC Order, effective as of February 11, 2014,

no commission shall be paid on revenues earned through the completion of

Interstate calls of any type received from the Agreement." Securus' policy remained

in place even though the Commission released a Public Notice that publically

rebutted Securus' assertions made to its customers.20

Additionally, in the lead up to the adoption of the 2015 Second Report and

Order, Securus submitted a fact sheet to the Commission asserting that "the rates

and rules in the Fact Sheet could be 'a business-ending event' for the company."21

As provided herein in Exhibit F, at the same time that Securus was arguing that it

could go out of business, Securus was earning Total Revenue of $484,339,000, with

Total Assets of $1,277,442,000. Furthermore, in 2016, its Total Revenue figure was

$583,659,000, with Total Assets of $1,262,901,000. Thus, even if Securus'

unverified assertion that it "currently pays approximately $140 million of site

commissions" was accurate at the time, Securus was nowhere close to going out of

business on October 7, 2015.22

Finally, it is worth noting that after the release of the Second Report and

Order, the Commission found it necessary to take the unprecedented step of 20 See Wireline Competition Bureau Addresses The Payment of Site Commissions For Interstate Inmate Calling Services, Public Notice, 29 FCC Rcd 10,043, nt. 7 (WCB 2014). 21 See, e.g., Ex Parte Presentation, dated Oct. 7, 2015, WC Dkt 12-375. 22 See October 2015 Ex Parte, pg. 1.

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publically rebuking Securus for sending out "misleading statements" to its

correctional institution clients.23 Then, just one month later, the Commission was

forced yet again to publically admonish Securus for not following Commission rules

and procedures.24

In light of detailed information demonstrating that Securus has knowingly

violated Section 64.6080 and Section 64.6090 of the Commission's rules by simply

renaming its "per-call connection" and "flat fee" charges as "first-minute" rates,

coupled with the overwhelming evidence that Securus has repeatedly abused the

Commission's rules, policies and procedures, the Commission cannot find that

Securus "operate[d] in a manner consistent with the Act and the Commission's


23 See Letter to Robert Pickens, President, Securus Technologies, Inc., 30 FCC Rcd 13,666 (Dec. 3, 2016) ("If we observe or are made aware of evidence of price gouging or other harmful behavior through, but not limited to, increased rates, ancillary service charges, and/or site commissions, we will not hesitate to take appropriate remedial action up to and including enforcement action pursuant to our legal authority under sections 201 and 276 or referral to another appropriate agency."). 24 See 2016 Stay Order, 31 FCC Rcd at 261, nt. 3 ("We note, however, that this is not the first time that Securus, in particular, has attempted to make filings that are not permitted by the Commission’s rules. We admonish Securus that repeated and willful attempts to circumvent the Commission’s procedural rules will not be tolerated and may result in sanctions."). See also Notice of Prohibited Presentations in the Matter of Implementation of the Pay Telephone Reclassification and Compensation Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 et al., Public Notice, 30 FCC Rcd 13,424 (OGC, Nov. 20, 2015). 25 2013 Decision, 28 FCC Rcd at 5723.

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The Commission requires licensees to comply with the Communications Act

of 1934, as amended, and with the Commission's rules, policies and procedures. As

shown herein, Securus has flouted Section 64.6080 and Section 64.6090 of the

Commission's rules by simply renaming its existing "per-call connection fee" and

"flat-rate charges" as a "first-minute fee."

Not only did Securus shift its high ICS rates from Interstate to Intrastate

service, it actually took the additional step to increase Intrastate rates. As a result,

a 15-minute Intrastate call from sixteen (16) county jails in Michigan, and twenty-

eight (28!) county jails overall, costs more than $20, entirely due to the fact that the

first-minute rate at these correctional facilities is at least $5.00 higher than the

charge for each additional minute.

In light of the ongoing violations of Section 64.6080 and Section 64.6090 of

the Commission's rules, coupled with Securus' serial violations of other rules and

policies that led to its repeated admonishment, the Commission must deny the

Applications and immediately initiate a proceeding to investigate these violations.

At the very least, the Commission must hold the Applications in abeyance until the

Commission's investigation has been completed.

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Respectfully submitted,


By: Lee G. Petro DRINKER BIDDLE & REATH LLP 1500 K Street N.W. Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005-1209 (202) 230-5857 Counsel to The Wright Petitioners

June 16, 2017

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I, Lee G. Petro, Counsel for the Wright Petitioners, do hereby declare, on this 16th day of June, 2017, and under penalty of perjury:

1. I have read the foregoing Petition To Deny, to which this Declaration will be attached; and

2. The allegations of fact contained in the Petition To Deny are true to the best of personal knowledge and belief.

By: Lee G. Petro DRINKER BIDDLE & REATH LLP 1500 K Street N.W. Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005-1209 (202) 230-5857 Counsel to The Wright Petitioners

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April 2011 Prison Legal News16

Prison Phone Contract Data / Kickbacks / Daytime Collect Call Rates

STATE PROVIDER % KICK. $/YR KICK. Local Call Intrastate1 Interstate COMMENT AK Securus 15-32.1 247 K 0.00 1.55 + .13-.38/m 3.95 + .89/m Free local calls AL GTL 61.5 5.5 Mil. 2.75 2.25 + .30/m 3.95 + .89/m AR GTL 45 2.06 Mil. 3.00 + .12/m 3.00 + .12/m 3.95 + .45/m AZ Securus 53.7 ? 1.84 .36/m .52/m CA GTL Flat 19.5 Mil. 1.50 + .107/m 2.00 + .159/m 3.95 + .70/m Ending kick in 2011 2

CO VAC 43 3.1 Mil. 2.75 + .23/m 2.75 + .23/m 3.95 + .89/m Highest local rate CT GTL 45 4.49 Mil. 2.00 1.75 + .23/m 3.95 + .89/m DE GTL 46 1.35 Mil. 2.00 2.50 + .20/m 2.50 + .89/m FL Securus 35 3 Mil. .50 1.20 + .04/m 1.20 + .04/m Rates reduced in 2006GA GTL 49.5 7.8 Mil. 2.70 2.00 + .19/m 3.95 + .89/m HI HI Telecom ? 74 K 1.95 1.45 + .14/m ? IA ICN/PCS Special 846 K 2.00 2.00+.21-.27/m 3.00 + .30/m Debit calls only 3ID PCS 10.5-66* 1.2 Mil. 3.80 3.80 3.80 + .85/m * Effective kick rates IL McLeod 56 10.7 Mil. 2.71 + .16/m 2.50 + .26/m 3.95 + .89/m IN GTL 18 80 K 2.95 2.25 + .30/m 1.50 + .25/m Formerly AT&T KS Embarq 41.3 1.05 Mil. 2.61 1.96 + .41/m 1.70 + .40/m Kick reduced in 2008 4

KY Securus 54 3.2 Mil. 1.85 1.50 + .20/m 2.00 + .30/m Formerly MCI LA GTL 55 3.96 Mil. .98 2.15 + .19/m 2.15 + .21/m MA GTL 35 1.9 Mil. .86 + .10/m .86 + .10/m .86 + .10/m Current kick is 15-30% MD Securus 48-60 6.1 Mil. .85 2.85 + .30/m 3.00 + .30/m ME Maine DOC 22 370 K est. 1.55 + .25/m 1.55 + .25/m 3.00 + .69/m State-run phones MI Embarq NONE NONE .12/m .12/m .15/m Ended kick in 2008 5MN GTL 49 1.44 Mil. 1.00 + .05/m 3.00 + .23/m 3.95 + .89/m MO PCS NONE 800-900 K* 1.00 + .10/m 1.00 + .10/m 1.00 + .10/m * Pays for 21 staff MS GTL 55.6 2.8 Mil. 2.60 1.90 + .20/m 3.00 + .69/m PLN filed suit for dataMT PCS 50 300 K est. 2.75 + .20/m 2.75 + .20/m 2.75 + .20/m Kick reduced in 2011 6

NC GTL 52 8.7 Mil. 1.04 2.25 + .19/m 3.95 + .89/m Formerly AT&T ND Securus 40 132 K .50 2.46 + .24/m 2.46 + .24/m Effective rates NE PCS NONE NONE .70 .70 + .05/m .70 + .05/m NH ICS 20 240 K 1.20 + .10/m* 1.20 + .10/m 1.20 + .10/m * No per/m for 1st 5 min NJ GTL 40 4.42 Mil. 1.75 + .05/m 1.75 + .40/m 1.75 + .89/m Current rates = $.33/m.

NM PCS NONE NONE 2.15 1.75+.125-.175/m 3.00 + .50/m Ended kick in 2001 NV Embarq 54.2* 2.26 Mil. 1.45 .85 + .1175/m 3.50 + .79/m * $2.4 Mil. min. kick NY Unisys/VAC NONE NONE .048/m .048/m .048/m Ended kick in 2008 7OH GTL 38 14.5 Mil. 1.14 1.04 + .322/m 3.90 + .871/m Rates as of 2009 OK GTL 50* 1.07 Mil. 3.60 3.60 3.60 * 50% of net profit OR FSH/VAC 50-60* 3 Mil. 2.64 3.95 + .69/m 3.95 + .89/m * $3 Mil. min. kick PA GTL 44.4 7.05 Mil. 1.65 2.35 + .26/m 3.50 + .50/m RI GTL NONE NONE .70* .70* 1.30 + .30/m * Flat fee for 20 min SC Embarq NONE NONE .50 1.00 + .15/m 1.25 + .15/m Ended kick in 2008 8SD FSH 33-38 225 K 3.00 3.00 + .44/m 3.50 + .50/m Formerly Qwest TN GTL 50.1 3.2 Mil. .895 1.852 + .098/m 3.53 + .617/m TX Embarq/Securus 40 1.81 Mil. .26/m .26/m .43/m Bundled rate UT FSH 45-55 900 K* 3.15 2.80 + .12/m 3.00 + .45/m * 2009 kickback data VA GTL 35 13.77 Mil. 1.00 2.25 + .25/m 2.40 + .43/m VT PCS 35 372 K 1.40 + .072/m 1.40 + .23/m 3.25 + .50/m 37% kick in 2009 WA FSH/VAC 51 5.1 Mil. 3.50* 3.50* 4.95 + .89/m * Flat fee for 20 min WI Embarq 30 2.6 Mil. 1.25 1.25 + .28/m 2.00 + .35/m WV GTL 46 900 K .85 .85 + .20/m .85 + .50/m WY ICS 34-43 323 K 1.49 1.17 + .17/m 3.55 + .62/m 51.5% kick in 2010

41.9 Avg 152.44 Mil.

1 Intrastate rates reflect intrastate interLATA rates, or intrastate intraLATA rates if interLATA is not applicable 2 CA is phasing out kickbacks in 2011; new rates = $.58+$.058/m. local, $.77+$.084/m. intra, $1.52+$.342/m. inter 3 Iowa uses a debit-only system and keeps all revenue after paying phone usage charges 4 Kansas reduced its commission from 48.25% in Jan. 2008; old rates = $4.35 local, $3.26+$.69/m. intra, $2.84+$.66/m. inter 5 MI banned kickbacks in August 2008; old rates = $2.00 local, $2.95+$.325/m. intra, $3.99+$.89/m. inter (current provider is PCS)6 MT contracted with Telmate in 2011 for a limited 25% commission; new rates = $.24+$.12/m. for all categories of calls 7 Prior to 2008, NY had a 57.5% commission; old rates = $1.28+$.068/m. for all categories of calls 8 SC banned kickbacks as of April 1, 2008; old rates = $.76 local, $1.73+$.22/m. intra, $1.89+$.22/m. inter

Source: Prison Legal News research data (as of 2007-2008)













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Securus Technologies 15 Minute Rates

September 2013

State County Advance Connect Direct Bill Inmate Debit Collect Local Interstate Local Interstate Local Interstate Local Interstate

Alabama Madison County Huntsville Jail $3.00 $17.30 $3.00 $17.30 $3.00 $17.30 $3.00 $17.30 Montgomery County Jail $2.75 $17.30 $2.75 $17.30 $2.75 $17.30 $2.75 $17.30

Arizona Pinal County Adult Detention Center $5.70 $17.30 $5.70 $17.30 $5.70 $17.30 $5.70 $17.30 Cochise County Jail $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 $6.40

Arkansas Pulaski County Regional Detention Fac $4.00 $17.30 $4.00 $17.30 $4.00 $17.30 $4.00 $17.30 Saline County Detention $6.52 $15.19 $6.52 $15.19 $6.52 $15.19 $6.52 $15.19

California George Bailey Detention – San Diego $4.60 $10.50 $4.85 $10.60 $4.10 $4.10 $4.85 $10.60 Maguire Correctional - San Mateo $4.37 $17.30 $4.37 $17.30 $4.37 $17.30 $4.37 $17.30

Colorado Arapahoe County Sherriff’s Office $2.50 $4.40 $2.50 $4.40 $2.50 $4.40 $2.50 $4.40 Jefferson County Sheriff’s Detention $4.90 $4.90 $4.90 $4.90 $4.90 $4.90 $4.90 $4.90

Florida Broward County Main Jail $2.35 $17.30 $2.35 $17.30 $2.35 $17.30 $2.35 $17.30 Palm Beach County – West Detention $6.25 $14.15 $6.25 $14.15 $6.25 $14.15 $6.25 $14.15

Georgia Fulton County Jail $2.70 $17.30 $2.70 $17.30 $2.70 $17.30 $2.70 $17.30 Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office Jail $2.70 $17.30 $2.70 $17.30 $2.70 $17.30 $2.70 $17.30

Idaho Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 Nez Perce County Adult Detention Ctr $5.25 $5.25 $5.25 $5.25 $5.25 $5.25 $5.25 $5.25

Illinois Cook County Jail (Division 11) $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 Lake County Adult Correctional Fac. $3.76 $11.45 $3.76 $11.45 $2.50 $11.00 $3.76 $11.45

Indiana Vanderburgh County Detention Center $2.95 $5.25 $2.95 $5.25 $2.95 $5.25 $2.95 $5.25 Elkhart County Jail $6.75 $5.25 $6.75 $5.25 $6.75 $5.25 $6.75 $5.25

Iowa Polk County Jail $2.65 $17.85 $2.65 $17.85 $2.43 $16.13 $2.65 $17.85 Woodbury County Jail $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00

Kansas Shawnee County Jail $4.05 $17.55 $4.05 $17.55 $4.05 $17.55 $4.05 $17.55 Butler County Jail $5.87 $11.12 $5.87 $11.12 $5.87 $11.12 $5.87 $11.12

Kentucky Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Corrections $1.85 $17.30 $1.85 $17.30 $1.85 $17.30 $1.85 $17.30

Warren County Regional Jail $2.75 $17.30 $2.75 $17.30 $2.75 $17.30 $2.75 $17.30

Louisiana East Baton Rouge Parish Prison $2.31 $17.30 $2.31 $17.30 $2.31 $17.30 $2.31 $17.30 Jefferson Parish Correctional Center $2.31 $17.30 $2.31 $17.30 $2.31 $17.30 $2.31 $17.30

Maryland Allegany County Detention Center $1.25 $8.45 $1.25 $8.45 $1.25 $8.45 $1.25 $8.45 Worcester County Jail $1.00 $7.20 $1.00 $7.20 $1.00 $7.20 $1.00 $7.20

Massachusetts Middlesex County Jail $4.50 $17.30 $4.50 $17.30 $4.50 $17.30 $4.50 $17.30 Worcester County Jail $4.50 $17.30 $4.50 $17.30 $4.50 $17.30 $4.50 $17.30

Michigan Wayne County Jail Division 1 $7.20 $7.20 $9.60 $9.60 $3.75 $3.75 $9.60 $9.60 Kent County Correctional Facility $6.70 $17.30 $6.70 $17.30 $6.70 $17.30 $6.70 $17.30

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State County Advance Connect Direct Bill Inmate Debit Collect Local Interstate Local Interstate Local Interstate Local Interstate

Minnesota Hennepin County Jail $2.20 $17.30 $2.20 $17.30 $2.20 $17.30 $2.20 $17.30 Ramsey County Jail $2.20 $14.30 $2.20 $14.30 $2.20 $14.30 $2.20 $14.30

Mississippi Hinds County Detention - Raymond $3.98 $17.30 $3.98 $17.30 $3.98 $17.30 $3.98 $17.30 Harrison County Adult Detention Ctr $3.00 $17.30 $3.00 $17.30 $3.00 $17.30 $3.00 $17.30

Missouri Jackson County Detention Center $2.05 $17.74 $2.05 $17.74 $1.85 $15.97 $2.05 $17.74 St. Charles County Jail $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00

Montana Flathead County Adult Detention $2.90 $17.30 $2.90 $17.30 $2.90 $17.30 $2.90 $17.30 Cascade County Adult Detention $2.90 $17.30 $2.90 $17.30 $2.90 $17.30 $2.90 $17.30

Nebraska Sarpy County Jail $1.50 $17.30 $1.50 $17.30 $1.50 $17.30 $1.50 $17.30 Hall County Jail $3.75 $17.30 $3.75 $17.30 $3.75 $17.30 $3.75 $17.30

Nevada Washoe County Jail $2.79 $17.30 $2.79 $17.30 $2.79 $17.30 $2.79 $17.30 Elko County Jail $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75

New Hampshire

Hillsborough County DOC $5.60 $22.00 $5.60 $22.00 $5.60 $22.00 $5.60 $22.00 Rockingham County DOC $1.95 $17.30 $1.95 $17.30 $1.95 $17.30 $1.95 $17.30

New Jersey Passaic County Jail $4.55 $4.55 $4.55 $4.55 $4.55 $4.55 $4.55 $4.55 Cape May County Jail $4.25 $4.25 $4.25 $4.25 $4.25 $4.25 $4.25 $4.25

New Mexico Bernalillo County Detention Center $0.78 $0.78 $0.78 $0.78 $0.78 $0.78 $0.78 $0.78 Santa Fe County Adult Correctional $0.50 $2.00 $0.50 $2.00 $0.50 $2.00 $0.50 $2.00

New York Suffolk County Jail $3.25 $17.33 $3.25 $17.33 $3.25 $17.33 $3.25 $17.33 Ontario County Jail $3.83 $3.83 $3.83 $3.83 $3.83 $3.83 $3.83 $3.83

North Carolina Buncombe County Detention Facility $1.58 $17.38 $1.58 $17.38 $1.58 $17.38 $1.58 $17.38 Cabarrus County Detention Facility $1.71 $17.30 $1.71 $17.30 $1.71 $17.30 $1.71 $17.30

North Dakota Cass County Jail $2.95 $9.00 $2.95 $9.00 $2.95 $9.00 $2.95 $9.00

Ohio Stark County Jail $2.50 $17.30 $2.50 $17.30 $2.50 $17.30 $2.50 $17.30 Lorain County Correctional Facility $5.75 $17.30 $5.75 $17.30 $5.75 $17.30 $5.75 $17.30

Oklahoma Rogers County Jail $3.90 $16.87 $3.90 $16.87 $3.90 $16.87 $3.90 $16.87 Washington County Jail $3.90 $17.30 $3.90 $17.30 $3.90 $17.30 $3.90 $17.30

Oregon Multnomah County Inverness Jail $5.43 $5.43 $5.43 $5.43 $4.88 $4.88 $5.43 $5.43 Polk County Jail $2.78 $17.88 $2.78 $17.88 $2.78 $17.88 $2.78 $17.88

Pennsylvania Allegheny County Main Jail $3.05 $11.85 $3.05 $11.85 $2.40 $10.65 $3.05 $11.85 Erie County Prison $3.25 $3.25 $3.25 $3.25 $3.25 $3.25 $3.25 $3.25

South Carolina Horry County Jail $1.65 $17.30 $1.65 $17.30 $1.65 $17.30 $1.65 $17.30 Lexington County Jail $1.65 $17.30 $1.65 $17.30 $1.65 $17.30 $1.65 $17.30

South Dakota Brown County Jail $10.14 $10.14 $10.14 $10.14 $10.14 $10.14 $10.14 $10.14 Codington County Jail $3.09 $17.44 $3.09 $17.44 $3.09 $17.44 $3.09 $17.44

Tennessee Sumner County Jail $1.69 $17.49 $1.69 $17.49 $1.69 $17.49 $1.69 $17.49 Sullivan Correctional Facility $1.60 $17.40 $1.60 $17.40 $1.60 $17.40 $1.60 $17.40

Texas Harris County 1200 Baker Street Jail $4.00 $17.87 $4.00 $17.87 $4.00 $17.87 $4.00 $17.87 Tarrant County Correctional Center $3.11 $3.11 $3.11 $3.11 $3.11 $3.11 $3.11 $3.11

Utah Davis County Jail $3.96 $17.51 $3.96 $17.51 $3.96 $17.51 $3.96 $17.51 Cache County Jail $3.75 $17.30 $3.75 $17.30 $8.25 $8.25 $3.75 $17.30

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State County Advance Connect Direct Bill Inmate Debit Collect Local Interstate Local Interstate Local Interstate Local Interstate

Virginia Newport News City Jail $1.75 $15.80 $1.75 $15.80 $1.50 $14.21 $1.75 $15.80 Hampton City Jail $1.50 $15.19 $1.50 $15.19 $1.50 $15.19 $1.50 $15.19

Washington Pierce County Detention Corrections $2.74 $4.24 $2.74 $4.24 $2.74 $4.24 $2.74 $4.24 Benton County Sheriff’s Office $6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25

Wisconsin Brown County Jail $5.75 $17.30 $5.75 $17.30 $8.50 $8.50 $5.75 $17.30 Racine County Jail $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00

Wyoming Laramie County Detention Facility $7.80 $7.80 $7.80 $7.80 $7.80 $7.80 $7.80 $7.80 Natrona County Detention Center $7.07 $7.07 $7.07 $7.07 $7.07 $7.07 $7.07 $7.07

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Securus Renamed Prohibited Fees "Rates", and Charged More September 2013 vs. June 2017

ST County 2013

Connection Fee

2013 Flat Fee

2017 First Minute


2013 vs.

2017 AR Saline County Detention $3.65 $0.00 $3.76 $0.11 CA Maguire Correctional Facility - San Mateo $3.15 $0.00 $3.31 $0.16 CO Arapahoe County Sherriff’s Office $0.00 $2.50 $2.50 $0.00 CO Jefferson County Sheriff’s Detention Facility $2.20 $0.00 $2.53 $0.33 FL Broward County Main Jail $0.00 $2.35 $2.30 ($0.05) FL Palm Beach County – West Detention Center $1.75 $0.00 $2.10 $0.35 ID Nez Perce County Adult Detention Center $1.50 $0.00 $1.75 $0.25 IA Woodbury County Jail $0.00 $4.00 $3.95 ($0.05) KS Butler County Jail $3.60 $0.00 $3.66 $0.06 KS Shawnee County Jail $0.00 $4.05 $4.00 ($0.05) KY Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Corrections $0.00 $1.85 $1.80 ($0.05) KY Warren County Regional Jail $0.00 $2.75 $2.94 $0.19 MA Worcester County Jail $3.00 $0.00 $3.14 $0.14 MI Kent County Correctional Facility $2.95 $0.00 $3.20 $0.25 MN Ramsey County Jail $0.00 $2.20 $2.15 ($0.05) MT Cascade County Adult Detention $0.00 $2.90 $3.04 $0.14 MT Flathead County Adult Detention $0.00 $2.90 $3.07 $0.17 NE Hall County Jail $0.00 $3.75 $3.85 $0.10 NH Rockingham County DOC $0.00 $1.95 $2.07 $0.12 NJ Cape May County Jail $2.00 $0.00 $2.31 $0.31 ND Cass County Jail $0.00 $2.95 $3.18 $0.23 OH Lorain County Correctional Facility $2.75 $0.00 $3.11 $0.36 OK Washington County Jail $0.00 $3.90 $3.90 $0.00 OR Polk County Jail $0.18 $2.60 $2.87 $0.09 PA Erie County Prison $1.75 $0.00 $1.88 $0.13 SC Horry County Jail $0.70 $0.95 $1.65 $0.00 SC Lexington County Jail $0.70 $0.95 $1.75 $0.10 SD Codington County Jail $0.00 $3.09 $3.04 ($0.05) TN Sullivan Correctional Facility $1.10 $0.50 $1.69 $0.09 TN Sumner County Jail $1.19 $0.50 $2.06 $0.37 TX Harris County 1200 Baker Street Jail $0.10 $3.90 $4.06 $0.06 TX Tarrant County Correctional Center $0.00 $3.11 $3.06 ($0.05) UT Davis County Jail $0.21 $3.75 $3.91 ($0.05) VA Newport News City Jail $0.00 $1.75 $1.77 $0.02 WI Brown County Jail $4.25 $0.00 $4.48 $0.23 WY Natrona County Detention Center $2.57 $0.00 $3.05 $0.48

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Securus' Violation of Ban on Per-Call Fees Raised Cost of 15 Minute Rate

September 2013 vs. June 2017 State County 2013

15 Minute Rate 2017

15 Minute Rate Change In

15 Minute Rate AR Saline County Detention $6.50 $9.36 $2.86 CA Maguire Correctional Facility - San Mateo $4.35 $4.43 $0.08 CO Arapahoe County Sherriff’s Office $2.50 $3.90 $1.40 CO Jefferson County Sheriff’s Detention Facility $4.90 $7.15 $2.25 FL Broward County Main Jail $2.35 $2.44 $0.09 FL Palm Beach County – West Detention Center $6.25 $7.00 $0.75 ID Nez Perce County Adult Detention Center $5.25 $5.25 $0.00 IA Woodbury County Jail $4.00 $4.09 $0.09 KS Butler County Jail $5.85 $5.90 $0.05 KS Shawnee County Jail $4.05 $4.14 $0.09 KY Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Corrections $1.85 $1.94 $0.09 KY Warren County Regional Jail $2.75 $5.60 $2.85 MA Worcester County Jail $4.50 $5.10 $0.60 MI Kent County Correctional Facility $6.70 $6.70 $0.00 MN Ramsey County Jail $2.20 $2.29 $0.09 MT Cascade County Adult Detention $2.90 $5.00 $2.10 MT Flathead County Adult Detention $2.90 $5.45 $2.55 NE Hall County Jail $3.75 $3.99 $0.24 NH Rockingham County DOC $1.95 $3.75 $1.80 NJ Cape May County Jail $4.25 $6.65 $2.40 ND Cass County Jail $2.95 $6.40 $3.45 OH Lorain County Correctional Facility $5.75 $8.15 $2.40 OK Washington County Jail $3.90 $6.70 $2.80 OR Polk County Jail $2.78 $4.13 $1.35 PA Erie County Prison $3.25 $3.70 $0.45 SC Horry County Jail $1.65 $3.33 $1.68 SC Lexington County Jail $1.65 $3.15 $1.50 SD Codington County Jail $3.09 $3.18 $0.09 TN Sullivan Correctional Facility $1.60 $2.95 $1.35 TN Sumner County Jail $1.69 $2.34 $0.65 TX Harris County 1200 Baker Street Jail $4.00 $4.90 $0.90 TX Tarrant County Correctional Center $3.11 $3.20 $0.09 UT Davis County Jail $3.96 $4.05 $0.09 VA Newport News City Jail $1.75 $2.05 $0.30 WI Brown County Jail $5.75 $7.70 $1.95 WY Natrona County Detention Center $7.07 $9.77 $2.70

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Securus Intrastate Rates November 2016

State Facility 1st Min.

Charge ($) Add. Min

Charge ($) 15 Min. Rate ($)

MI Sanilac County Jail 8.20 0.01 8.34 MI Benzie County Sheriff 5.90 1.19 22.56 MI Roscommon County Jail 5.90 1.19 22.56 MI Van Buren County Jail 5.90 1.19 22.56 MI Marquette County Detention Center 5.87 1.16 22.11 MI Marquette Sheriff 5.87 1.16 22.11 MI Wexford County Jail 5.87 1.16 22.11 WI Iron County Sheriff 5.80 0.95 19.10 MI Branch County Jail 5.79 1.08 20.91 TX Oldham County Jail 5.76 0.41 11.50 MI Saginaw County Sheriff 5.73 1.02 20.01 MI Montcalm Sheriff 5.70 0.99 19.56 MI Alger County Sheriff 5.65 0.69 15.31 MI Ontonagon County Jail 5.65 0.69 15.31 MI Presque Isle County Jail 5.65 0.69 15.31 WI Shawano County Jail 5.65 1.06 20.49 WI Shawano County Work Release 5.65 1.06 20.49 MI Muskegon County Jail 5.64 0.97 19.22 TX Central Texas Treatment 5.63 0.68 15.15 TX Nolan County Sheriff 5.61 0.66 14.85 WI Price County Jail 5.61 1.11 21.15 MI Clare County Jail 5.61 1.19 22.27 TX Coastal Bend 5.57 0.62 14.25 TX Hays County Law Enforcement Center 5.55 0.60 13.95 WI Polk County Jail 5.53 1.11 21.07 MI Chippewa County Jail 5.52 0.88 17.84 MI St Clair County Jail 5.52 1.10 20.92 KS Ford County Jail 5.50 0.83 17.12 TX Lamb County Jail 5.50 0.55 13.20 MI Ogemaw County Jail 5.47 1.05 20.17 TX Hale County Sheriff 5.44 0.49 12.30 TX Montague County Sheriff – JSI 5.43 0.48 12.15 MI Missaukee County Sheriff 5.41 0.99 19.27 MI Arenac County Jail 5.40 0.69 15.06 MI Bay County Law Enforcement Center 5.40 0.69 15.06 MI Delta County Jail 5.40 0.69 15.06 MI Gladwin County Jail 5.40 0.69 15.06

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MI Gogebic County Sheriff 5.40 0.69 15.06 MI Grosse Pointe Park City 5.40 0.69 15.06 MI Holland Police Department 5.40 0.69 15.06 MI Houghton County Sheriff 5.40 0.69 15.06 MI Houghton County Work Release 5.40 0.69 15.06 MI Iron County Sheriff 5.40 0.69 15.06 MI Mackinac County Jail 5.40 0.69 15.06 MI Mason County Jail 5.40 0.69 15.06 MI Menominee County Jail 5.40 0.69 15.06 MI Niles Law Enforcement Complex 5.40 0.69 15.06 MI Schoolcraft County Jail 5.40 0.69 15.06 MI Washtenaw County Sheriff 5.40 0.69 15.06 MI Isabella County Jail 5.39 0.97 18.97 MI Ottawa County Jail 5.39 1.19 22.05 TX Ector County Detention Center 5.38 0.43 11.40 TX Ector County Jail – CEC/CiviGenics 5.38 0.43 11.40 TX Grand Prairie Police Department 5.38 0.53 12.80 WI Barron County Sheriff Department 5.37 0.78 16.29 WI Marathon County Jail 5.37 0.87 17.55 WI Marathon County Juvenile Facility 5.37 0.87 17.55 MI Baraga County Jail 5.36 0.69 15.02 MI Montmorency Sheriff 5.36 0.69 15.02 WI Forest County Jail 5.36 0.77 16.14 WI Green Lake County Jail 5.36 0.77 16.14 WI Jefferson County Sheriff 5.36 0.77 16.14 WI Manitowoc County Jail 5.35 0.76 15.99 AR Arkansas County Jail 5.35 1.40 24.95 AR Baxter County Sheriff 5.35 1.40 24.95 AR Mississippi County Detention Center 5.35 1.40 24.95 WI Chippewa County Sheriff Department 5.33 0.74 15.69 MI Antrim County Sheriff 5.33 0.91 18.07 MI Lapeer County Courthouse 5.31 1.07 20.29 MI Lapeer County Jail 5.31 1.07 20.29 WI Columbia County Jail 5.31 1.19 21.97 MT Pondera County Sheriff 5.30 0.67 14.68 KS Seward County 5.30 0.88 17.62 MI Clinton County Jail 5.29 1.05 19.99 WI Adams County Jail 5.29 1.17 21.67 WI Vilas County Sheriff Jail 5.28 0.69 14.94 KS MacPherson County Jail 5.27 0.85 17.17

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MI Alpena County Jail 5.26 0.84 17.02 MI Emmet County Sheriff 5.25 0.83 16.87 MI Cheboygan County Jail 5.23 0.81 16.57 TX Gray County Jail 5.22 0.27 9.00 TX Jack County Jail 5.22 0.27 9.00 WI Waupaca County Jail 5.20 0.20 8.00 WI Lincoln County Sheriff 5.19 0.77 15.97 AR Sheridan City Detention Center 5.14 1.19 21.80 MI Newaygo County Jail 5.14 1.19 21.80 MI Ottawa County Juvenile Detention Center 5.14 1.19 21.80 TX Hamilton County Law Enforcement Center 5.12 0.35 10.02 MI Alcona County Sheriff 5.11 0.69 14.77 MI Detroit Madison Center 5.11 0.69 14.77 MI Otsego County Jail 5.11 0.69 14.77 WI Florence County Sheriff 5.11 0.69 14.77 WI Pierce County Jail 5.11 0.69 14.77 WI Portage County Jail 5.11 0.69 14.77 WI Sawyer County Sheriff 5.11 0.69 14.77 AR Nevada County Jail 5.10 0.90 17.70 MI Shiawassee County Jail 5.09 0.85 16.99 MI Gratiot County Jail 5.05 0.82 16.53 TX Plano Police Department 5.05 0.55 12.75 UT Daggett County Jail 5.04 0.58 13.16 MT Hill County Detention Facility 5.03 0.67 14.41 VA Lebanon Community Correctional Center 4.99 0.69 14.65 MI Eaton County Sheriff 4.93 0.69 14.59 MI Jackson County Chanter Road Facility 4.93 0.69 14.59 MI Jackson County Jail 4.93 0.69 14.59 AR Garland County Detention Center 4.93 0.98 18.65 TX Crystal City Correctional Center 4.90 0.25 8.40 MT Musselshell County Jail 4.88 0.69 14.54 MI Genesee County Jail 4.88 0.93 17.90 TX Fannin County Jail 4.86 0.61 13.40 TX Fannin County Jail 4.86 0.61 13.40 AR Clay County Jail 4.85 0.90 17.45 AR Cross County Jail 4.85 0.90 17.45 AR White River Regional Juvenile 4.85 0.90 17.45 CA San Benito County Juvenile Department 4.85 0.90 17.45 MI Ionia County Jail 4.83 0.88 17.15 NY Livingston County Jail 4.82 0.40 10.42

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WI Green County Sheriff 4.81 0.69 14.47 WI La Crosse County Jail 4.81 0.69 14.47 WA Kittitas County Sheriff 4.79 0.70 14.59 MI Lansing Police Department 4.79 0.25 8.29 MT Custer County Jail 4.78 0.69 14.44 MT Lincoln County Jail 4.78 0.69 14.44 MT Richland County Sheriff 4.78 0.69 14.44 MT Park County Detention Center 4.74 0.69 14.40 NE Hall County Doc 4.74 0.79 15.80 WI Grant County Sheriff 4.74 0.79 15.80 WA Cowlitz County Jail 4.73 0.64 13.69 MT Butte Silverbow County Jail 4.70 0.61 13.24 WI Oconto County Jail 4.70 0.70 14.50 WI Vernon County Sheriff 4.70 0.75 15.20 TX Kleberg County 4.69 0.49 11.55 WI Brown County Jail / Juvenile Detention 4.67 0.72 14.75 WI Brown County Work Release Center 4.67 0.72 14.75 VA Newport News City – All Locations 4.66 0.71 14.60 VA Newport News City – Juvenile Detention 4.66 0.71 14.60 AR Marion County Jail 4.64 0.69 14.30 AR Osceola Criminal Justice Center 4.64 0.69 14.30 MI Flint Police Department 4.64 0.69 14.30 MI Kent County Correctional Facility 4.64 0.69 14.30 MI Kent County Courthouse Holding 4.64 0.69 14.30 MT Fallon County Sheriff 4.64 0.69 14.30 NE Phelps County Correctional 4.64 0.69 14.30 WI Buffalo County Sheriff 4.64 0.69 14.30 WI Monroe County Sheriff 4.64 0.69 14.30 MT Flathead County Jail 4.62 0.67 14.00 TX Bastrop County Jail 4.62 0.12 6.30 KS Labette County Jail 4.61 1.01 18.75 MT Cascade County 4.59 0.64 13.55 MT Cascade County Adult Detention Center 4.59 0.64 13.55 MT Anaconda Police Department 4.59 0.50 11.59 MT Beaverhead County Jail 4.59 0.50 11.59 MT Lake County Detention Facility 4.59 0.50 11.59 MT Ravalli County Sheriff 4.59 0.50 11.59 MT Chouteau County Detention Center 4.55 0.50 11.55 MT Toole County Jail 4.55 0.50 11.55 WA Benton Franklin Juvenile Facility 4.54 0.59 12.80

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MI Iosco County Sheriff 4.45 0.45 10.75 MT Fergus County Sheriff 4.45 0.50 11.45 TX Ray D Anderson Community Corrections 4.42 0.91 17.16 TX Uvalde County 4.41 0.31 8.75 TX Madison County Sheriff 4.37 0.85 16.27 NY Niagara County Correctional Facility 4.35 0.40 9.95 TX Grayson County 4.35 0.58 12.47 TN Johnson City Jail 4.34 0.66 13.58 TX Wood County Sheriff Department 4.33 0.56 12.17 TX Coryell County Sheriff 4.32 0.70 14.12 MI Ingham County Correctional Facility 4.32 0.53 11.74 TX Hudspeth County Sheriff – JSI 4.31 0.70 14.11 IL Pike County Jail 4.31 0.81 15.65 CO Chief Ignacio Justice Center 4.31 0.56 12.15 TN Hamblen County Jail 4.28 0.60 12.68 TX Wilson County Jail 4.25 0.73 14.47 IA Allamakee County Jail 4.25 0.50 11.25 TN Chester County Jail 4.25 0.57 12.23 TX Lasalle Regional Detention Center 4.24 0.72 14.32 IL St Clair County Jail 4.23 0.68 13.75 TN Sullivan County Sheriff 4.22 0.58 12.34 TX San Jacinto County Sheriff 4.20 0.68 13.72 WY Goshen County Detention Center 4.20 0.50 11.20 TX Atascosa County Jail 4.19 0.57 12.17 TX Titus County Jail 4.17 0.65 13.27 MN Goodhue Sheriff 4.17 0.57 12.15 TN Sullivan Correctional Facility Building 2 4.17 0.58 12.29 TX Wise County Sheriff 4.16 0.64 13.12 TX Brazoria County Sheriff Jail 4.16 0.65 13.26 KS Stevens County Jail 4.16 0.66 13.40 NE Kimball County Sheriff 4.16 0.66 13.40 NE Richardson County Jail 4.16 0.66 13.40 MI Dickinson County Jail 4.16 0.37 9.34 TX Starr County Jail 4.15 0.63 12.97 IL Randolph County Jail 4.15 0.80 15.35 TX Upshur County Jail 4.12 0.60 12.52 TX Zavala County Jail 4.11 0.49 10.97 KS Meade County Jail 4.11 0.51 11.25 MN McLeod County Jail 4.10 0.50 11.10 TX Comal County Jail 4.09 0.49 10.95

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CA Lassen County Jail – All Locations 4.08 0.98 17.80 TX Willacy County Jail 4.08 0.56 11.92 TX Harris County – All Locations 4.03 0.45 10.33 TX San Patricio County Jail 4.03 0.51 11.17 TX Hopkins County Jail 4.03 0.53 11.45

TX Taylor County Substance Abuse Treatment Center 4.02 0.50 11.02

IL White County Jail 4.02 0.52 11.30 KS Edwards County Jail 4.01 0.95 17.31 TX Midlothian City Jail 4.01 0.39 9.47 TX Kaufman County Law Enforcement Center 4.01 0.49 10.87 IL Marshall County Sheriff 4.01 0.51 11.15 IL Stark County Jail 4.01 0.51 11.15 KS Butler County Corrections 4.01 0.51 11.15 KS Elk County Jail 4.01 0.51 11.15 KS Graham County Jail 4.01 0.51 11.15 MO Jennings Adult Correctional Facility 4.01 1.16 20.25 UT Millard County Jail 4.00 0.79 15.06 KS Shawnee County Adult Detention Center 4.00 0.01 4.14 KS Shawnee County Juvenile Detention Center 4.00 0.01 4.14 IA Appanoose County Jail 4.00 0.25 7.50 IL Tazewell County Justice Center 4.00 0.38 9.32 IA Audubon County Jail 4.00 0.50 11.00 IA Crawford County Jail 4.00 0.50 11.00 IA Monona County Sheriff 4.00 0.50 11.00 IA Pocahontas County Jail 4.00 0.50 11.00 AR Saline County Detention Center 3.99 0.34 8.75 TX Burleson County Jail 3.99 0.47 10.57 IL Vermilion County Jail 3.96 0.61 12.50 IL Mclean County Jail 3.95 0.60 12.35 IA Woodbury County Jail 3.95 0.01 4.09 IA Woodbury County Work Release 3.95 0.01 4.09 PA Union County Prison 3.95 0.45 10.25 TX Jasper County Law Enforcement Center 3.93 0.66 13.17 IL Adams County Jail 3.93 0.38 9.25 KS Saline County Jail 3.93 0.43 9.95 IA Mahaska County Jail 3.92 0.32 8.40 IA Webster County Jail 3.92 0.32 8.40 TX Brownsville Police Department 3.92 0.41 9.66 TX Collingsworth County Jail 3.92 0.41 9.66

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TX Liberty County Jail 3.91 0.64 12.87 MO Crawford County Jail 3.91 0.66 13.15 UT Davis County Jail 3.91 0.01 4.05 IL Bond County Sheriff 3.91 0.29 7.97 TX Desoto City Jail 3.91 0.39 9.37 TX Duval County Jail 3.91 0.39 9.37 TX Kaufman Co. Jail 3.91 0.39 9.37 TX Menard County Sheriff 3.91 0.39 9.37 TX Trinity County Sheriff 3.91 0.39 9.37 IL Macoupin County Jail 3.90 0.30 8.10 AR Lake Village City Jail 3.90 0.40 9.50 IL Ogle County Jail 3.90 0.40 9.50 WI Eau Claire County Jail 3.88 0.71 13.82 WI Eau Claire County Jail – Main 3.88 0.71 13.82 CA Napa County DOC 3.88 0.78 14.80 CA Napa County Juvenile Probation 3.88 0.78 14.80 IA Wapello County Jail 3.88 0.28 7.80 TX Wichita County Jail Annex 3.87 0.39 9.33 IL Woodford County Jail 3.86 0.36 8.90 TX Irving Police Department 3.86 0.36 8.90 TX Mesquite Police Department 3.86 0.36 8.90 IL Ford County Jail 3.86 0.49 10.72 IL Rock Island Sheriff 3.86 0.51 11.00 KS Dickinson County Jail 3.85 0.85 15.75 OK Del City Police Department 3.85 0.01 3.99 IL Madison County Jail 3.85 0.35 8.75 CA San Mateo County - Maguire Correctional 3.84 0.69 13.50 IL Piatt County Sheriff 3.84 0.49 10.70 IL Alton City Police Department 3.82 0.27 7.60 IL Stephenson County Jail 3.82 0.32 8.30 KS Ellsworth County Jail 3.82 0.36 8.86 IL Grundy County Sheriff 3.82 0.47 10.40 MO Mississippi County Detention Center 3.82 0.57 11.80 WY Big Horn County Detention Center 3.81 0.61 12.35 IN Lagrange County Sheriff 3.81 0.81 15.15 IN Morgan County Jail 3.81 0.81 15.15 IL Clay County Jail 3.81 0.31 8.15 IL Monroe County Jail 3.81 0.31 8.15 IL Mason County Sheriff 3.80 0.30 8.00 IL Menard County Jail 3.80 0.30 8.00

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IL Saline County Jail 3.80 0.30 8.00 CA Mariposa County Sheriff 3.79 0.69 13.45 CA Mono County Mammoth Lakes Courthouse 3.79 0.69 13.45 CA Mono County Sheriff 3.79 0.69 13.45 CA Monterey County Probation Office 3.79 0.69 13.45 CA Monterey County Youth Center 3.79 0.69 13.45 CA Trinity County Probation 3.79 0.69 13.45 CA Volunteers Of America - Los Angeles 3.79 0.69 13.45 PA Potter County Jail 3.78 0.35 8.68 KS Ottawa County Jail 3.77 0.77 14.55 IL Granite City Jail 3.77 0.27 7.55 MO Cape Girardeau Police Department 3.76 0.66 13.00 MO Grundy County Detention Center 3.76 1.16 20.00 IN Shelby County Sheriff 3.75 0.75 14.25 IA Clarke County Jail 3.75 0.25 7.25 IA Marion County Jail 3.75 0.25 7.25 IA Mitchell County Jail 3.75 0.25 7.25 IA Bremer County Sheriff 3.74 0.74 14.10 IN Franklin County Jail 3.74 0.74 14.10 IN Hammond City Jail 3.74 0.74 14.10 IL Kendall County Jail 3.74 0.39 9.20 WY Hot Springs County Detention Center 3.71 0.76 14.35 WY Weston County Detention Center 3.71 0.76 14.35 IL Lawrence County Jail 3.69 0.32 8.17 IL Whiteside County Jail 3.69 0.32 8.17 TX La Salle County Jail 3.68 0.18 6.20 UT Garfield County Jail 3.68 0.47 10.26 IL McDonough County Jail 3.67 0.32 8.15 TX Cooke County Jail 3.66 0.64 12.62 IL Clark County Jail 3.66 0.29 7.72 IL Iroquois County Jail 3.66 0.29 7.72 IL Jersey County Jail 3.66 0.29 7.72 IL Mercer County Sheriff 3.66 0.29 7.72 IL Richland County Jail 3.66 0.29 7.72 TX Jim Hogg County 3.66 0.39 9.12 AR Greene County Detention Facility 3.65 0.65 12.75 IN Lawrence County Sheriff 3.65 0.65 12.75 IL Boone County Jail 3.65 0.30 7.85 IL Crawford County Jail 3.65 0.30 7.85 IL Dewitt County Sheriff 3.65 0.30 7.85

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IL Morgan County Jail 3.65 0.30 7.85 IL Warren County Jail 3.65 0.30 7.85 TX Lamar County Jail 3.64 0.62 12.32 MI Midland County Jail 3.64 0.64 12.60 MI Grand Traverse County 3.62 0.62 12.30 IL Henry County Jail 3.62 0.27 7.40 TN Carter County Jail 3.62 0.58 11.74 IN Jefferson County Jail 3.61 0.61 12.15 SD Codington County Jail 3.61 0.47 10.19 CA Lompoc City Jail 3.61 0.51 10.75 ND Cass County Sheriff 3.60 0.60 12.00 OK Washington County Jail 3.60 0.80 14.80 WI Racine County Jail 3.60 0.10 5.00 WI Racine County Juvenile Detention Center 3.60 0.10 5.00 OK Davis CCA 3.60 0.11 5.14 OK Ottawa County Jail 3.60 0.33 8.22 OK Cherokee County Jail 3.60 1.10 19.00 OK Texas County Jail 3.60 1.10 19.00 IN Greene County Sheriff 3.59 0.59 11.85 IN Rush County Jail 3.58 0.58 11.70 WY Park County Detention Center 3.57 0.37 8.75 IN Steuben County Jail 3.57 0.57 11.55 IN Sullivan County Jail 3.57 0.57 11.55 WY Converse County Detention Center 3.55 0.35 8.45 VA Hampton City Jail 3.55 0.55 11.25 VA Central Virginia Regional Jail 3.54 0.54 11.10 CO Moffat County Jail 3.53 0.39 8.99 IN Montgomery County Sheriff 3.53 0.53 10.95 VA Roanoke City Jail 3.52 0.52 10.80 MO Arnold City Jail 3.51 0.66 12.75 MO Aurora City Police Department 3.51 0.66 12.75 MO Doniphan City Jail 3.51 0.66 12.75 MO Moline Acres City Police Department 3.51 0.66 12.75 MO Monett City Police Department 3.51 0.66 12.75 MO Northwoods City Police Department 3.51 0.66 12.75 MO Overland City Police Department 3.51 0.66 12.75 MO Sikeston Department Of Public Safety 3.51 0.66 12.75 UT Grand County Jail 3.51 0.30 7.71 IN Gibson County Jail 3.51 0.51 10.65 AR Conway County Detention Center 3.50 0.50 10.50

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AR Johnson County Detention Center 3.50 0.50 10.50 CA Seal Beach Police Department 3.50 0.50 10.50 CA Yuba Sutter Juvenile Hall 3.50 0.50 10.50 VA Alexandria Detention Center 3.50 0.50 10.50 WY Platte County Detention Center 3.49 0.49 10.35 IN Wabash County Jail 3.48 0.48 10.20 WA Island County Jail 3.47 0.67 12.85 UT Beaver County Jail 3.46 0.20 6.26 ID Valley County Jail 3.46 0.41 9.20 UT San Juan County Jail 3.46 0.51 10.60 TX Collin County – All Locations 3.45 0.01 3.59 KS Lincoln County Jail 3.45 0.35 8.35 IA Cedar County Sheriff 3.45 0.45 9.75 IN Daviess County Jail 3.45 0.45 9.75 UT Iron County Jail 3.40 0.18 5.92 IN Benton County Jail 3.40 0.40 9.00 IN Cass-Pulaski Community Corrections 3.40 0.40 9.00 IN Jackson County Sheriff 3.40 0.40 9.00 IN Putnam County Jail 3.40 0.40 9.00 IN Switzerland County Jail 3.40 0.40 9.00 IN Tipton County Jail 3.40 0.40 9.00 IN Warren County Jail 3.40 0.40 9.00 IN Warrick County Sheriff 3.40 0.40 9.00 UT Wasatch County Jail 3.40 0.40 9.00 VA Bristol Virginia City Jail 3.40 0.40 9.00 CO Saguache County Jail 3.40 0.51 10.54 CO Weld County – All Locations 3.38 0.13 5.20 TN Carroll County Jail 3.37 0.78 14.29 KS Phillips County Jail 3.36 0.36 8.40 IL Department of Corrections – All Locations 3.35 0.02 3.63 KS Smith County Jail 3.35 0.35 8.25 WA Wapato City Jail 3.35 0.35 8.25 WY Sublette County Detention Facility 3.35 0.35 8.25 CO Chaffee County Jail 3.32 0.43 9.34 CA Madera County Doc 3.32 0.57 11.30 KY Henderson County Community Services 3.32 0.57 11.30 KY Henderson County Detention Center 3.32 0.57 11.30 CA Sutter County Sheriff 3.31 0.30 7.51 UT Tooele County Jail 3.31 0.31 7.65 CA Amador County Jail 3.30 0.80 14.50

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IN Dubois County Security Center 3.30 0.80 14.50 UT Carbon County Jail 3.30 0.30 7.50 UT Emery County Jail 3.30 0.30 7.50 UT Juab County Jail 3.30 0.30 7.50 WA Forks City Police Department 3.30 0.50 10.30 MN Many Rivers Juvenile Detention Center 3.29 0.39 8.75 MN Olmsted County Adult Detention Center 3.29 0.39 8.75 SD Brown County Jail 3.28 0.64 12.24 CO Washington County Jail 3.28 0.39 8.74 MO Berkeley City Police Department 3.26 0.66 12.50 MO Festus City Police Department 3.26 0.66 12.50 MO Lee's Summit City Police Department 3.26 0.66 12.50 IL Will County – All Locations 3.26 0.29 7.32 IL Lee County Sheriff Department 3.26 0.36 8.30 IL Logan County Jail 3.25 0.35 8.15 ID Custer County Jail 3.25 0.50 10.25 ID Idaho County Jail 3.25 0.50 10.25 MN Waseca County Jail 3.25 0.50 10.25 MO Wright County Jail 3.24 0.74 13.60 IL Massac County Sheriff 3.24 0.32 7.72 OK Sand Springs City Police Department 3.23 0.22 6.31 CA Inyo County Jail 3.22 0.72 13.30 IL Jackson County Jail 3.22 0.32 7.70 IL Union County Jail 3.22 0.32 7.70 IL Williamson County Jail 3.22 0.32 7.70 KY Clinton County Jail 3.21 0.21 6.15 MA Franklin County Jail 3.21 0.21 6.15 IL Collinsville City Police Department 3.21 0.29 7.27 IL Henderson County Sheriff 3.21 0.29 7.27 IL Washington County Jail 3.21 0.29 7.27 MO St Peters Police Department 3.21 0.45 9.51 IL Douglas County Jail 3.20 0.30 7.40 IA Pottawattamie County Jail 3.20 0.40 8.80 WY Teton County Detention Center 3.20 0.50 10.20 IL Clinton County Jail 3.19 0.29 7.25 IL Perry County Jail 3.19 0.29 7.25 CO Summit County Jail 3.19 0.44 9.35 IL Greene County Sheriff 3.18 0.26 6.82 KY Carroll County Detention Center 3.18 0.43 9.20 MA Berkshire County House Of Corrections 3.17 0.17 5.55

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MA Berkshire County Jail 3.17 0.17 5.55 MA Ash Street Jail & Regional Lock Up 3.16 0.16 5.40 MA Bristol County Faunce Corner 3.16 0.16 5.40 IL Fulton County Jail 3.16 0.26 6.80 IL Macon County Jail 3.16 0.26 6.80 IL Shelby County Jail 3.16 0.26 6.80 KY Big Sandy Regional Detention Center 3.16 0.41 8.90 MO St Genevieve County Jail 3.15 0.90 15.75 WI Sheboygan County Detention Center 3.15 0.48 9.87 WI Sheboygan County Jail 3.15 0.48 9.87 AR Department of Corrections – All Locations 3.12 0.12 4.80 OH Allen County Sheriff 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Ashtabula City Police Department 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Auglaize County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Bedford Police Department 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Belmont County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Broadview Heights Police Department 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Brown County Adult Detention Center 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Central Ohio Youth Center 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Clark County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Clark County Juvenile Detention Center 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Clinton County Adult Detention 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Columbiana County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Columbiana Minimum Security NAC 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Corrections Commission Of NW Ohio 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Crawford County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Cuyahoga County Juvenile Detention Center 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Darke County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH East Ohio Correctional Center 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Erie County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Fairborn City Police Department 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Fairfield County – All Locations 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Fayette County Sheriff 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Findlay 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Guernsey County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Hanco*ck County Sheriff 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Harrison County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Holmes County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Jackson County Correctional 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Knox County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15

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OH Lawrence County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Licking County Justice Center 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Logan County Juvenile Detention Center 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Logan County Sheriff 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Lorain County Correctional Facility 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Lorain Police Department 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Maple Heights Police Department 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Medina County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Medina County Juvenile Detention Center 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Meigs County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Miami County Incarceration Facility 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Miami County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Middleport City Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Morrow County Sheriff 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Multi-County Correctional Center 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Multi-County Juvenile Detention Center 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Noble County Sheriff 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH North Central Ohio Rehabilitation 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH North Royalton City Police Department 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Northwest Community Correctional Center 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Northwest Ohio Juvenile Detention Center 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Parma Police Department 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Pickaway County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Portage County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Portage/Geauga Juvenile Detention Center 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Preble County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Putnam County Sheriff 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Richland County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Ross County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Scioto County 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Scioto County Correctional Center 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Southeast Ohio Regional Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Tri County Regional Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Van Wert County Correctional Facility 3.11 0.36 8.15

OH Wayne County Discipline & Rehabilitation Center 3.11 0.36 8.15

OH Wayne County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Western Ohio Regional Treatment 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Wood County Jail 3.11 0.36 8.15 OH Wyandot County Sheriff 3.11 0.36 8.15

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WA Island County Juvenile Detention Facility 3.11 0.50 10.11 MA Barnstable County Corrections Facility 3.10 0.10 4.50 MA Dukes County Jail 3.10 0.10 4.50 MA Worcester County Jail 3.10 0.10 4.50 KY Leslie County Detention Center 3.10 0.35 8.00 KY Three Forks Regional Jail 3.10 0.35 8.00 MT Sanders County Jail 3.10 0.50 10.10 NC Alamance County Detention Center 3.09 0.26 6.73 NC Alamance County Detention Center Annex 3.09 0.26 6.73 CO Fremont County Detention Center 3.08 0.29 7.14 KY Lewis County Detention Center 3.08 0.33 7.70 WY Uinta County Detention Center 3.08 0.53 10.50 CO Huerfano County Jail 3.07 0.43 9.09 TX Tarrant County – All Locations 3.06 0.01 3.20 KY Rowan County Detention Center 3.06 0.31 7.40 CA Trinity County Sheriff 3.05 0.30 7.25 CO Lincoln County Sheriff 3.04 0.25 6.54 TN Fentress County Justice Center 3.03 0.43 9.05 TN Fentress County Sheriff 3.03 0.43 9.05 WY Natrona County Detention Center 3.03 0.46 9.47 MT Broadwater County 3.02 0.12 4.70 CO Logan County Jail 3.02 0.23 6.24 OH Ashland County Jail 3.02 0.27 6.80 CO Broomfield City Jail 3.02 0.52 10.30 CO Lake County Sheriff 3.01 0.26 6.65 KY Kentucky River Regional Jail 3.01 0.41 8.75 MN Brooklyn Park Police Department 3.00 0.25 6.50 OH Carroll County Sheriff 3.00 0.25 6.50 SD Fall River County Jail 3.00 0.36 8.04 CO Laplata County Jail 3.00 0.50 10.00 KS Rice County Law Enforcement Center 3.00 0.50 10.00 MN Sibley County Jail 3.00 0.50 10.00 MO Scott County Jail 3.00 1.00 17.00 MT Jefferson County Detention Facility 2.99 0.01 3.13 CO Prowers County Jail 2.99 0.20 5.79 FL Seminole County Jail 2.99 0.24 6.35 NC Chowan County Detention Facility 2.99 0.31 7.33 NC Jackson County Jail 2.98 0.40 8.58 CO Montezuma County Jail 2.97 0.43 8.99 CO Park County Detention Center 2.96 0.32 7.44

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MT Lewis & Clark County Detention Center 2.95 0.05 3.65 MA Suffolk County House Of Corrections 2.95 0.10 4.35 MA Suffolk County Jail 2.95 0.10 4.35

OH Richland County Community Alternative Center 2.95 0.20 5.75

KY Meade County Jail 2.95 0.45 9.25 NC Henderson County Detention Center 2.94 0.36 7.98 NC Rockingham County Jail 2.94 0.36 7.98 NC Rowan County Detention Center 2.94 0.36 7.98 NC Rowan County Detention Center Annex 2.94 0.36 7.98 CO Aurora Municipal Court Administration 2.92 0.62 11.60 NC Columbus County Detention Center 2.91 0.33 7.53 NC Hoke County Detention Center 2.91 0.33 7.53 CA Calaveras County Sheriff 2.91 0.41 8.65 MO St Francois County Jail 2.90 0.65 12.00 CO Elbert County Jail 2.90 0.26 6.54 NC Iredell County Annex 2.90 0.32 7.38 NC Iredell County Detention Center 2.90 0.32 7.38 WY Washakie County Jail 2.90 0.35 7.80 OH Ottawa County Detention Facility 2.90 0.36 7.94 OH Ottawa County Minimum Security 2.90 0.36 7.94 MO Ferguson City Police Department 2.90 0.40 8.50 MO Phelps County Sheriff 2.89 0.64 11.85 WA Walla Walla County Jail 2.89 0.25 6.39 NE Dakota County Jail 2.88 0.63 11.70 NE Dakota County Jail 2.88 0.63 11.70 OH Shelby County Sheriff 2.88 0.36 7.92 CA Del Norte County Sheriff 2.88 0.38 8.20 OR Polk County Sheriff 2.87 0.09 4.13 CO Morgan County Jail 2.87 0.23 6.09 NC Macon County Detention Center 2.87 0.29 6.93 NC Scotland County Sheriff 2.87 0.29 6.93 NC Cherokee County Detention Facility 2.86 0.28 6.78 NC Cabarrus County Sheriff 2.86 0.36 7.90 NC Rutherford County Detention Center 2.85 0.27 6.63 CO Teller County Jail 2.85 0.31 7.19 NC Cleveland County Detention Facility 2.84 0.26 6.48 NC Cleveland County Jail Annex 2.84 0.26 6.48 NC Caldwell County Detention Center 2.83 0.33 7.45 CO Montrose County Jail 2.83 0.44 8.99

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NC Albemarle District Jail 2.82 0.24 6.18 NC Anson County Sheriff 2.82 0.24 6.18 NC Brunswick County Jail 2.82 0.24 6.18 NC Montgomery County Sheriff 2.82 0.24 6.18 TN Knox County Detention Facility 2.80 0.01 2.94 TN Knox County Jail 2.80 0.01 2.94 TN Knox County Work Release Center 2.80 0.01 2.94 CO Gunnison County Jail 2.80 0.15 4.90 CA Modoc County Jail 2.80 0.30 7.00 NC New Hanover County Detention Center 2.80 0.30 7.00 CO Otero County Jail 2.80 0.40 8.40 CO Routt County Jail 2.79 0.25 6.29 CO Delta County Jail 2.79 0.30 6.99 CO Delta County Work Release 2.79 0.30 6.99

ND Heart Of America Correctional & Treatment Center 2.76 0.40 8.36

CO Boulder County Jail 2.75 0.00 2.75 CA Santa Cruz County Juvenile Hall 2.75 0.25 6.25 NE Washington County Jail 2.75 0.50 9.75 VA Lancaster County Jail 2.75 0.50 9.75 CO Southern Ute Indian Tribe 2.74 0.20 5.54 CO Pueblo County Detention Center 2.74 0.24 6.10 CO Pueblo County Judicial Building 2.74 0.24 6.10 WA Aberdeen Police Department 2.74 0.35 7.64 WA Toppenish City Jail 2.74 0.35 7.64 CO Clear Creek County Jail 2.71 0.17 5.09 VA Northern Neck Regional Jail 2.70 0.20 5.50 KS Barton County Jail 2.69 0.69 12.35 WA Asotin County 2.69 0.30 6.89 PA Wyoming County Correctional Facility 2.68 0.68 12.20 OR Union County Sheriff 2.68 0.25 6.18 WA Sunnyside City Police Department 2.68 0.54 10.24 CA Butte County Jail 2.67 0.42 8.55 CA Butte County Juvenile Hall 2.67 0.42 8.55 MO Pike County Detention Center 2.67 0.42 8.55 OR Klamath County Sheriff 2.67 0.49 9.53 CO Alamosa County Detention Center 2.66 0.27 6.44 NC Richmond County Jail 2.66 0.41 8.40 MA Essex County – All Locations 2.65 0.15 4.75 OH Strongsville Police Department 2.65 0.15 4.75

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MO Boone County Commission 2.65 0.40 8.25 MO Kansas City Police Dept. – All Locations 2.65 0.40 8.25 NE Adams County Jail 2.65 0.40 8.25 NC Bladen County Sheriff 2.62 0.29 6.68 IA Polk County 2.60 0.01 2.74 CO Arapahoe County Sheriff 2.60 0.10 4.00 NC Pender County Jail 2.60 0.27 6.38 CO Bent County Jail 2.60 0.35 7.50 WA Cowlitz County Juvenile Facility 2.60 0.35 7.50 WA Walla Walla County Juvenile 2.60 0.35 7.50 FL Madison County Jail 2.58 0.22 5.66 CO Denver County Jail 2.55 0.01 2.69 CO Downtown Detention Center 2.55 0.01 2.69 CO Rio Grande County Jail 2.55 0.15 4.65 NJ Passaic Co Jail - Work Release/Motor Pool 2.55 0.25 6.05 NJ Passaic County Jail 2.55 0.25 6.05 CA Fresno County Juvenile Justice Center 2.55 0.30 6.75 OH Ashtabula County Jail 2.55 0.30 6.75 NC Union County Jail 2.55 0.31 6.89 CO Jefferson County Sheriff's Booking 2.53 0.33 7.15 CO Jefferson County Sheriff's Detention Facility 2.53 0.33 7.15 NE Saunders County Jail 2.53 0.38 7.85 FL Escambia County Road Prison 2.53 0.42 8.41 CA Monterey County Jail 2.50 0.17 4.88 CA San Mateo County Youth Services Center 2.50 0.25 6.00 SC Greenville County Detention Center 2.50 0.33 7.12 SC Abbeville County Detention Center 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Aiken County Detention Center 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Cherokee County Jail 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Chesterfield County Detention Center 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Chesterfield County Work Camp 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Darlington County Detention Center 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Dillon County Detention Center 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Edgefield County Jail 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Greenwood County Jail 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Horry County Detention Center 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Jasper County Detention Center 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Lancaster County Jail 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Laurens County Jail 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Oconee County Law Enforcement 2.50 0.40 8.10

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SC Pickens County Detention Facility 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Rock Hill City Jail 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Union County Jail 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC Union County Prison Camp 2.50 0.40 8.10 SC York County Jail 2.50 0.40 8.10 CO Las Animas County Jail 2.49 0.10 3.89 NC Dare County Detention Center 2.49 0.24 5.85 PA Tioga County Prison 2.49 0.49 9.35 CO Mesa County Jail 2.48 0.23 5.70 CO Mesa County Jail Work Release 2.48 0.23 5.70 TX Andrews County Jail 2.45 0.01 2.59 WA Clallam County Correctional Facility 2.44 0.55 10.14 OR Clatsop County Sheriff 2.43 0.25 5.93 FL Jackson County Jail 2.43 0.43 8.45 VA Patrick County Jail 2.42 0.35 7.32 IN Decatur County Jail 2.41 0.24 5.77 KS Sumner County Jail 2.41 0.41 8.15

NH Rockingham County Department of Corrections 2.39 0.42 8.27

TN Dekalb County Jail 2.37 0.27 6.15 WA Marysville City Jail 2.37 0.48 9.09 WA Mason County Jail 2.37 0.48 9.09 FL Alachua County Jail 2.36 0.40 7.96

FL Okaloosa County Department Of Correctional Services 2.30 0.41 8.04

TN Morgan County Jail 2.29 0.10 3.69 PA Butler County Prison 2.27 0.27 6.05 NH Belknap County House of Corrections 2.27 0.30 6.47 NH Coos County House Of Corrections 2.27 0.30 6.47 FL Taylor County Jail 2.27 0.41 8.01 PA Warren County Prison 2.26 0.26 5.90 MN Scott County Jail 2.26 0.41 8.00 TN Cheatham County Jail 2.24 0.05 2.94 MN Sherburne County Jail 2.24 0.39 7.70 TN Hardin County Sheriff 2.20 0.10 3.60 PA Elk County Jail 2.20 0.20 5.00

ND Dakota Women's Correctional And Rehabilitation Center 2.20 0.27 5.98

WA Grandview Police Department 2.19 0.30 6.39 CA Hemet City Police Department 2.18 0.95 15.48 MN Ramsey County Law Enforcement Center 2.15 0.01 2.29

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PA Greene County Prison 2.15 0.15 4.25 MN Wadena County Sheriff 2.15 0.30 6.35 FL Lake County Detention Center 2.15 0.40 7.75 FL Lake County Jail/Sheriff 2.15 0.40 7.75 FL Marion County Jail 2.14 0.39 7.60 SD Davison County Jail 2.14 0.50 9.14 KS Osborne County Jail 2.13 0.75 12.63 FL Baker County Detention Center 2.13 0.38 7.45 TX Nueces County Residential Services 2.11 0.24 5.47 FL Suwannee County Jail 2.11 0.36 7.15 FL Palm Beach County Main Detention 2.10 0.35 7.00 MN Carlton County Jail 2.10 0.35 7.00 MN Carver County Jail 2.10 0.35 7.00 MN Rice County Jail 2.10 0.35 7.00 MN Rice County Jail Annex 2.10 0.35 7.00 TN Henderson County Detention Center 2.09 0.15 4.19 FL Volusia County Branch Jail 2.08 0.33 6.70 FL Volusia County Correctional Facility 2.08 0.33 6.70 KY Boyd County Detention Center 2.07 0.32 6.55 MN Washington County Jail 2.07 0.32 6.55 TN Sumner County Sheriff And Jail 2.06 0.02 2.34 FL Bradford County Jail 2.05 0.30 6.25 FL Broward County – All Locations 2.05 0.30 6.25 PA Crawford County Correctional Facility 2.05 0.30 6.25 WA Clallam County Juvenile 2.05 0.30 6.25 NV Lincoln County Jail 2.04 0.54 9.60 SC Pickens County Prison 2.00 0.22 5.08 FL Clay County Jail 1.98 0.03 2.40 KY Warren County Regional Jail 1.97 0.47 8.55 PA Clinton County Correctional Facility 1.95 0.20 4.75 PA Monroe County Correctional Facility 1.95 0.20 4.75 NV Eureka County Jail 1.95 0.31 6.29 NV Humboldt County Sheriff 1.94 0.30 6.14 KY Logan County Detention Center 1.92 0.42 7.80 TN Cumberland County Justice Center 1.91 0.22 4.99 TN Hanco*ck County Jail 1.91 0.22 4.99 NV Douglas County - Lake Tahoe Jail 1.91 0.41 7.65 NV Douglas County - Minden Jail 1.91 0.41 7.65 WY Natrona County Juvenile Detention Center 1.91 0.41 7.65 TN Greene County Detention Center 1.90 0.21 4.84

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TN Greene County Jail Workhouse 1.90 0.21 4.84 KY Floyd County Detention Center 1.90 0.40 7.50 TN Campbell County Jail 1.89 0.20 4.69 TN Tipton County Jail 1.89 0.20 4.69 NV Mineral County Sheriff 1.89 0.25 5.39 KY Letcher County Jail 1.89 0.39 7.35 PA Erie County Community Correctional Facility 1.88 0.13 3.70 PA Erie County Prison 1.88 0.13 3.70 TN Smith County Jail 1.87 0.18 4.39 KY Crittenden County Detention Center 1.87 0.37 7.05 KY Scott County Detention Center 1.87 0.37 7.05 NV Henderson Detention Center 1.87 0.37 7.05 PA Columbia County Prison 1.85 0.20 4.65 KY Clay County Detention Center 1.85 0.35 6.75 TN Weakley County Jail 1.84 0.15 3.94 NV Lyon County Jail 1.83 0.33 6.45 TN Scott County Jail Building 2 1.82 0.13 3.64 KY Nelson County Detention Center 1.82 0.32 6.30 TN Sequatchie County Sheriff 1.81 0.22 4.89 NV Mesquite City Police Department 1.81 0.31 6.15 NV Storey County Sheriff 1.81 0.31 6.15 NV White Pine County Jail 1.81 0.31 6.15 KY Barren County Detention Center 1.80 0.30 6.00 KY Woodford County Fiscal Ct 1.80 0.30 6.00 KY Hardin County Annex 1.79 0.29 5.85 KY Hardin County Detention Center 1.79 0.29 5.85 KY Hardin County Restricted Custody Building 1.79 0.29 5.85 KY Caldwell County Jail 1.78 0.28 5.70 KY Estill County Jail 1.78 0.28 5.70 KY Pulaski County Detention Center 1.78 0.28 5.70 TX Princeton Board Room 1.78 0.28 5.70 TN Jefferson County Detention Center 1.76 0.16 4.00 TN Jefferson County Workhouse 1.76 0.16 4.00 TN McMinn County Justice Center 1.76 0.16 4.00 WA Kent Corrections Facility 1.76 0.26 5.40 SC Lexington County Jail 1.75 0.10 3.15 ID Nez Perce County Jail 1.75 0.25 5.25 NV Lander County Sheriff's 1.75 0.25 5.25 ME Franklin County Jail 1.75 0.32 6.23 ME Knox County Jail 1.75 0.32 6.23

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ME Oxford County Jail 1.75 0.32 6.23 ME Penobscot County Jail 1.75 0.32 6.23 ME Piscataquis County Jail 1.75 0.32 6.23 ME Waldo County Jail 1.75 0.32 6.23 ME York County Jail 1.75 0.32 6.23

KY Louisville / Jefferson County Metro Govt – All Locations 1.73 0.23 4.95

NH Carroll County Department of Corrections 1.71 0.21 4.65 KY Otter Creek Correctional Center – CCA 1.70 0.20 4.50 ME Androscoggin County Jail 1.70 0.27 5.48 WV Division of Juvenile Services – All Locations 1.70 0.37 6.88 KY Community Transitional Services 1.68 0.18 4.20 TX Cypress Creek 1.65 0.00 1.65 TX Sandy Creek 1.65 0.00 1.65 NH Merrimack County Department of Corrections 1.62 0.07 2.60 KS Sedgwick County – All Locations 1.60 0.10 3.00 TN Hamilton County Jail 1.60 0.10 3.00 SC Hampton County Jail 1.58 0.33 6.20 FL Florida Civil Commitment Center 1.57 0.22 4.65 TN Bradley County Jail 1.53 0.13 3.35 MT Powell County Sheriff 1.50 0.67 10.88 WA Yakima County Correctional Center 1.50 0.12 3.18 WA Yakima County Jail 1.50 0.12 3.18 NH Cheshire County Department of Corrections 1.50 0.19 4.16 SC Hill Finklea Detention Center 1.50 0.38 6.82 NV Churchill County Sheriff 1.49 0.25 4.99 ME Cumberland County Jail 1.48 0.14 3.44 ME Hanco*ck County Jail 1.48 0.14 3.44 ME Kennebec County Jail 1.48 0.14 3.44 ME Washington County Jail 1.48 0.14 3.44 NH Sullivan County Department of Corrections 1.44 0.19 4.10 NC Franklin County Detention Center 1.38 0.01 1.52 MT CCCS – Watch East Treatment Center 1.34 0.20 4.14 MT Chippewa Cree Tribal Justice Center 1.34 0.20 4.14 MT CCCS – Nexus 1.30 0.30 5.50 MT CCCS – Start 1.28 0.28 5.20 NV Pershing County Sheriff 1.25 0.25 4.75 SC Clarendon County Jail 1.25 0.40 6.85 SC Sumter County Detention Center 1.25 0.40 6.85 MI St Joseph County Jail 1.20 0.70 11.00

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ND Bismarck Transition Center 1.17 0.17 3.55 SC Fairfield County Detention Center 1.15 0.15 3.25 NC Johnston County Jail 1.11 0.06 1.95 WI Bayfield County Sheriff 1.00 0.50 8.00 WI Rusk County Jail 1.00 0.50 8.00 OR Jefferson County Sheriff 1.00 0.57 8.98 SC Bamberg County Jail 0.95 0.28 4.87 TN White County Jail 0.90 0.30 5.10 IN Pulaski County Jail 0.85 0.35 5.75 IN White County Jail 0.79 0.29 4.85 MO Jefferson County Jail 0.73 0.73 10.95 IN Newton County Jail 0.68 0.68 10.20 MO Cape Girardeau County Jail 0.61 0.61 9.15 IN Dekalb County Jail 0.60 0.60 9.00 MI Wayne County - Baird Detention Facility 0.50 0.50 7.50 MI Wayne County - Dickerson Detention Facility 0.50 0.50 7.50 MI Wayne County - Old Wayne County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Adams County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Amite County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Chickasaw County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Clarke County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Copiah County Detention Center 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Desoto County Adult Detention Center 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Desoto County Expansion Facility 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Forrest County Juvenile Detention Center 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Forrest County Regional Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Greene County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Grenada County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Hanco*ck County Adult Detention Center 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Harrison County Detention Center 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Humphreys County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Jackson County Adult Detention Center 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Jasper County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Jones County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Jones County Juvenile Detention Center 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Lafayette County Detention Center 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Lauderdale County Detention Facility 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Leake County Correctional Facility - County 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Leake County Correctional Facility - State 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Leflore County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50

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MS Lincoln County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Lowndes County Adult Detention Center 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Lowndes County Courthouse Holding Cell 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Madison County Detention Center 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Neshoba County Detention Center 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Newton County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Oktibbeha County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Oktibbeha County Jail-Trustee Facility 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Panola County Detention Center 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Perry County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Picayune City Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Pike County Detention Center 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Prentiss County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Scott County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Tate County Jail- JSI 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Tippah County Jail - JSI 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Tunica County Sheriff - JSI 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Union County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Walthall County Jail - JSI 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Warren County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Warren County Juvenile Facility 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Wayne County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Webster County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 MS Yalobusha County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 NY New York City Department of Corrections 0.50 0.50 1.20 NY North Tonawanda Police Department 0.50 0.50 7.50 NY Ontario County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 NY Suffolk County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 NY Suffolk County Jail / Yaphank 0.50 0.50 7.50 OK Diamondback Correctional Facility – CCA 0.50 0.50 4.00 TX Rockwall County Jail 0.50 0.50 7.50 IL Kankakee County Jail 0.48 0.16 2.72 MI Wayne County - Road Patrol Lockup Facility 0.48 0.48 7.20 AZ CCA Florence Correctional Center (VTDOC) 0.47 0.10 1.87 AZ Ak-Chin Police Department 0.47 0.40 6.07 AZ Cochise County - All Locations 0.47 0.47 7.05 AZ Greenlee County Sheriff 0.47 0.47 7.05 AZ Yuma County Juvenile Justice Center 0.47 0.47 7.05 AZ Apache County Jail 0.40 0.40 6.00 OH Bedford Heights Police Department 0.35 0.24 3.71

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FL Hardee County Jail 0.35 0.35 5.25 TN Marion County Jail 0.32 0.22 3.40 CA San Diego County – All Locations 0.32 0.32 4.80 TX Fort Bend County Correctional Facility 0.32 0.32 4.80 TX Fort Bend County Juvenile Probation 0.32 0.32 4.80 TN Decatur County Justice Complex 0.31 0.21 3.25 TN Silverdale Detention Facilities – CCA 0.31 0.21 3.25 ID Benewah County Jail 0.31 0.31 4.65 UT Utah County Jail 0.29 0.29 4.35 SD Pennington County Juvenile 0.28 0.28 4.20 TX Bensmihen 0.27 0.27 4.05 TX Dover 0.27 0.27 4.05 TX Farrar 0.27 0.27 4.05 TX Leboeuf 0.27 0.27 4.05 TX Nicholson 0.27 0.27 4.05 TX Rohr 0.27 0.27 4.05 MO Threads Training 2 0.26 0.26 3.90 MO Threads Training 3 0.26 0.26 3.90 TX Denton County – All Locations 0.26 0.26 3.90 TX Texas Department Of Criminal Justice 0.26 0.26 3.90 MD Queen Anne\'S County Detention Center 0.25 0.14 2.21 CT Department of Corrections – All Locations 0.25 0.25 3.75 IA Story County Jail 0.25 0.25 3.75 LA Berwick City Police Department 0.25 0.25 3.75 LA Cedarwood Manor 0.25 0.25 3.75 LA Cedarwood Manor Women's 0.25 0.25 3.75 LA Jefferson Parish (Gretna) 0.25 0.25 3.75 LA Kenner Police Department 0.25 0.25 3.75 LA Lafourche Parish – All Locations 0.25 0.25 3.75 LA Morehouse Parish – All Locations 0.25 0.25 3.75 LA Natchitoches Parish Work Center 0.25 0.25 3.75 LA Orleans Parish – All Locations 0.25 0.25 3.75 LA Slidell Police Department 0.25 0.25 3.75 LA Terrebonne Parish Criminal Justice Complex 0.25 0.25 3.75 LA Terrebonne Parish Trustee 0.25 0.25 3.75 MD Garrett County Sheriff 0.25 0.25 3.75 MD Talbot County Detention Center 0.25 0.25 3.75 MD Worcester County Detention Center 0.25 0.25 3.75 MN Meeker County Jail 0.25 0.25 3.75 NC Madison County Detention Center 0.25 0.25 3.75

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UT Summit County Jail 0.25 0.25 3.75 CA San Joaquin County Jail 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Allen County Juvenile Justice Center 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Bartholomew County Jail 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Elkhart County – All Locations 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Floyd County Jail 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Hendricks County Work Release 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Johnson County Community Corrections 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Johnson County Sheriff 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Kosciusko County Jail 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Kosciusko County Work Release 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Laporte County Community Corrections 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Laporte County Jail 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Marion County Juvenile Detention Center 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Porter County Sheriff 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Tippecanoe County Community Corrections 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Vigo County Community Correctional Center 0.24 0.24 3.60 IN Vigo County Jail 0.24 0.24 3.60 TX Dallas County – All Locations 0.24 0.24 3.60 VA Blue Ridge Regional Jail Authority 0.23 0.23 3.45 IA Cass County Jail 0.22 0.22 3.30 IL Knox County Jail 0.22 0.22 3.30 IN Grant County – All Locations 0.22 0.22 3.30 IN Madison County Sheriff 0.22 0.22 3.30 KY Franklin County Fiscal Court 0.22 0.22 3.30 MD Dorchester County Detention Center 0.22 0.22 3.30 NC Avery County Sheriff 0.22 0.22 3.30 OH Mercer County Sheriff 0.22 0.22 3.30 TX Hall County Jail 0.22 0.22 3.30 TX Hays County Juvenile Facility 0.22 0.22 3.30 UT Cache County Jail 0.22 0.22 3.30 VA Southampton County Jail 0.22 0.22 3.30 VA Southampton County Jail Farm 0.22 0.22 3.30 WY Crook County Detention Facility 0.22 0.22 3.30 AK Department of Corrections – All Locations 0.21 0.21 3.15 AZ CCA Central Arizona Detention Center 0.21 0.21 3.15 AZ CCA Eloy Detention Center 0.21 0.21 3.15 AZ CCA Florence Correctional Center 0.21 0.21 3.15 AZ San Luis Regional Detention Center 0.21 0.21 3.15 FL Columbia County Detention Facility 0.21 0.21 3.15

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FL Sarasota County Jail 0.21 0.21 3.15 KS Leavenworth Detention Center – CCA 0.21 0.21 3.15 KY Department of Corrections – All Locations 0.21 0.21 3.15 LA Department of Corrections – All Locations 0.21 0.21 3.15 MA Middlesex Billerica Hoc 0.21 0.21 3.15 MN Northwest Regional Corrections Center 0.21 0.21 3.15 MS Adams County Correctional Center - CCA 0.21 0.21 3.15 NJ Cape May County Correctional Center 0.21 0.21 3.15 OH Northeast Ohio Correctional Center - CCA 0.21 0.21 3.15 PA Lancaster County Prison 0.21 0.21 3.15 PA Lancaster County Youth Intervention Center 0.21 0.21 3.15 TN West Tennessee Detention Facility – CCA 0.21 0.21 3.15 TX Bell County Central Jail 0.21 0.21 3.15 TX Bell County Loop Jail 0.21 0.21 3.15 TX Eden Detention Center – CCA 0.21 0.21 3.15 TX Limestone County Detention Center 0.21 0.21 3.15 TX Limestone Old County Jail 0.21 0.21 3.15

TX Rolling Plains Regional Jail & Detention Center 0.21 0.21 3.15

TX West Texas Detention Facility 0.21 0.21 3.15 AR Community Transitional Services - Pine Bluff 0.20 0.20 3.00 CA San Bernardino County – All Locations 0.20 0.20 3.00 GA Athens Clarke County Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Athens Clarke Diversion Center 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Atkinson County Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Baldwin County Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Bibb County Annex - G Wing 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Bibb County Main Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Bibb County New Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Brantley County Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Brooks County Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Bryan County Sheriff 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Bulloch County Sheriff 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Catoosa County Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Chattooga County Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Clarke County Correctional Institution 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Dougherty County Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Fannin County Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Grady County Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Harris County Prison 0.19 0.19 2.85

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State Facility 1st Min. Charge ($)

Add. Min Charge ($)

15 Min. Rate ($)

GA Jackson County Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Jefferson Correctional Institution 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Jefferson County 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Lincoln County Sheriff 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Macon County Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Marion County Sheriff 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA McDuffie County Sheriff 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA McRae Correctional Facility – CCA 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Oglethorpe County Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Richmond County Correctional Institution 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Stephens County Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Stewart Detention Center – CCA 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Tattnall County Sheriff 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Tift County Law Enforcement Center 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Troup County Jail 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Walker County Sheriff 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Wilkes County Sheriff 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Wilkinson County Sheriff 0.19 0.19 2.85 GA Barrow County Sheriff 0.18 0.18 2.70 GA Clayton County Detention Center 0.18 0.18 2.70 GA Dekalb County Jail 0.18 0.18 2.70 GA Fayette County Jail 0.18 0.18 2.70 GA Fulton County - Alpharetta Annex 0.18 0.18 2.70

GA Fulton County - South Fulton Municipal Regional Jail 0.18 0.18 2.70

GA Fulton County Jail 0.18 0.18 2.70 GA Fulton County Jail - Marietta Annex 0.18 0.18 2.70 GA Gwinnett County Sheriff 0.18 0.18 2.70 GA Hall County Jail 0.18 0.18 2.70 GA Henry County - Annex 0.18 0.18 2.70 GA Henry County Jail 0.18 0.18 2.70 GA Pike County Sheriff 0.18 0.18 2.70 GA Rockdale County Sheriff 0.18 0.18 2.70 GA Smyrna City Jail 0.18 0.18 2.70 IL Lake County Adult Correctional Facility 0.18 0.18 2.70 OR Multnomah County Detention Center 0.17 0.17 2.55 OR Multnomah County Inverness Jail 0.17 0.17 2.55 OR Multnomah County Juvenile Department 0.17 0.17 2.55 VA Hampton Roads Regional Jail 0.17 0.17 2.55 AZ Pinal County 0.16 0.16 2.40

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State Facility 1st Min. Charge ($)

Add. Min Charge ($)

15 Min. Rate ($)

GA Carroll County Jail 0.16 0.16 2.40 IL Kankakee CountyDetention Center 0.16 0.16 2.40 LA East Carroll Parish Female 0.16 0.16 2.40 LA East Carroll Parish Male 0.16 0.16 2.40 LA East Carroll Riverbend Detention Phase I 0.16 0.16 2.40 TN Hardeman County Correctional Center – CCA 0.16 0.16 2.40 TN Whiteville Correction Facility – CCA 0.16 0.16 2.40 AZ Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Chaves County Adult Detention Center 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Cibola County Correctional Center – CCA 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Curry County Detention Center 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM De Baca County Detention Center 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Eddy County Adult Detention 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Eddy County Adult Women Detention Center 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Grant County Jail 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Hidalgo County Detention Center 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Hobbs Police Department City Jail 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Lea County Detention Center – GEO 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Los Alamos Police Department 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Otero County Jail 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Quay County Detention Center 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Rio Arriba County Detention Facility - JSI 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Roosevelt County Adult Detention Center 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM San Juan County Adult Detention Center 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM San Miguel County Detention Center 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Sierra County Detention 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Taos County Adult Detention Center 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Torrance County Detention Facility – CCA 0.15 0.15 2.25 NM Vigil Maldonado Detention Center 0.15 0.15 2.25 WA Pierce County Detention Corrections Center 0.15 0.15 2.25 WA Pierce County Juvenile Detention Center 0.15 0.15 2.25 CA Riverside County – All Locations 0.14 0.14 2.10 FL Department of Corrections – All Locations 0.14 0.14 2.10 KY Lexington Fayette Urban Detention 0.14 0.14 2.10 MN Hennepin County – All Locations 0.14 0.14 2.10 NM Lincoln County Detention Center 0.14 0.14 2.10 TX Travis County – All Locations 0.14 0.14 2.10 IL Cook County Facilities 0.13 0.13 1.95 WA King County – All Locations 0.13 0.13 1.95 FL Lake City Correctional Facility - CCA 0.12 0.12 1.80

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State Facility 1st Min. Charge ($)

Add. Min Charge ($)

15 Min. Rate ($)

NM Sandoval County Detention Center - JSI 0.12 0.12 1.80 SC Georgetown County Detention Center 0.12 0.12 1.80 WI Department of Corrections – All Locations 0.12 0.12 1.80 WI Juneau County Justice Center 0.12 0.12 1.80 WI Oneida County Jail 0.12 0.12 1.80 MS Tallahatchie County Correctional – CCA 0.10 0.10 1.50 NM Valencia County Detention Center 0.10 0.10 1.50 TX T. Don Hutto Residential Center - CCA 0.09 0.09 1.35 ND Department of Corrections – All Locations 0.08 0.08 1.20 NM Bernalillo County Metro Detention Center 0.08 0.08 1.20 NM Bernalillo County Youth Services Center 0.08 0.08 1.20 NM Guadalupe Correctional Facility - GEO 0.08 0.08 1.20 NM Lea Hobbs County - GEO 0.08 0.08 1.20 NM Department of Corrections – All Locations 0.08 0.08 1.20 NM NM Women's Correctional Facility – CCA 0.08 0.08 1.20 NM Northeastern NM Detention Facility – GEO 0.08 0.08 1.20 NM Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility 0.08 0.08 1.20 FL Gadsden Correctional Facility - MTC 0.06 0.06 0.90 PA Department of Corrections – All Locations 0.06 0.06 0.90 MO Department of Corrections – All Locations 0.05 0.05 0.75

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Consolidated Balance Sheets December 31, 2015 and 2014 (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

ABRY Partners

Castle Harlan

2016 2015 2014 (March 1, 2013 –Dec. 31, 2013) (Jan. 1, 2013-April 30, 2013) ASSETS Current assets:

Cash and cash equivalents 8,275 6,202 2,063 2,334 67 Restricted cash 8,236 7,789 4,114 4,153 4,107 Account receivable, net 36,655 33,341 28,259 29,346 25,560 Inventory 3,827 4,224 - - - Prepaid expenses 10,830 15,532 8,870 7,172 7,021 Current deferred income taxes 11,268 11,292 9,125 6,830 6,067

Total current assets 79,091 78,380 52,431 49,835 42,822

Property and equipment, net 83,215 68,518 39,197 39,554 30,850 Intangibles and other assets, net 464,218 494,167 390,094 406,833 249,382 Goodwill 636,377 636,377 423,130 409,939 232,600

Total assets 1,262,901 1,277,442 904,852 906,161 555,654


Accounts Payable 19,760 19,137 14,347 18,020 14,451 Accrued liabilities 77,208 76,611 32,011 29,054 26,639 Deferred revenue and customer advances 26,349 25,322 19,449 16,315 14,304 Current portion of long-term debt 6,300 6,300 4,250 4,100 2,930

Total Current Liabilities 129,615 127,370 70,057 67,489 58,324

Deferred income taxes 81,435 74,684 67,363 63,516 30,639 Long-term debt 754,653 774,041 562,544 582,368 403,056 Other long-term liabilities 31,418 46,306 9,779 5,503 3,603

Total liabilities 997,121 1,022,401 709,743 718,876 495,622

Commitments and contingencies Stockholder's equity - - - - - Additional paid-in capital 266,657 254,208 197,794 195,475 64,755 Retained earnings 9,123 833 (2,685) (8,190) (4,723)

Total stockholder's equity 265,780 255,041 195,109 187,285 60,032

Total liabilities and stockholder's equity 1,262,901 1,277,442 904,852 906,161 555,654 Compiled from Freedom of Information Requests submitted to the State of Alabama

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Consolidated Statements of Operations Years ended December 31, 2012 - December 31, 2016 (Dollars in thousands)

ABRY Partners

Castle Harlan

2016 2015 2014 (March 1, 2013 – Dec. 31, 2013) (Jan. 1, 2013 – April 30, 2013 2012 REVENUE

Direct call provisioning 407,695 386,898 347,592 220,029 121,958 319,330 Wholesale services 28,871 27,699 24,792 15,655 7,472 20,895 E-commerce revenue 112,877 38,566 - - Software sales 5,210 5,256 5,978 759 - - Offender monitoring systems and services 29,006 25,920 26,255 798 - -

Total Revenue 583,659 484,339 404,617 237,241 129,430 340,225


Cost of service 268,379 226,099 197,885 136,953 70,474 194,783 Selling, general and administrative expenses 156,350 123,054 97,643 50,274 26,247 74,393 Depreciation and amortization 89,822 67,149 59,668 36,365 14,713 39,648 Transaction expenses (238) 10,383 772 680 12,384 323

Total Operating Costs and Expenses 514,313 426,684 355,968 224,272 123,818 309,147 Operating Income 69,346 57,655 48,649 12,969 5,612 31,078

Interest and other expenses, net 52,155 (47,785) (41,730) (25,487) (11,177) (29,799)

Loss on extinguishment of debt - - - - (21,748) --

Income (loss) before income taxes 17,191 9,870 6,919 (12,518) (27,313) 1,279

Income tax expense (benefit) 8,901 6,352 1,414 (4,328) (7,868) 280

Net Income (loss) 8,290 3,518 5,505 (8,190) (199,445) 999

Compiled from Freedom of Information Requests submitted to the State of Alabama

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Consolidated Statements of Stockholder’s Equity Years ended December 31, 2011 - December 31, 2015 (Dollars in thousands)

Common Stock

Shares Amount Additional Paid-In Capital


Total Stockholder Equity

Castle Harlan Balance, December 31, 2011 159,389 - 138,232 346 138,578

Dividends paid to parent - - (73,477) (6,068) (79,545) Net income (loss) - - - 999 999

Balance, December 31, 2012 159,389 - 64,755 (4,723) 60,032

Net income (loss) - - - (19,445) (19,445)

Balance, April 30, 2013 159,389 64,755 (24,168) 40,587

ABRY Partners Balance, May 1, 2013 1,000 - 168,507 - 168,507

Contribution from parent - - 25,560 - 25,560 Share-based compensation - - 1,408 - 1,408

Net income (loss) - - - (8,190) (8,190) Balance, December 31, 2013 1,000 195,475 (8,190) 187,285

Share-based compensation - - 2,319 - 2,319 Forfeitures of incentive units - - - -

Net income (loss) - - - 5,505 5,505 Balance, December 31, 2014 1,000 - 197,794 (2,685) 195,109

Contribution from parent - - 54,000 - 54,000 Share-based compensation - - 2,414 - 2,414

Net income (loss) - - - 3,518 3,518 Balance, December 31, 2015 1,000 - 254,208 833 255,041

Compiled from Freedom of Information Requests submitted to the State of Alabama

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Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Years ended December 31, 2012-December 31, 2015 (Dollars in thousands)

ABRY Partners Castle Harlan


2014 (March 1, 2013 – Dec. 31, 2013) (Jan. 1, 2013 - April 30, 2013 2012

Cash flows from operating activities: Net income

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:



(8,190) (19,445)


Depreciation and amortization 67,149 59,668 36,365 14,713 39,648 Deferred income taxes 5,300 (56) (4,426) (7,984) (489) Share-based compensation 2,414 2,319 1,408 - - Loss on extinguishment of debt - - - 21,748 - Amortization of deferred financing costs and discounts 3,698 2,061 2,433 914 2,108 Change in fair value of derivatives 1,700 4,546 2,804 7 221 Interest Income from amortization of notes receivable - - (304) (155) (430) Change in fair value of contingent consideration 7,577 - - - - Other operating activities, net (335) (420) - - - Changes in operating assets and liabilities:

Restricted cash 4,114 39 (2) (1) (3,006) Accounts receivable 681 1,507 (176) 1,941 589 Prepaid expenses and other current assets (5,834) (1,674) 5,004 (4,637) 1,046 Inventory (2,987) - Intangible and other assets (4,641) (294) 2,207 (250) (1,404) Accounts payable 4,237 999 (1,893) 1,013 1,208 Accrued and other liabilities 7,862 5,464 (1,298) 2,032 3,417

Net cash provided by operating activities 94,453 79,664 33,932 9,896 43,907

Cash flows from investing activities:

Purchase of property and equipment (39,429) (16,181) (8,045) (5,464) (12,348) Additions to intangible assets (26,698) (32,210) (19,194) (3,312) (22,214) Business acquisitions, net of cash acquired (286,819) (19,685) (126,665) - (21,379) Purchase of equity investment (1,378) - - - - Proceeds from sale of assets 202 - - - -

Net cash used in investing activities (354,122) (68,076) (153,904) (8,776) (55,941)

Cash flows from financing activities:

Related party activities, net - - 405,103 - Capital contributions - 25,560 - - Net activity on revolver 17,000 (18,000) 18,000 (16,000) 15,326 Long-term debt borrowings, net of issuance costs 197,141 14,775 81,819 - 64,451 Payments on and repurchases of long-term debt (4,250) (4,213) (1,025) (394,555) (2,780) Contribution from parent 54,000 - - - - Cash overdraft (83) (4,421) (2,048) 4,265 3,645

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 263,808 (11,859) 122,306 (1,187) 1,097)

Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

4,139 (271)

2,334 (67)


Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 2,063 2,334 - 67 11,004 Cash and cash equivalents, end of year 6,202 2,063 2,334 - 67

Supplemental disclosures: Cash paid during the period for:

Interest 42,762 36,091 20,608 10,232 27,918 Income taxes, net of refunds 1,992 1,293 442 (7) 1,217

Noncash investing and financing activities: Leasehold improvements 58 509

Compiled from Freedom of Information Requests submitted to the State of Alabama

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Securus Technologies Holdings, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Balance Sheets December 31, 2015 and 2014 (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)


ASSETS 2015 2014

Current assets:Cash and cash equivalents 6,202 $ 2,063 $ Restricted cash 7,789 4,114 Account receivable, net 33,341 28,259 Inventory 4,224 - Prepaid expenses 15,532 8,870 Current deferred income taxes 11,292 9,125

Total current assets 78,380 52,431

Property and equipment, net 68,518 39,197 Intangibles and other assets, net 494,167 390,094 Goodwill 636,377 423,130

Total assets 1,277,442 $ 904,852 $


Current liabilities:Accounts payable 19,137 $ 14,347 $ Accrued liabilities 76,611 32,011 Deferred revenue and customer advances 25,322 19,449 Current portion of long-term debt 6,300 4,250

Total current liabilities 127,370 70,057

Deferred income taxes 74,684 67,363 Long-term debt 774,041 562,544 Other long-term liabilities 46,306 9,779

Total liabilities 1,022,401 709,743

Commitments and contingencies

Stockholder's equity:Common stock, $0.01 stated value at December 31, 2015

and 2014; 1,000 shares authorized, issued andoutstanding at December 31, 2015 and 2014 - -

Additional paid-in capital 254,208 197,794 Retained earnings (accumulated deficit) 833 (2,685)

Total stockholder's equity 255,041 195,109

Total liabilities and stockholder's equity 1,277,442 $ 904,852 $

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


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Securus Technologies Holdings, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statements of Operations Years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014 (Dollars in thousands)


2015 2014

Revenue:Direct call provisioning 386,898 $ 347,592 $ Wholesale services 27,699 24,792 E-commerce revenue 38,566 - Offender monitoring systems and services 25,920 26,255 Software sales 5,256 5,978

Total revenue 484,339 404,617

Operating costs and expenses:Cost of service 226,099 197,885 Selling, general and administrative expenses 123,054 97,643 Depreciation and amortization expense 67,149 59,668 Transaction expenses 10,382 772

Total operating costs and expenses 426,684 355,968

Operating income 57,655 48,649

Interest and other expenses, net (47,785) (41,730)

Income before income taxes 9,870 6,919

Income tax expense 6,352 1,414

Net income 3,518 $ 5,505 $

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


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Securus Technologies Holdings, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statements of Stockholder’s Equity Years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014 (Dollars in thousands)


Retained Additional Earnings Total

Paid-in (Accumulated Stockholder'sShares Amount Capital Deficit) Equity

Balance, December 31, 2013 1,000 -$ 195,475 $ (8,190) $ 187,285 $

Share-based compensation - - 2,319 - 2,319 Forfeitures of incentive units - Net income - - - 5,505 5,505

Balance at December 31, 2014 1,000 - 197,794 (2,685) 195,109

Contribution from parent 54,000 - 54,000 Share-based compensation - - 2,414 - 2,414 Net income - - - 3,518 3,518

Balance at December 31, 2015 1,000 -$ 254,208 $ 833 $ 255,041 $

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Common Stock


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Securus Technologies Holdings, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014 (Dollars in thousands)


2015 2014

Cash flows from operating activities:Net income 3,518 $ 5,505 $ Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:

Depreciation and amortization 67,149 59,668 Deferred income taxes 5,300 (56) Share-based compensation 2,414 2,319 Loss on extinguishment of debt - - Amortization of deferred financing costs and discounts 3,698 2,061 Change in fair value of derivatives 1,700 4,546 Change in fair value of contingent consideration 7,577 - Other operating activities, net (335) (420) Changes in operating assets and liabilities:

Restricted cash 4,114 39 Accounts receivable 681 1,507 Prepaid expenses and other current assets (5,834) (1,674) Inventory (2,987) - Intangible and other assets (4,641) (294) Accounts payable 4,237 999 Accrued and other liabilities 7,862 5,464

Net cash provided by operating activities 94,453 79,664

Cash flows from investing activities:Purchase of property and equipment (39,429) (16,181) Additions to intangible assets (26,698) (32,210) Business acquisitions, net of cash acquired (286,819) (19,685) Purchase of equity investment (1,378) - Proceeds from sale of assets 202 -

Net cash used in investing activities (354,122) (68,076)

Cash flows from financing activities:Related party activities, net - - Capital contributions - - Net activity on revolver 17,000 (18,000) Long-term debt borrowings, net of issuance costs 197,141 14,775 Payments on and repurchases of long-term debt (4,250) (4,213) Contribution from parent 54,000 - Cash overdraft (83) (4,421)

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 263,808 (11,859)

Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 4,139 (271) Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 2,063 2,334

Cash and cash equivalents, end of year 6,202 $ 2,063 $

Supplemental disclosures:Cash paid during the period for:

Interest 42,762 $ 36,091 $ Income taxes, net of refunds 1,992 $ 1,293 $

Noncash investing and financing activities:Leasehold improvements 58 $ 509 $

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


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I hereby certify that on this 16th day of June 2017, a true copy of this Petition to Deny was electronically served upon the following: Tracey Wilson, Competition Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, [emailprotected]

Jodie May, Competition Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, [emailprotected]

Jim Bird, Office of General Counsel, [emailprotected]

David Krech, International Bureau, [emailprotected]

Sumita Mukhoty, International Bureau, [emailprotected]

Paul C. Besozzi Peter M. Bean Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP 2550 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037 [emailprotected] [emailprotected] Counsel for Transferor and Licensees

William B. Wilhelm, Jr. Brett P. Ferenchak Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20005-2541 [emailprotected] [emailprotected] Counsel for the Transferee

By: Lee G. Petro Lee G. Petro Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP 1500 K Street N.W., Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005-1209 [emailprotected] (202) 842-8800 (202) 842-8465 (fax)











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