TheCityCeleb on LinkedIn: Maggie Murdaugh Biography: Age, Net Worth, Instagram, Spouse, Height… (2024)



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ICYMI: Maggie Murdaugh Biography: Age, Net Worth, Instagram, Spouse, Height, Wiki, Parents, Siblings, Death, Children: Maggie Murdaughwas a community pillar known for her philanthropy and dedication to her family. Her sudden death, along with the…Read More: Maggie Murdaugh Biography: Age, Net Worth, Instagram, Spouse, Height, Wiki, Parents, Siblings, Death, Children via #TheCityCeleb

Maggie Murdaugh Biography: Age, Net Worth, Instagram, Spouse, Height, Wiki, Parents, Siblings, Death, Children | TheCityCeleb
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    "Simple Questions - Profound Conversations" Week 6If an unrelated, objective third-party read your Will, what would they be led to believe about you? What you want your beneficiaries to know or believe about you?Lets be honest - most people don't like talking about death, dying, wills or estates. In the 2019 movie "Knives Out" the Thrombey family finds out that the patriarch has left all of his belongings to Marta. Hollywood has given us a terrible picture of what Wills are all about. Infighting, bitterness, miscommunication and disappointment do not have to be a part of any legacy, particularly yours. Wills are financial documents (they deal with assets) and they are deeply personal. They can be incredibly affirming of how someone has approached their family and loved ones throughout life. Speaking of Wills, if you haven't read the book 'Willing Wisdom' by Thomas Williams Deans, you should. It is an excellent book - 7 Questions to ask, family, friends and charities to help guide giving-decisions. The summer is an excellent time to read and review your Will. Wills should be reviewed and updated regularly (say every 5 years) or prior to or after a major life event like a wedding, birth of a child, change in vocation etc.


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  • Bethanie MacDonald

    Speaker| Writer | VA Advocate| Career Counselor NCDA| Leadership and Development Professional| Gold Star Spouse and Advocate

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    This gentleman stopped me in the lobby this morning. He said I gave an impactful speech. I only relayed a story. It does make me happy that I accomplished the mission.Last night I gave a talk on the importance of maintaining dignity in conflict and how it helps us heal and grow from traumatic events. Extending dignity to others increases our own- even if we feel they may not deserve it. The key principles of dignity and grief have one thing in common- the end result is acceptance. It leads us away from resentment. Tuesday’s Children is such an exceptional organization. When we look at non profits and what they do, what sets them apart from other organizations, they have an incredible program called Project Common Bond. They bring children together who have lost a loved one from acts of terrorism.The thing is- they use a dignity model based on Donna Hicks strategy for healing that is kinda mind blowing. In a society (in many cultures in fact) where we stress- I am more important, my feelings are more important, I am of value- we neglect to see the value in the other argument. I know what you are thinking “What about my narcissistic ex? Hmmm!” I know. Because we are dealing with suicide bombers and terrorists that believe they are right, and die for their cause, these kids aren’t getting an apology either. So my discussions center around how PCB accomplishes this (and you can, too) We’ve all been in that fight really trying to have our value recognized and our human dignity respected. We have all experienced that disrespect. But what if we chose differently? What if we chose to allow dignity in this process? Incorporate fun, and connect with others in like situations? How much less would we suffer? That’s what these kids learn early on. It’s a critical and invaluable lesson. Without funding this program won’t survive. Gwen is an example of having learned the model and how she’s put it into practice over the years. She even applied to my divorce. Things were said and she maintained her dignity and allowed for peace. So did Eli. She has brought this model into all she does from working in Guatemala to vacationing in Scotland and feeding homeless men and then sitting to have lunch with them. If you can support this cause I humbly ask that you do. Or pass on the message. We should keep this momentum going. #tuesdayschildren #projectcommonbond #pcb #dignity #conflict #conflictresolution

    • TheCityCeleb on LinkedIn: Maggie Murdaugh Biography: Age, Net Worth, Instagram, Spouse, Height… (10)


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  • Angela Harbinson

    CEO & Founder The Separation Guide | A divorce tech platform that supports separating couples, professionals and employers | Speaker and media spokesperson on the impact of separation on individuals and society.

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    This Friday I’m participating in Coastrek a 30km walk along the Mornington Peninsula raising awareness for heart health. The weather forecast is looking pretty grim, we’re talking hail, 35km winds, a high chance of rain and a max temperature of 13 degrees 🥶Anyone who knows me well knows I don’t enjoy walking in the rain, or being cold.Despite all this, I am looking forward to this challenge because I will be doing it with friends! I’ll also ticking off one of my goals for the year which was to increase my steps by walking more often. This challenge has certainly encouraged me to do just that. Above all, the most important reason for doing this walk is to raise awareness for heart health. Did you know that coronary heart disease is one of the leading causes of death for Australian women? Another fact, stress is a leading cause of coronary heart disease so a concern close to my heart for a few reasons.I’ve learnt a lot about stress with all my research into the impacts of separation and divorce. Separation is considered the second most stressful experience of a lifetime, and if it is a bad divorce, that stress can be prolonged for many many years. People who have experienced divorce have higher instances of poor health along with a host of other personal and societal impacts. That’s what our team at The Separation Guide are on a mission to change that aiming to make separation simpler, more manageable and less stressful. Most of us will experience stress at some point in our lives. I’ve been close to burnout on multiple occasions and the thing that has helped bring me back to balance is having time in nature, time with friends, and exercising. It’s a magic formula that works every time!So if you are reading this and nodding away, remember this:1. Exercise helps reduce your chances of heart disease2. When you are out in nature you are happier3. When you hang out with friends you also feel happier4. Happier people are healthier people!So think of me when I’m walking in the rain with my mates this Friday. If you feel like supporting me, you can sponsor me here. it for me, but also do it for the 200,000 Australians who are experiencing a pretty stressful time right now as they navigate a separation. I’m doing this for all of you.

    Angela is doing Coastrek!



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  • Survivor Cards


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    ❄️ A Winter Reflection from Michelle ❄️You are allowed to stop.You’re allowed to walk out of a store because you don’t want to go into debt.You’re allowed to cancel plans.You’re allowed to change plans.You are allowed to say no. You are also allowed to say yes.The full calorie count of your day is not a number by which to be punished. Physical touch is something you do not have to engage in.And family does not have the final say in your life choices, your value; your worth. But it’s okay if these aren’t formalized for you yet.It’s okay to feel sad at the holidays.It’s okay to feel angry, lost; to grieve.Because you are human. And that means that life is messy, is changing; is never going to be the same. We may come back to the same lessons, but never as the same person.And in this season of big feelings, small feelings and dimmed feelings, there is still some universal truth. You are enough.You have value.You have a place of belonging.All for just being human. You wake up with those truths.You do not need to earn them, or prove that they are true.They just are. It is with all of this in mind that I wish you safety, light and peace this wintry season.May you find a spark of hope to guide you into the next year, and the rest to reclaim who you are. -Michelle Brewer-Bunnell, LISW & Treasurer of Survivor Cards#nonprofit #traumarecovery #traumahealing #trauma #survivor #ptsdrecovery #ptsd #ptsdawareness #network #SurvivorCards #volunteerism #advocacy #seasonalaffectivedisorder #copingskills #traumasurvivor #boundaries #mentalhealth

    • TheCityCeleb on LinkedIn: Maggie Murdaugh Biography: Age, Net Worth, Instagram, Spouse, Height… (22)
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  • WE Unite Communities


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    On this National Day of Mourning, WE Unite stands with open hearts to support those facing loss. Here are tips for being a pillar of strength for friends and loved ones during difficult times:1. Extend a listening ear, a warm embrace, or a comforting presence.2. Offer practical assistance, from cooking a meal to helping with daily tasks.3. Respect their unique grieving process; there is no 'right' way to mourn.4. Share cherished memories to honor and celebrate the life of their loved one.5. Encourage self-care and well-being, reminding them to prioritize their health.6. Continue to be there, as grief doesn't follow a timeline.WE Unite's journey from one woman's vision to a thriving philanthropic movement is a testament to our collective capacity for compassion and community. Together, we can heal and uplift each other's spirits. 💙 #WEUniteInKindness #NationalDayOfMourning

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  • Martin Chandler

    Revolutionising engagement, education, experience and enrichment at Pathway Group

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    "If our son can be stabbed to death, it can happen to anyone" - Martin Cosser & Tara Cosser.The Cosser household lacks the usual Christmas adornments - no twinkling lights on the tree, no festive decorations. While the Christmas season is typically a time of joy and festivity, this year presents a profound challenge for Charlie's parents, their friends, and the entire community.Recently, I had the privilege of sitting down with Martin Cosser and Tara Cosser, who graciously shared their heartfelt memories of Charlie. Their story has also been covered by The Daily Mail News and I'd like to share some reflections on Kathryn Knight's article.The impact of this tragedy resonates deeply with me, especially considering that even my 15-year-old daughter has grown accustomed to the unfortunate frequency of knife-related incidents near our home. Such occurrences have become all too common in our lives.The ubiquity of #KnifeCrime:Despite common perceptions associating knife crime with inner cities, gangs or deprived neighbourhoods, Charlie's death occurred in a wealthy, rural area. Knife crime is no longer confined to specific demographics or locations.Impact on the Family:Matin shares the emotional turmoil he experienced. Their grief is palpable, and they struggle to adapt to life without him.Ripple Effect of Tragedy:The story of Charle illustrates the wide-reaching impact of such a tragedy. It's not just the immediate family that suffers; the community and friends feel the loss. The funeral, attended by 700 mourners, and the tree planting in Charlie's memory at his school are testaments to his influence and the community's collective grief.Awareness and Activism:Martin and Tara are channelling their grief into activism, with plans to set up a charity called "Charlie's Promise." They aim to raise awareness about the consequences of knife violence and to prevent similar tragedies. This shift from personal grief to public advocacy is significant. Pathway Group is doing everything it can to support this.Challenges in the Grieving Process:The different ways Martin and Tara cope with their grief show the complex and individual nature of the grieving process. While Martin finds it difficult to socialise, Tara seeks comfort in the company of others.Socioeconomic Misconceptions:Charlie's death challenges the misconception that violence, particularly knife crime, is limited to economically disadvantaged or urban areas. His death in a wealthy, rural setting underscores that such tragedies can occur in any community.Legal and Financial Struggles:The family faces not only emotional but also legal and financial challenges following Charlie's death. The upcoming trial of the accused and the financial strain due to Martin's reduced income add layers to their ordeal.This story is a poignant reminder of the far-reaching effects of violent crime and the resilience of those left behind to seek change and meaning in the aftermath of loss.

    • TheCityCeleb on LinkedIn: Maggie Murdaugh Biography: Age, Net Worth, Instagram, Spouse, Height… (26)



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  • Journal to Dreams


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    We had two separate requests for bereavement boxes this week. Two small children who’s mothers both died. This is the importance of the bereavement box campaign. 8 years old and no longer has a mother, we can’t begin to imagine the heart break these children must be experiencing, trying to make sense of where their loved one is and why they aren’t coming back. Having a small tool kit that reminds them that they are loved and special is so important in these moments. Not only that it has resources to help children to communicate their emotions and sensory aids. The best part is it’s FREE! There is two ways you can get involved. The first is to reach out if you know a child in need of a box. The second is to donate so we can continue to support children in need.


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  • Meirion Shaw

    Helping overstretched professionals move house through our concierge moving service | Downsizing elderly parents | Experienced & empathetic | Move and admin management | Decluttering | Intelligent unpacking & organising

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    The decision to downsize often can take many of us by surprise but some are lucky enough to have the time to make a considered decision. Either way, when you are saying goodbye to a lifetime of belongings, each one holding a special memory, the emotional toll is huge and should be recognised.Here are some nuggets of wisdom we have gathered along our journey of helping hundreds of people navigate this chapter:Grief•Understand that you need to mourn and it is a process and you will get through it. Don’t rush it but it will pass if you work at it.•Get involved in your new community as quickly as possible. If you sing, join a choir. If you paint, find a local artists group. Or volunteer. Just be busy.Stress•Enlist as much help as possible – family friends, professionals•For items that you can’t take with you, either monetise them or donate them so they have a new life with someone who needs them.Anxiety•Follow simple rules for decluttering. Do you love it? Have you used it in the last 12 months? Do you have other items serving the same purpose? Are you keeping it out of guilt or sense of responsibility?•Hand family heirlooms onto the next generation. And if you can replace something for less than £20 in less than 20 minutes and there’s no room for it, let it go.Remember, we never have all the answers at any stage of our lives. And that’s OK.The Homemover Specialist's extensive expertise can help you to restore calm to the chaos and support you every step of the way.Lightening the physical and emotional load of moving to a new home.#property #realestate #relocation #estateagents #ukproperty #eldercare #solicitor #solicitors #movinghome #stressfreehousemove #thehomemoverspecialist

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TheCityCeleb on LinkedIn: Maggie Murdaugh Biography: Age, Net Worth, Instagram, Spouse, Height… (38)


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TheCityCeleb on LinkedIn: Maggie Murdaugh Biography: Age, Net Worth, Instagram, Spouse, Height… (2024)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.