The Buffalo Times from Buffalo, New York (2024)

It ccrwfcd Press Dispatches HIE BUFFALO EVENING TDIES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 91 1925. United Pres3 Disustcfica Pays to Be a "Widow." .1 1 cuUectea more Dispute Over "Gov. Ma's" Rule Rends Pastor's Home Street Lights To Bum Until After Eclipse The street lights will be kept burning Saturday until after the eclipse of the sun. This was uecided in a conference between P. S.

Sellers, general superintendent of the Buffalo General Klectric Commissioner of Public Works "Schwartz and W. C. Tenjost, street commissioner. The lights, at this time of the year, are usually turned off at 7:30 o'clock in the morning, but it was thought that on Saturday, due to the eclipse, it would be too dark to turn them off at the customary time. Bondsmen Surrender Cashier To Jail; $225,500 Missing Bank Wants Cemetery.

Midland Bank has asked government ss notion for the rliiv of a remeterr 30 feet 12 feet near MUi than the bank. LETTER FROM A FARMER'S WIFE 0 -iTee Young By Vnilrd Preu. DALLAS. Jan. 23.

Inauguration of "Ma" Ferguson as governor of Texas, has brought disagreement into the home of the Kev. W. E. Anderson, Baptist Hla wife doesn't approve of antagonism toward "Ma" and took up the cudgels in behalf of hr sex. Anderson announced he would preach Sunday night from Timothy 2:12.

"But I suffer not a -woman to teach or usurp authority over man." "I've warned him not to speak against 'Ma but to con demn dancing at the state capltol," Mrs. Anderson told the United Press. "We most not have strife. Mrs. Ferguson is oar governor and we must stand together." Mrs.

Anderson wants it understood although she doesn't believe in woman's suffrage and disapprove of dancing she is not exactly out of date In her views, he has bobbed hair and dresses as stylishly "as a preacher's salary will allow me." Anderson will preach Sunday night in a "Mother Hubbard" contrasting a preacher In feminine garb and a woman in male raiment. night. Painchard. who was also tellerJ For over two years I suffered! fry be prematurely old when tore perfect food, WhoU Grain heat girt yoa the satisfaction of constant physical fitness and boundless ertrrfj? Jnt wheat do thing added, nothing taken away. Bp Aaoeiated Pro.

LEBANON, X. Jan. 23. As a re-gait of tbe action of his bondsmen 1b surrendering him to tbe court last night, Arthur H. Hough, treasurer and cashier of the People's Trust Company, charged with falsification in his statements to the State bank commission, was lodged in Grafton County jail at Hr-rhlll to-dar.

Houph bad been at liberty in $10,000 bonds pending a hearing In euMTior Court next May. i-M-doHure Tuesday by tbe bank commissioners la whicfi it was said that huuiUKfs in the cloHod banking institution would exceed $225,500. wer followed esterday by the action of tbe bondsmen surrendering Hough. The resignation of Town Treasurer Borneo Painchard was announced last in the People's Trust Company, deposited town funds amounting to a quarter of a million dollars in the bank, according to town officials. SavtBg-a Acnisti Lt- Three thousand depositors are affected by the bank's closing.

Although not so deeply Involved as commercial account, deposits in the savings department will suffer seriously, hanking commissioners said yesterday. from pains in my side and back with headaches and weakness," says Mrs. Walter E. Anderson, a farmer's wife of Kangeley, Maine. "It seemed as though I could not get my work done from one day to the next, but Lydla E.

Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has restored my health so that now I can do all kinds of work, sewing, washing. Ironing and sweeping. I hope this letter will influence other women to take Lydia Pink hun's Vegetable Compound." Volumes of such letters from women explain why Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine of Lynn, is the greatest user of roots and herbs in the world. 9k? TURKISH BATHS at Hotel Statler $1 50 including a A salt (or alcohol rub, plunge, etc.

Open Atr mad night BofTslo Food Flinie 80 XV. Huron St. rhone Knn 3i4 AA f- nm TU MOTIVE Ten Brothers Soldiers. GLASGOW. Private R- R.

Mackay of the Black Wacch has nine brothers in the army. Complete Luxurious so ffoir5 Youa CMp Todlsiy No. 1. This puzzle blank is official and merely solved to aid contestants. N0 -J.

The Buffalo TIMES $1,500 The Following Of icial Crossword Pozzies and Order Tomorrow's Saturday TIMES "for Puzzle No. A Total of $1,500.00 in 75 Big Prices ULES First Prize. $500.00 Second Prize. $250.00 Third Prize lAIGlElD) lAlDlOl IM1 AjClE I EjSU IE A RT he E.LiiJLfL-o RG A A A MP HjA ARC LiL cJL IV A 1 6 A J- EJ JL A NJ ARmL: AJJL O.JD jE i TTm IcreteI (op i JiTO Nj lSH JE JL WEBAN SOOXl A CERCA) (TUN ICR kTJJS H.ER..D A AORIOLE SyjE lElMI I IRI IAIwILI IQtvtElNl Fourth Prize Fifth Prize Sixth Prize Seventh Prize Eighth Prize Ninth Prize JUST 30 DAYS Of a Little Fun For Everyone Hold All Your Puzzle Coupons Until Close of Contest Nothing to Buy Try It It's Easy 75 BIG CASH PRIZES With an Opportunity of Winning A $500.00 Cash Prize $75.00 $50.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 Governing The Buffalo TIMES $1,500 Crossword Puzzle Contest 1. The Buffalo TIMES Cimnword Purxle Contest is or eTr2LUJ" LJ i.

Buffalo TIMKS Urine in Buffalo or out of town. There will be 30 purxie 11 during the contest. 3. All emploTea of The Buffalo TIMES and their families are absolutely barred from participation in this Crossword Puzzle Contest. 3.

Print answers to puzzles in proper nquares so they can be easily read. 4. The basis of the award In prizes will he. first, acmracr in correctly Iviiig the sris of the thirtv crossword puzzles. Secondly upon the best or storv submitted with the answers to the puzzles sent In at the rlnt oi the coutest and made up of one or the solved words from each one of the puzzles, usins them in the order of their appearance; that is a word Trom puzzle No.

1 to form the first word of the sentence, one from puzzle No. the second word and so on until you have a sentence of 30 words. This Is nothing more nor less than taking one of the solved words each day from ach consecuUve one of the 30 puzzles and making a paragraph or 30 words from them. HOW TO ARRANGE THE SO WORDS Either horizontal or vertical words may he used, and the paragraph may he divided into more than one sentence if desired, and otherwise punctuated to improve the construction and continuity of the entire 30 words. Neatness and care displayed in the preparation of the copy will aUo be determining factors In the awards.

5. ro not send in your answer singly. Send them all tojrefher. along with the message, in one package at the end of the contest with your name and address plainly written on each puzzle. 6.

The awards will be made by a competent Committee of Judges who will judgre the answers received and decide who will receive the awards and the decision of the judges will be final. 7. It is not necessary to buy THE TIMES to enter this contest. A pen or pencil copy of each day's puzzle and coupon will serve. The coupon is printed only for your convenience.

S. Each contestant may submit as many series of puzzles as he sees fit. lut only one letter may and must accompany each series of 30 puzzles. However, tu no case is the same contestant eligible to win more than one prize. As many members of a family as care to may compete and as many priiea as are won in the same family will be paid.

9. Address all communications to The Buffalo TIMES Crossword Puzzle Editor. 195 Main Buffalo. N. Y.

The Puzzle Editor reserves the right to reject any letter er answer on which postage has not been fully prepaid. Tenth Prize PUZZLE NO. 1 In sending in your solution this blank is offered for your convenience. NAME 11th to 2 1st Prize $10.00 22d to 76th Prize $5.00 ADDRESS Do Not Mail Your Solutions Singly Hold Them Until the End of the Series-and Mail Them According to Instructions No. 4 Every one is working Crossword Puzzles just for fun No.

Be sure to clip all your Crossword Puzzles and save them until the close of contest. Try No. 3 Every reader can enter the TIMES $1500 Cross-word Puzzle Contest. Try No. 2 It's easy.

A $500.00 prize for a few minutes work each day. only. Why not join with the Cash Prize workers? A The Buffalo TIMES $1,500 flrnRswnrd PiiTle Contest TVT The Buffalo TIMES $1,500 110. Crossword Puzzle Contest TVT The Buffalo TIMES $100 INUe rirnsswnrH Piiy.le don test. The Buffalo TIMES $1,500 C.mwnrd Pnxle Contest 1 2 3 14- 1 17 8 i to T5 5 73 i7 Is 75 mtttmrn BSSBM BBBM 'MMH MBBBSSBBM BS iBW wmsmmti 3i 3( 37 3 8 3q I 13.

IS' PTT 15 16 I "IV a nr nr-nr1 T3 f5 iS 17 wr pp. 5 tt 23 EST- 2b 16 T7 "SB rH 33 -r 3T 3 3o- "-fcrJ is I 17 3 i7j rrv rs fd 1 1 XJX TsrTr Ti ts" ys 23 ss-pr rr TS- TT 33 IT1 33-34 1 5B 37 51 "SS I 55" It ps ww ss- "i -r -51 4r 3- L- rr'U 5 5 rr sr 55 rr 152 3jr-5y S3 S5 1 --pr PUZZLE NO. 5 In sending in your solution this blank is offered for vour convenience. Name PUZZLE NO. 4 In sending in your solution this blank is offered for your convenience.

NAME ADDRESS Do Not Mail Your Solutions Singly Hold "Them Until the End of the Series and Mail Them According to Instructions PUZZLE NO. 3 In sending in your solution this blank is offered for your convenience. NAME ADDRESS Do Not Mail Your Solutions Singly Hold Them Until the End of the Series and Mail Them According to Instructions PUZZLE NO. 2 In sending in your solution this blank offered for your convenience. NAME r-- address Do Not Mail Your Solutions Singly Hold Them Until the End of the Series and Mail Them According to Instructions Address Do Not Mail Your Solutions Singlj' Hold Them Until the End of ihe Series and Mail Them According to Instructions Key to Cross Word Puzzle.

VERTICAL Key to Ortws "Word Puzzle VERTXGAI. l. 11. IS. 14.

15. Key to Cross. HOEIZONTAL 1. Wooden receptacle. 3.

Proposed at a banquet. 7. Utili2e. 10. Strenuous exertion.

12. Tips. 14. Offspring of domestic pet. 16.

Edward (nickname), 18. A flower. 9. Fodder. 20.

A color. 21. TJecay. 2 2. Thomas ab- 27.

Used at every -meal. 2 8. Real estate. on Tb- fmm which metal la ex- HORIZONTAL. 1.

Top of milk. 5. Devoured. 8. Of Switzerland.

18. Rowing Implements. 14. Possessing vitality. 16.

A thought. 17. Snare. 18. Baseball slang for a bad play.

19. Close to. Meeting. 22. Famous cataract, pertly In Canada and partly in United States.

24. Turned aside. 27. Arrived. 29.

Auction. 33. An eQuilatera! parallelogram having oblique angles. 35. Poultry product.

1.. 2 4. 5. 6. 7.

9. 10. 11. 12. 14.

15. 21. 23. 25. 26.

27. 2S. 3). 31. Zi'.

17. 18. 19. Word Pozaie VERTlCAli 1. Vegetable.

2. Tender. 3. Stumble. 4.

Furred. Hsh-eatin animal. 5. Exhausted. 6.

Antonio (ab.) 7. One (French). 8. Used for motive power. -8.

To detect. 11. Correct ab.) 13. A verb. IS.

An instrument. 17. Course at end of dinner. 1. Country in Northern Europe.

23. Queer. 24. Place of rest. 35.

A number. 26. Always. 29. Other than this 30.

Body of water. 31. To chastise. 32. Build.

34. Fatigued. 35. A Joke. 36.

A man's name. 37. Close (spelled backward). 39. Spongry plant-like powth.

40. Morning: (ab.) HORIZOXTAI. Thre persons. In old time. Slumberer.

First proa plural objecuve pronoun. Ladiea. PrefU double. Seventh letter the Greek alphabet. Decay.

Weger. The pret blue and yellow macaw. Vessel. State of mind. Adverb of negation.

Devour. Iir. AlcohoUc beverase. The danger color. Paid newspaper notice.

Entries or particulars. Very. Puta clothes on. Bitter European fruit, regarded aa the granddaddy of the plum. A weighty volume.

1. Faithful. 2. Xxiet. 3.

Aged. 4. Without remorse. 5. Opposite of no.

6. Conjunction. 7. Pour forth i. Every boy 2aa longed, to wiggle hie.

10. Fondle. 12. Blemished. 14.

Marka out plainly. 16. Malicious burning. 18. Hard wood, used foi making Pipe.

20. Suitable. 21. An American Indian. 2 5.

Structures to Hold bac -water. 26. Past tense of 24 horizontal. 27. Typographical measurements.

29. Completed. 31. Wrath. 32.

Fixed. 34. Perform. 35. As.

Underground worKer. Word Puzzle VERTICAL 1. Large male deer. 2. Opposite yes.

8. An age. 4. Bottom of a. dress.

5. Identical with 54 horizontal. 6. To feast. 7.

An exclamation. 9. Excavate. 11. Toward.

12. A heavenly body. 18. Top of a small I. 16.

Form of the verb "to be." 16. No one. 18. It is, contracted. 19.

Not well. 21. Senator. 23. To obtain metal from ore.

24. Lengthwise. 25. Point farther in. 27.

Not good. 23. Time past. 30. Lubricant.

94. Go by. 15. To cauae pain or discomfort. 84.

Consume. 88. An expletive eynonymous with "darn." 49. Juice of a tree. 42.

Second person pronoun. 44. Wound. 45. A lara-e crushing snake.

4T. One time. 4. Toward. 60.

One and one. 51. Pointed instrument for sticking. 3. Third person singular neuter nronoun.

Key to CVoes HOIUZOXTAIi 1. Mentally balanced 4. Retain. 7. A prapoaltton.

8. Command. 10. That thing. 12.

A fish of the herring family- 14. Point. 15. Sometime hereafter. 17.

Obtained. 19. Strongr reeentment. 20. a like manner.

22. It is. (Poetic.) 24. Strons beer. 25.

Xot out. St. Steal. 28. IJttle.

80. Ftret fllgit. 31. It disappears when you atand up. 22.

Self. S3. Noise. 84. Seed container.

85. Sy one's aelf. 37. Guided. 38.

Indefinite article. 40, Put oneself. 41. Merry. 48.

Abbreviation for railroad. 44. Salt. 44. Also.

48. Halt. B0. Acme. 62.

Several things, acting together. 14. Either. Waiting for. ST.

Abbreviation for Connecticut. 88. Reverberation. (9. Mark down.

31. 22. 23. 24. 26.

26. 28. 30. SI. 33.

34. 36. Small beds. Less frequent. Periods of time.

Venomous serpents. Without company. A metal, used for plating cans. Occurrence. Bird's substitute for an arm.

Identical with 16 horizontal. Hums. Abraham's wife. Over. Possessive form of Erie.

Metric foot. The first man. Emblems or dress of royalty. Young horses. "With force or violence.

A larjre passnsrer vessel. To pass a law. Tendency. Chinese dynasty. (One of the greatest, founded in 206 B.

The heroine of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Tegal claim on property. PontifT. Sacred aong. Small lakes. To pay.

Hum a song. Malicious glances. Goddess of the hearth. Couch. Ntworlc.

Toward the Inside. A member of the ancient Persian race that founded the Medo-Persian empire. Common metal. Viewed To hiss a show. OV.

iwi tracted. 31. A pronoun. 33. An insect.

3 5. Intersection railways tap.) Separate. 38. Subdued light. 4 0.

Novice. 41. Well known fish. 49 Sounds made by bells. 4 3'.

Ilisrh explosive. 44. Iiffht pieces of aatire. 38 Festive. 39! The middle of a church, extending from the chancel to the main (entrance.

40. Up to. 42. Everyone. 43.

Nut. 44. Clip, with scissors. 44. Harbor.

48. A shellfish having a curved shell with wavy edges. 62. Group of students pursuing advanced courses. i E6.

Koe. 69. Auarury- C. Having a roundl projection, as the ear. jt 4 3.

Physicians iao. 41. 4 3. 4 5. 4.

47. 48. 50. 51. 64.

56. mm a. A WORD FOR BtUinncna i i Th hps wav to solve a crossword puzzle is to run quickly the Ji't of horizontal and vertical synonyms and compare the soaces in the puzzle extending crosswise or- down-them to tne spaces iii two i- nmf word which NOTHING TO BUY Clip the Crossword Coupon everyday and win a share of the Big $1,500 in Cash Prizes. Oaellc. hand.

Clenched A rlra Mohammedans. 2 63 64 65 thnimbe "of "paces available will quick will just lit Hi a rr vfin a fmrnda ion from 67. SS. 61. o'r mcultr: The words must An exclamation.

Toward. 55. 58. Little Fun for the Next Thirty Days. nAtl 111 MHVj iv 1 I To show the weakness of age.

A manufacturing town in Worcester County. Mass. Ij un keyed. Abbreviation for numbers. French author of "Life of 'hriJt." The un keyed letter is ft.) interlock periecuj.


I' I serves.

The Buffalo Times from Buffalo, New York (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.