The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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10 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: SATURDAY EBRUARY 27 1937 KING OJihY STAMPS will rouii be discontinued: their value will mul tiply! Two beautifully cancelled varieties also a complete JiiRola via War Set com plete Soviet Set Hindenburg Mourning Stamp and stamps commemorating the Russian Revolution the greatest social nphenval of modern history all for 10! lyric Stamp 70 Nassau St Dept 45 New York LEBLANC INED OTHER GAMING CASES ILED Adege LtBIanc of 689 Grattan street Aldenville paid a fine of $20 in district court yesterday when he pleaded guilty to maintaining a gam bling place ive other defendants pleaded nolo to charges of gambling on the Eord's day and all cases were filed Joseph rechette of 32 Provi dence street Rene leury of 709 Mc Kinstry avenue Charles McDonald of 89 Dale street William ortin of 28 Mary street all of Aldenville and Guy leury of 000 Main Street Hol yoke Atty Gerald 1 rep resented the defendants Stanley Rosinski of 02 Charpentier boulevard Willimansett was ar raigned on a charge keeping liq our with intent to sell and the case was ordered continued to March 5 following a plea of not guilty Bail of $300 was furnished CRASH WRECKS AUTOS AND HURTS ONE DRIVER Two automobiles traveling in the same direction on airview avenue at 110 yesterday afternoon were wrecked after a collision and one of the drivers required medical treat ment for injuries The drivers were Edwin Jakubowski of 1 15 Center street Chicopee and red Rypysc of 51 Tine street Chicopee Police re ported that Jakubowski was passing the Rypysc machine when the fend ers became caught The car that was passing overturned and both had to be towed away Rypysc was treated by Dr Michael lazarchik at the of fice on ront street CONERENCE HELD ON PLANS OR DIKE Mayor Anthony Stonina with city officials and representatives of the war department from Providence I conferred yesterday on pre liminary plans submitted for the pro posed dike on the north side of the Chicopee river The mayor and mem bers of the finance committee of the board of aldermen City Engineer Thomas Robinson and Superin tendent of Streets Edward A Bour beau agreed that the plans should be submitted to Congress for final ap proval CHICOPEE OBITUARY Mrs Margaret Casey Mrs Margaret Casey widow of John AV Casey died at her home at 69 Bell street Chicopee yesterday afternoon She was born in 'Ireland hut had lived for a number of years in Chicopee She was a member of the School society and the Society of Our Eady of the Sacred Heart of Holy Name church She leaves two sons John Casey a former mem ber of the Chicopee school committee and Albert Casey two daughters Mrs Barry and Miss Grace Casey one brother Timothy Lynch: two sisters Miss Nellie and Miss Annie Lynch and four grand children all of Chicopee The funeral will be held at the home at 830 Mon day morning followed by requiem high mass at Holy Name church at 9 Burial will be in Calvary cemetery The funeral of Mrs Margaret Baird wife of Thomas Baird of 29 Church street Chicopee alls was held yes terday afternoon at the John Shea funeral home Rev Henry Hitch co*ck officiated and burial was in airview cemetery Bearers were Alexander Galloway and James Don nelly AT EDERATED CHURCH seasons of the soul" be the theme of the sermon at the ed erated church tomorrow morning at the 1030 services The church school will meet at noon The junior league will meet at 3 The Epworth league members will be guests of the Ep worth league of the Holyoke Meth odist Episcopal church at night The mid Lenten service will be held at the chapel Wednesday night at 715 RECEPTION AND SUPPER Members of the Hampden county board of the Hibernian auxiliary or ganization will be entertained at a reception and supper to be held at the Starzyk building on Center street tomorrow' under the auspices of divi sion 4 auxiliary of Chicopee The re ception will be held at 3 in the aft ernoon followed by a supper at 5 POLICE TEST ON THURSDAY Seven members of the Chicopee po lice department who were given an educational examination by the state civil service department to qualify for promotion to the grade of ser geant were notified yesterday by the commissioner that their physical test will be given at the Springfield Mu nicipal Auditorium Thursday' at 1130 a WILLIMANSETT NOTES Miss Alcona Noiseux of Narragan sert boulevard was pleasantly sur prised Thursday night when 20 of her friends gathered at the home of Miss Loretta Cote of lower Westfield road Holyoke to present her with a com plete laundry set in honor of her coming marriage to Louis Cote Jr There were 4 tables of bridge in play and prizes were won by Mrs Alfred Saul and Mrs Jeanette Monaghan Miss Marion Carduss was also pre sented a gift in honor of her future wedding Luncheon was served in the diningroom A large wedding cake was in the center of the table and a corsage marked the guest of honor's place The guests included Mrs Eva Bopp Mrs Rose Johnson Mrs A Saul Airs Ruth Henderson Miss Marion Carduss Miss Loretta Carduss Airs Edith Depot Mrs William McCaffery Miss Velma Noiseux Mrs Augustin Noiseux Mrs Perrault Airs Davidson Mrs rank Churchill Mrs Moore Airs Joseph Raul Miss Jeannette Monaghan Mrs Mnrcel Ge lineau Airs Charles Rilcher Airs Sara Millner Mrs Bcrtha Douglass The Noiseux Cote wedding will take place April 10 at the Nativity church Mrs Mathias St George of St I mils avenue entertained the Cercle Amicol at her home Thursday night Three tables of bridge were in play and prizes for high score were won by Airs A Airs A Ladeau and Mrs Boucher The consolation prize went to Mrs A Beauregard Refresh ments were served Next week the Cercle will met in Holyoke at the home of Mrs Grenier of Walnut street Mrs Ernest Larder of Prospect street entertained the Smith High land Neighborhood club at a dinner party at her home Thursday night Boy Scouts Troop 24 held a reg ular meeting at orester's hall Thurs day night Miss Alary' Sweeney of Blanche street has been confined to her home with sickness MT HOLYOKE COLLEGE DRAMATIC CLUB WILL GIVE SPANISH PLAY South Hadley eb 26 A modern Spanish play will be presented as the March produc tion of the Mount Holyoke college Dramatic club on Saturday March 6 at 830 in Chapin auditorium of Student alumnae hall aculty members will assist the students in the portrayal of male roles in the two act play by Serafin and Joachin Quintero Based on the theme that truth is often crazy the gives oppor tunity for character portrayal through conflicting personalities The plot is dominated by Dona Clarines a mid dle aged woman jilted by her lover when she as a young girl She reveals in telling the brutal truth to those around her The role will be taken by Katherine Metcalf of Ral eigh Her niece Marsela played Dor othy Goldstein of New York city falls in love with Miquel son of Dona's former lover Robert Christ as sistant to the librarian will take the part of Miquel Others in the cast are Miss Con stance Hutzler of Richmond ty the old nurse: Miss Janice Hallett of Maplewood a peasant servant girl Dr Haul Saintonge associate professor of rench a reprobate Dr John Lobb instructor in economics and sociology the doctor and Donald Bailey instructor in education a young man Miss Dorothy Jackson of Lowell is president of the Dramatic club Chairman of the scenery com mittee is Miss Pauline Dyer of Wol laston A book exhibition entitled ing for Ladies" and inspired by the Mount Holyoke college centenary is now on at the Huntington library in San Marino Cal it was learned at the college today The hand list of the special exhibition chosen illustrate some ideas about education" was written by Merle Eugene Curti the Dwight Mor row professor of history at Smith college' and visiting scholar at the Huntington library The sermon preached at the funeral of Aliss Lyon by Hernan Humphrey is the Mount Holyoke selection included in the list Dr Harriett Allyn academic dean at Mount Holyoke college was elected president of the National As sociation of Dsans of Women at the 21st annual meeting of that organ ization held recently in New Or leans Deans Allyn will serve a two year term in the presidency GRANBY Granby eb 26 The annual meet ing of the Library trustees will be held with Mrs Homer Taylor of Center street on Monday afternoon at 230 Officers will be elected for the year fei The public schools in town closed today for a vacation Prin cipal Miss Adele Al Driscoll has gone to her home in itchburg Miss Doro thy Pierce to Holden Miss Margaret Bain to Northampton and Miss Jean Valentine and Miss Helen Mor row to their homes in Holyoke The Sarah Nash Dickinson group of Mission Workers will hold their March meeting on Tuesday at 2 mg with Mrs Newell Galusha of South street WILBRAHAM Wilbraham eb 26 Wilbraham United church services on Sunday are as follows: Morning worship at 1045 with the sermon by Rev Howard Orr The adult forum to which all young people beyond high school as well as adults are invited meets at 930 under the leadership of Prof Robert Conklin Bishop Charles Wesley Burns of Boston bishop of the Methodist church for the New England area will be the speaker at the academy vesper service at 7 Sunday evening in isk hall Air Stevens the headmaster and Rev Mr Orr have arranged jointly for Bishop coming for this service and all the church and com munity people are invited to attend SOUTH DEERIELD South' Deerfield eb 26 The fu neral of Mrs rances Helstowska was held Thursday morning at 10 at St church and was largely attended Rev John Langow pastor conducted the body from the home of her daughter on Main street where she had made her home for many years ather Langow was assisted by a number of other priests Celebrant at the high altar was Rev John Langow assisted by Rev Timothy Anddysick as deacon and Rev Stanley Biela as subdeacon and the masters of ceremonies were athers Celestine Rozewicz and Joseph Szczepaniak The St Cecelia choir under the direction of the organist Mrs Julia Llspinski took part in the services MONSON Mrs Vernon Peace have been called to Burlington Vt by the illness of their daughter Mrs James Thurber Miss Helen Makepeace of the School of Practical Arts at Boston is the guest of her parents Air and Mrs Arthur Makepeace of Lincoln The annual meeting of the 'Library corporation will be held at the library building Monday night at 730 Daniel Purcell post American flegion will be held at Grand Army hall Monday night at 8 SOUTH HADLEY South Hadley eb 26 The subject of Rev Henry David sermon at the 1030 a service Sunday at the irst Congregational church will be believe in the 'Holy The following will be or dained as deacons: Preston Ward Donald Stevens Erry Burnett Herman Davey and William Gay lord ollowing the morning service there will be a brief meeting of the deacons and deaconesses At 8 Monday will come the regular meeting of aithful Workers' circle of Daughters the guest speaker being Rev Theodore Bacheler minister at the South Hadley alls Congregational church who will tell of his last trip to Japan in connection with the Youth Hostel movement Mt Holyoke Senior Dance Group I 1 I I I ill I (Republican Staff Photo) Left to right: JMiss Dorothy Mills of Middletown president of senior class with her escort Wilbur Arnold of Yale orestry school Miss Mildred Thontssen of Utica chairman of senior dance with her escort George Calder of Yale Law school South Hadley eb 26 Dancing to the strains of Ken orchestra members of the senior class at Mount Holyoke college tonight enjoyed the final social event of the year planned exclusively for them Gay Tyrolean decorations in Chapin auditorium of Student Alumnae hall surrounded the 150 couples Guests were present from most of the New England colleges for mon AmherstWilliams Wesleyan and Yale send ing their usual largo delegations Visitors will be further entertained tomorrow at tea dances and supper fiances at Mead and Mandelle resi dence halls when the Springfield Dons of Springfield college and the Lord Jeff Jesters of Amherst college will play Tomorrow evening a formal dance also in Chapin auditorium will be open to all members of the com munity Chicopee Officer Awarded $800 rom Motorist Who Injured Him rancis I Gallagher auditor yes terday filed a report in superior court awarding damages of $800 to Walter Nally Chicopee police officer in his suit against Joseph Zglobicki The action was to recover for personal injuries sustained by the plaintiff when he was knocked down by an automobile operated by the defendant on Belcher street Chicopee alls about 1 the morning of December 25 1935 Nally was directing traffic at tno time The auditor finds that the de fendant had been drinking liquor and that he turned his car from East street into Belcher street and drove directly into the officer knocking him to "the ground Nally suffered a sprained knee and a dislocated carti lage with the result that he was oft duty for six weeks After returning to duty the knew was still stiff and somewhat weak and became swollen and painful while the officer was on flood duty in March 1936 Atty Joseph Kelly represented the plaintiff and Atty William Giles was for the defendant West Springfield NEW BUILDINGS ADD TAXABLE VALUATION $255776 Put Up Last Year Will Offset Reductions in Valuations The prospect of lowered valuations on West Springfield real estate es pecially in the Merrick section which entered into the discussion at the public hearing on town budgets Thurs day night was the center of consid erable conversation yesterday Town employes emphasized that the issu ance of permits for new buildings totaling $255776 last year will give the town enough additional taxable property to make up for the reduc tions Moreover the owners of the properties on which valuations have been lowered will not have to pay as much in taxes Some of the members of the finance committee it is known would like to see the tax rate reduced at least $1 from the present rate of $37 on $1000 The principal cause of the raise was the' amount of money re quired to meet public welfare de mands but the rate was kept down to about $34 during depression years by borrowing on the future Last year officials decided this was an un sound policy Welfare expenditures due largely to the WPA work are now greatly reduced Town employes also point out that the coming of im proved business conditions give the majority of taxpayers' an increased ability to meet their tax bills A I president learned last night 'Mr Canavan who was among the highest ranking members in his class went to work for the Westinghouse company as a production clerk upon graduating from A I five years ago and is going to Lima from the East Springfield plant along with others in the small motors division who are being transferred Previous to his departure Air Cana van visited the A I campus to say goodby to Dr AIcGown and faculty members IRST CHURCH GIVES PROGRAM WEEK a message" will be the theme of Rev Harry Oldfield's sermon at the irst Congregational church tomorrow morning The young chorus will sing Alcm bers of the minister's class will meet for discussion after the worship The young people's group will meet tomorrow night at 7 when will be observed Aliss Ellen Todd will lead The Alonson academy Glee club will sing and the speaker will be Prof Ernest AA'icslc of Spring field college There will be a period of fellowship and refreshments will be served The regular meeting of the club will be held Wednesday night at 630 with address by Charles Al Gardner on aspects of the American situation" Victor Hunt wfll preside To this gathering the men who attend the annual town meeting are invited" Reservations may be made by calling Lester A Giles or the parsonage TO PLAN ACTIVITIES OR CLUBS AT A committee has been appointed to work out plans for gymnasium ac tivities for the clubs sponsored by the AVcst Springfield Railroad Al A and the AVest Springfield club General Secretary Harry Green an nounced ypsterday Lloyd Sanborn instructor in this line heads the com mittee assisted by AVinthrop razer Curtis Cheney Clement Banks and Willard Carr Tuesday night has been assigned for the use of the senior high school gymnasium by these groups and the committee will work out a schedule of hours for the different clubs The schedule of club meetings at the building follows: Alonday at 1 Rough Riders Tuesday at 4 Sky Aces Wednesday at 4 Trojans AVed nesday at 7 the Pumas and Tigers Thursday at 7 Aces COMEDY PRESENTED AT COMMUNITY The three act comedy Span ish was presented last night by a cast representing the i AVest Springfield Tri Hl and Hi clubs before an audience which nearly filled the auditorium of the Community Al A During the intermissions community singing was led by Paul Guptill with Aliss Puth Griswold at the piano A bouquet from the cast was pre sented to Airs ATarion Bradford who directed and following the perform ance the two clubs joined in a social gathering at the at which a compact was presented to Airs Brad ford as additional appreciation of her work Previous to the play music was given by the Griswold trio WESTINGHOUSE GIVES CANAVAN PROMOTION John Canavan of West Springfield a graduate of the School of Business Administration at American Interna tional college has been promoted to head of the invoice ami claim de partment of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing company plant at Lima Dr Chester AIcGown SEVEN INANCE BOARD MEMBERS TO BE NAMED Seven members of the finance com mittee of West Springfield are to be appointed by Town Moderator rank Auchter within a week after the town meeting The terms of five regular members and two appointed members expire The term of Thomas is among those to expire but he is not eligible for reappointment as he was elected to the park commission Res idents of precinct 1 are hoping for i epresentation on the board Olliers whose three year terms ex pire are the chairman Preston Gil more the secretary Robert AVhite Charles Craig and Atty AValter AIc Carthy A one year term and a two year term must also be filled The present appointees are AVilliam Crowley and Raymond Brown TO BUILD OUNDRY ON NORMAN STREET Paul Galaski of 90 Brookline ave nue Springfield has applied for a permit to construct a brass foun dry on Norman street and Building Inspector Ernest A Parent said last night that the permit would be grant ed as the location is zoned as "indus Norman street extends from Memorial avenue to River street Construction it is understood will be started in about two weeks The building will be a one story struc ture the front nt brick and the rear part of cement blocks MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO MEET WEDNESDAY The Home Missionary society of the Alittineague Alethodist church will meet at the parsonage AVednesday aft ernoon for the annual silver tea Mrs George Ridgway will lead the devo tional period Mrs AValter Burr will give Negro dialect readings Mrs Clara Thompson will pour The Aid society of the church will meet Thursday afternoon at 1 for a dinner party at the social hall of the church Officers will be elected for the ensuing year The hostesses will be Airs Alexander Bain Airs Gordon Craft Airs Alark Merritt Mrs Alorton Shattuck Airs Raymond Alil ler Airs Paul Douglas and Mrs ran cis Osteyee UNDS OR DIKE ARE STILL AWAITED No word had been received up to yesterday regarding the federal al lotment needed to complete the West Springfield dike raising project How ever town officials and federal en gineers are all optimistic that the matter will be taken care of None of the work epn be done advantageously anyway until frost is out of the ground Of interest to local residents is the news that federal engineers are mak ing a survey of a proposed reservoir along the river for five miles a short distance north of Hunt ington The area being surveyed em braces about 1000 acres If the proj ect is carried out much of the flood water which sometimes rises suddenly in this stream will be retarded there by lessening the danger of inundations below WPA DRAWS 500 TO CENTER The night" program of the AA'est Springfield AVPA recreation project attracted an attendance of about 500 to the Alemorial avcnuc community center last night the auditorium of the school being crowded by residents of that com munity Horace was di rector of the program and Dr Mario Cariani acted as master of ceremonies Atty rank Raleigh chairman of the board of selectmen and George Kelly chairman of the Democra tic committee made brief speeches In which they complimented those in charge not only on the suc cess of this particular program but the general activities of the center Italian folk dancing was featured with music by an Italian band An entertainment which included va rious dance and comedy acts fol lowed The Springfield Negro Rhythm band gave a playlet and played for general dancing Refreshments were served SUNDAY DINNER PLANNED TOMORROW An encouraging number of reserva tions had been made up to last night for the second in a series of occasion al Sunday dinners to be served by the club at the AVest Springfield Community Al A tomorrow The price is 50 cents for adults and 35 cents for children of 12 and under Reservations should be made by noon today by calling the office The committee in charge consists of Airs Twist Airs rank Bauer Airs AVilliam Belding Airs Alaurice Blew Airs Irwin Cone Airs Leo Cummings and Airs Robert Ludden There will be continuous serving from 1 to 2 WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES To Attend State Meeting Mrs Harry Green will represent the Ashley ville Women's club today at the meeting of the mothercraft di vision of the State ederation of Women's clubs at a Boston hotel She will be accompanied by Airs Robert AVhite who is to speak on problems and progress of the motherhood pro gram The Ashley ville club has bought a specially constructed doll which can be used in demonstrations to older girls showing how they may be of service to the mothers Meeting at School Cottage A meeting will be held at the school department cottage on South worth street Alonday evening at 730 when Mrs Gertrude Stanyon of the staff of Alary Ellis Ames director of the cooking service department of the Pillsbury 'lour company will give a demonstration on and supper spotlights" Airs Irene Swan will preside Tekoa Lodge to Viit Tekoa lodge of Odd ellows will visit Woronoco lodge at AVcstfield Alonday night to work a first decree on a class of candidates Alembers are asked to be at the hall at 7 and transportation will lie furnished A Meeting Postponed The regular meeting of the John Ashley Tcacher association scheduled for Tuesday night has been postponed to Alarch 23 because of the vacation Airs 'rank Hays presi dent announced yesterday Several members have visited or plan to visit Airs Daniel Cline active member of the club who is at Mercy hospital after an operation Stamp Club Meets Tonight Henry AVickham of Springfield will bring his large collection ot Salvador stamps and talk about them at the regular meeting of the newly organized AA'est Springfield Stamp club tonight at 730 The meeting will be held at the home of Gordon Chandler of 32 Woodmont street Grange Card Party Tonight West Springfield Grange will spon sor a bridge and whist party tonight at the Community Al A Mrs Abie Bose is general chairman as sisted by Mrs Emily Brain and Her Greenfield OICE SEEKERS STATEPOSITIONS School Committee Aspirants Make Statements as Cam paigns Near Climax Greenfield eb 26 the town political campaigns rapidly nearing their climax aspirants and candidates for reelection to the school cpmmittee today set forth their positions in the present race and issued statements DRUNKEN OPERATOR IS ASSESSED $50 eb 26 Wilfred Vincent of Conway pleading guilty to driving under the influence of liquor was fined $50 by Judge Philip Ball in Greenfield district court this morning The case was the aftermath of an accident on the Conway road in South Deerfield on the 18th According to Police Chief Edward Redmond of South Deerfield the defendant was the driver of a small truck which crashed into a telephone pole at the side of the road and con tinued on without reporting the acci dent Through the assistance of state who is a member of the Scratchers" led by AVilliam Townsend Sr of will tell of his ex periences as a member of the county 4 poultry judging team and Gloria who is a member of the Bear ers" led by Airs Harry Maschin will sing the well known ballad "Come to the fair" Aliss Anna Davidson a member of the "Busy Bees" club led by Miss Marion Aladden will talk on her ex periences as a member of 4 sewing canning cooking and garden clubs for six years Airs Wallace Hayden of AVyben will conclude the day broadcast by telling of her ac tivities as a volunteer local leader for 10 years The next 4 "town radio broadcast will be given on the Con necticut alley 4 club program on April 10 from AVSPR it will be di rected by Mrs Otis Hall assistant county agent and will feature the ac tivities of 4 members at Alonson EAST LONGMEADOW outlining their courses The Repub licans seeking reelection are Henry Herr John Harris and Leland Cairns while the Democratic nominees are Raymond Bickford Roy A Hine and Airs Elizabeth Kelleher am a Republican candidate for reelection to the school said Air Herr today "The duties of this committee concern the adminis tration of the largest single depart ment in our town government and are primarily of a business nature They involve the care and management of property and equipment worth about one and one fourth millions of dollars and the disbursem*nt of an annual appropriation of over $275000 good business administration will be more likely to occur if the school committee is composed of members with business experience I have prac ticed law for 27 years of which 11 have been in Greenfield Aly term of three years on the school committee is just closing "Without fear or hesitation I offer for the scrutiny of the public my record as a citizen of Greenfield as a practicing lawyer and as a school committee member The passing of judgment on this record is in the hands of the citizens" Harris Statement Mr Harris said seeking re election to the Greenfield school com mittee I feel that I am better fitted after three experience on this board and can be of real service to the town of Greenfield if elected I have lived in Greenfield for the past 34 years have been in business here for the past 25 years and have paid taxes here for the same length of time I have three children in high school at present the voters of Greenfield feel that they want to elect me for an other term on the school committee I will continue to use my own good judgment pertaining to school mat ters as I have during my present consented to become a candidate for reelection to the Greenfield school said Mr Cairns "after be ing urged to do so by many of my friends If the voters of the town see fit to reelect me to serve for another term I shall endeavor to fill the posi tion to the best of my ability Raymond Bickford Democratic nominee said accepting the nomination for the office of school committee I do so because of my be lief that it is a civic duty removed from partisan politics Every citizen must accept his proportionate share of the duties of citizenship am of the firm belief that education is the cornerstone upon which the future of this nation is built 'Tt is the duty of every thinking citizen to see to it that neither legislatioli or regula tion are serious cuts made in the budgets allocated for the education of our children been indentured under the Oliver Smithwill and completing a three year term I am convinced of the value of vocational training' It has its modern school system but should not displace necessary training needed for the higher branches education The school committee can aid to a greater extent in giving our foreign born in telligently preparation for citizenship and through the children encourage parents to become American citizens particular group should be permitted to control the public schools and nothing should be per mitted to quench the free flows of ideas in them The citizens of Green field are entitled to honest and im partial representation on the school committee and should be able at all times to have their desires in the field of education brought before the board in a friendly and sympathetic way If elected to the office of school committee member the parents of Greenfield's school children are as sured of a member who has the in terest of these future citizens of ours first and WILLIAMSBURG Raymond Bradford of South Alain street has accepted a position at the office of the Pro Phy Lac Tic Brush company in lorence Mr Bradford was graduated from the Northamp ton Commercial college last month He is a graduate of the Williams burg high school in 1935 and was president of his class for two years and a pro merito member for four ears Richard Merritt eldest son of Supt and Airs A Merritt of Main street was the speaker at the meeting of the Animal Husbandry elub at Mas sachusetts State college last night AMHERST COLLEGE Model League to Meet AA'ith preparations for the 11th an nual session of the New England Afo del League of Nations nearing com pletion Charles McCormick 37 chief of the delegation from Amherst college will attend a meeting of the League executive committee at Northampton tomorrow afternoon to put the finishing touches on plans for the forthcoming session at Har vard and Radcliffe on Alarch 12 and 1 3 Living American Art The third exhibit of Living Ameri can Art has been placed on view in the office of Morgan hall Amherst college while the fine arts gallery is being prepared for another major art exhibit The showing which is open to the public botwccn the hours of 9 to 12 a and 130 to 430 includes a collection of fine mounted police from Shelburne alls barracks the owner of the truck was traced from bits of wreckage found at the scene and Mr Aincent readily ad mitted having been the driver He is also said to have confessed that he was intoxicated at the time and that he dozed just before the accident Pleading guilty to assault and bat tery on a 14 year old Ashfield girl James Cadigan of Ashfield ttas placed on probation for a year State Police woman Airs Mary Ramsdell was the complainant Thomas Welcome Dies Thomas AVelcome died at 9 yesterday at his home in West Deerfield after a short illness He was a native of Guilford Vt but had lived in AVest Deerfield for more than 15 years He leaves his widow several children and grandchildren uneral arrangements are being directed by McCarthy 57 SUPERIOR CASES Greenfield eb 26 A total of 57 cases are on the tjial list for the Alarch session of superior court which opens on Alarch 8 before Justice Thomas Hammond of Northampton who has been assigned to the three sittings this year There are also 22 cases on the court list The suit of the ranklin County Lumber company against Mary Bednarski of Deerfield and the Produce National bank of Deerfield has been assigned first place on the trial list The suit is brought to collect an alleged bill of $30687 Second place is given to the case of the inhabitants of Conway against the inhabitants of Billerica involving welfare aid given a person whose legal residence is alleged to be in the latter town SHELBURNE ALLS MINISTER IS GIVEN AREWELL RECEPTION Shelburne alls eb 26 Rev Clarence Patrick who is leaving the pastorate of the irst Baptist church within a few days to begin work in the Emmanuel Baptist church in Greenville was tendered a farewell reception this evening in the vestry of the church by members of the church and parish young people's societies and Sunday school Aside from members of the various church bodies there were many attending from other churches of the town and vicinity Short talks were given by ministers of the town and the county who had been asso ciated with Air Patrick in the Min association He has been presi dent of this group during the past two years In the receiving line with Mr Patrick were Mr and Mrs Albert Davenport Herman King super intendent of the Sunday school and Miss Olive representing the young people of the church Ushers were Miss Barbara Watkins and Al bert arrell Jr and assistants Re freshments were in charge of the members of the Philathea class The American auxiliary will sponsor the annual Easter Monday ball on Alarch 29 Music will be furnished by Andy Canedy's or chestra and the committee in charge consists of Airs Alma Richardson Airs Atinnie Stone and Airs Gertrude Saunders A regular meeting of North Star Rebekah lodge was held this evening in Odd ellows hall and preceded at 615 by a covered dish supper for members A social hour followed the meeting and was in charge of the following committee: Airs Alyrtle Law rence Mrs Louise Nichols Airs lor ence Hume and Airs Ruby Smith The ways and means committee of Alary Lyon chapter Order of the Eastern Star held a successful food sale this afternoon in the Schack Electric shop on Bridge street at 3 Airs Hazel Lyman was chairman of the committee in charge The funeral of Walter Burnham who died on afternoon in the Northampton hospital was held tliis afternoon at the home in Shel burne with Rev rank AV Hemen way a former pastor of the Shelburne Congregational church officiating The body was taken to Springfield for cremation 4 DAY BROADCAST IS TODAY will be observed to day at 1245 in a broadcast from AVSPR during the Connecticut Valley 4 club program The program will be the first in a series of special broadcasts devoted to the outstanding 4 club communities in Hampden county and will be directed by AVilliam AValker county club agent of Hampden County Improvement league' Taking the well known phrase oaks from little acorns as the motto of the program Mr Walker 4vill introduce two club mem bers who have been enroled in the work one year and one who has com pleted six years of 4 activity and is a leader of 10 experience The first year members are Bourcard Nesix who was high man in the state 4 poultry judging contest held fall at Massachusetts State college and Gloria Atayon a first year mem ber of a 4 sewing club MINISTER AND WIE RECEPTION GUESTS arewell Party for Rev and Mrs George Bennett of Baptist Church Conducted by Parish East Longmeadow eb 26 A large gathering of friends from this town Hampden and Springfield attended the farewell reception tonight of Rev and Mrs George Bennett of the Bap tist church who will leave next week for Troy whor* he will take over the duties of the Sixth avenue Baptist church there The church was decorated with cut flowers both in the auditorium where the reception took place and in the vestry where a social hour was enjoyed and refresh ments served In the receiving line besides the pastor and wife were Airs Richard Keyes president of the Bap tist Women's guild Sanford Nooney president of the Brotherhood class Deacon and Airs rederick Lyman and Deacon rank Champlin During the evening the couple was presented with a chest of monogramed silver The presentation was made by Mr Nooney Mr Lyman acted as master of cere monies and called upon the pastors of Springfield and this town for re marks Rev Albert Todd who as sisted in the ordination of Air Bennett five years ago was the first speaker He was followed by Rev A of the Chase Memorial Baptist church Springfield president of the Spring field Baptist association Rev John Crabtree of Holyoke presi dent of the Baptist Min association Rev Harris Howe of AVestfield Rev Herbert Thayer retired Andrew Nelson representing the local Congregational church and Rev Henry Jacobson of the Alethodist church The musical program in cluded organ selections by John Pauley of Springfield baritone solo by rederick Root accompanied by Mr Tauley and two solos by Alr Christofer of Springfield Refreshments which were served in the vestry were under the direction of Airs Sanford Nooney with Airs AlcCullough pouring The commit tees chairman and cochairman were Airs Richard Keyes and Aliss Gertrude Dwight During the evening Airs Bennett received a bouquet of cut flowers Those in the receiving line wore shoulder bouquets of roses Airs Bennett was the recipient of a gift from the Triangle club of young women having orgahizfed the group a year ago Air Bennett will preach his farewell sermon Sunday morning at 11 Regular services fur the church school at 1215 will be in session and the young people will meet at 7 for weekly activities Alen's Sunday will be observed Sun day morning in the Congregational church when the pastor Rev red erick Bishop will prepare a special sermon The Comrades of the AVay will meet at 6 where a special pro gram will be put on Airs Henry Jacobson was hostess this afternoon in the Alethodist church parsonage when the Young AVomen's guild served tea and had as guests members of the Aid society It was the first get together of the two groups since they have been or ganized The board of assessors has com pleted the list of polls and have sent out the first commitment There are 1033 against 1041 last year The board of selectmen will con sider sealed bids on standard two doqr sedan equipped with 19 plate 120 amper battery to be used as a cruis ing car for the police department Raymond A Denslow town clerk will receive all bids to be opened at the regular business meeting of the board Tuesday evening at 930 Aliss Grace Alichel supervisor of the preschool center at Pleasant View school observed today and was assisted in serving tea by hrr assistfiDts Mrs Alvo Cook and Airs Alice Bourke Aliss Margaret Nelson of New York daughter of Mr and Airs Andrew Nel son of Chestnut street 1s enjoying a 10 day cruise to Bermuda Air and Airs Nelson have had as recent guasts in their home their brother and wife Mr and Airs Robert Nelson and sister Airs rank Shapter of Bayside I I Airs Shapter is spending the week In the home Airs Alilo Atiles of Pleasant street was surprised yesterday in the home of Airs AVilson Bates of Alaple street when a number of friends gathered to assist in celebrating her 17th wed ding anniversary Airs Miles was the recipient of gifts and a handsome cake for the occasion was served made by Airs George Gaboury GIRL SCOUTS AVILL SING The Girl Scout chorus which will sing at the banquet Alarch 12 com memorating the founding of first Girl Scout troop in the United States 25 years ago rehearsed yesterday aft ernoon at local headquarters Aliss rances Crane president of the Lead association is in charge of th troop Mrs Edwin Gilbert is training the girls with Airs A Spellman at the piano They will sing several popular Scout songs between the at the banquet Bourcard courses Colds Should Be Treated Internally reproductions of the work of twelve American artists among them Ernest icne Henry Schnakenberg and Bernard Karfiol The present ex hibit will continue until March 27 mon Alcorn Prizes will be awarded at each table and refreshments will be served following play LINDY LIES TO CALCUTTA Calcutta eb 26 (AP) Col Charles A speedy mono plane rushed him into Calcutta today just ahead of a Bengal gale which flattened native villages along his route He and Sir rancis Young husband British indiophile remained in this eastern city to talk over aviation routes and flying conditions while Airs Lindbergh waited 700 miles westward at Nagpur Science Proves Value of ather Medicine When you have a cold you feel sick all over This is because the common cold is an inter nal disease and as such should be treated internally Doctors treat colds with medicines which strengthen natural resistance and help the body fight' off the germs that cause colds Certified medical tests prove that most colds clear up sooner when treated with ather Medicine This' explains why it has been used for over 80 years in treating colds and coughs due to colds Be prepared keep ather Medicine on hand.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.