Homeschooling in Texas: Curriculum, Transition, and More - ZAA Homeschool Blog (2024)

Are you ready to take control of your child’s education? Welcome to the world of homeschooling in Texas, where parents have the freedom to create a tailored learning experience for their children. With over [number] homeschool parents across the state, homeschooling has become a popular choice for families seeking flexibility and personalized instruction. Homeschools offer an alternative to private schools, public schools, and their educational programs.

Gone are the days of rigid schedules and crowded classrooms in Texas public schools and private schools. In Texas, parents can design homeschool curricula that meet their child’s unique needs, focusing on basic subjects like math, science, and language arts. Thanks to a landmark decision by the Texas Supreme Court, homeschooling is recognized as a legitimate alternative to traditional schooling.

No more admission forms for public schools or intervention request forms for private schools; you’re in charge of homeschools now! As we delve deeper into this guide, we’ll explore how homeschooling works in Texas and provide you with all the information you need to embark on this exciting educational journey. So grab your favorite beverage and let’s dive into the wonderful world of homeschooling in Texas, including enrollment!

Understanding Texas Homeschool Laws

Familiarize yourself with the legal requirements of homeschooling in Texas, including public schools and private schools. The state has specific regulations that homeschools and educational programs must follow. Understanding these laws is crucial to ensure compliance and avoid any legal issues. Knowing the laws will help you make informed decisions about your child’s education.

Texas law provides guidelines for homeschooling families, private schools, and their educational programs through various statutes, including the Texas Education Code (TEC), the Texas Family Code (TFC), and the Texas Administrative Code (TAC). Familiarizing yourself with these regulations will give you a comprehensive understanding of your rights and responsibilities as a homeschooling parent.

The Texas Education Code section 25.086 states that parents have the right to educate their children at home through homeschooling programs. However, they must comply with certain requirements outlined in this section. It specifies that parents who choose to homeschool their children must teach a curriculum that includes reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics, and good citizenship in order to meet the educational program standards set for homeschools.

The Texas Family Code section 153.073 allows parents who are divorced or separated to agree upon an arrangement for homeschooling their child as part of their custody agreement. This provision ensures that both parents, regardless of their separation, have a say in their child’s education, in accordance with state law on compulsory attendance.

Misunderstandings regarding homeschooling, especially for Texas homeschoolers, often arise. To avoid any confusion or potential legal issues, it is essential for Texas homeschoolers to familiarize themselves with the regulations outlined in the Texas Education Code (TEC). For instance, according to TEC section 25.086(b), parents must notify the school district in writing of their intention to homeschool within 30 days before starting instruction. This applies to both homeschools and private schools.

Furthermore, under TAC Title 19 section 74.24(c)(2), Texas homeschoolers should maintain attendance records for each student enrolled in homeschooling programs throughout the school year. These records can include daily log sheets or other documentation showing regular progress and attendance in private schools.

It’s important to note that while state law governs most aspects of homeschooling and private schools in Texas, legal assistance may be needed to navigate the regulations. Federal law, such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), may also apply if your child has special needs and qualifies for services.

Homeschooling Requirements & Mandatory School Age in Texas

In Texas, homeschooling is a popular choice for many families seeking alternative education options. Homeschools provide flexibility and personalized learning for students, making it an attractive option for parents. Understanding the requirements and mandatory school age in Texas is crucial for parents considering homeschooling as an option for their children’s education. Additionally, private schools offer another alternative to traditional public schooling, providing a high-quality education with smaller class sizes and specialized programs. Graduation from homeschools or private schools can open doors to various opportunities for students.

Compulsory School Attendance and Age Range

Compulsory school attendance in Texas for both homeschools and private schools begins at the age of 6 and ends at the age of 18, as stated in the education code. This means that parents are legally obligated to ensure their children attend school within this age range. However, homeschooling provides an exemption to this requirement, allowing parents to educate their children at home until graduation.

Core Subjects and Curriculum

Parents must teach five core subjects in homeschools: reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics, and good citizenship. These subjects form the foundation of homeschooling programs and help ensure that homeschooled students receive a comprehensive learning experience.

While there are no specific qualifications required for parents who choose to homeschool, it is essential that they have a solid understanding of these core subjects or access homeschooling programs and private schools that can assist them in teaching these topics effectively.

Record Keeping

To comply with legal requirements, parents who homeschool their children through homeschooling programs must maintain records of attendance and academic progress for each student. This record-keeping helps demonstrate that adequate educational instruction is being provided throughout the school year, which is important for both homeschools and private schools. Additionally, these records may also be relevant in custody cases.

Keeping detailed records in homeschools also allows homeschool parents to track their homeschool student’s progress over time and identify areas where additional support may be needed. It serves as documentation should any questions or concerns arise regarding homeschool participation and the child’s home schooling education.

Flexibility in Scheduling

One advantage of homeschooling is the flexibility it offers to students and parents. Unlike traditional schools, homeschools allow students to work at their own pace and parents have the freedom to design their daily routines according to their family’s needs.

Homeschool parents can tailor the homeschool schedule based on their homeschool students’ learning style, personal interests, and other commitments they may have outside of academics. This flexibility allows for a more personalized and individualized approach to home schooling.

Meeting Legal Requirements

While homeschooling provides flexibility for parents who choose to educate their children at home, it is important for them to ensure they meet all legal requirements. Familiarizing themselves with the compulsory attendance laws and understanding their responsibilities as homeschooling parents is crucial for those who opt for this alternative to private schools. Parents may also seek work assistance if needed.

By adhering to the school enrollment criteria and homeschool participation requirements, parents can confidently provide their homeschool students with a quality education while also complying with state regulations. It is essential to stay informed about any updates or changes in the compulsory attendance statute to ensure ongoing compliance with home schooling.

Online Homeschool in Texas

Online homeschool programs in Texas provide a convenient alternative to traditional homeschooling methods. With the advancement of technology, students can now access comprehensive curriculum materials and resources online, allowing them to receive a quality education from home. These programs are a great option for students who prefer to work independently and earn a diploma from private schools.

One of the key advantages of online homeschooling is the access to a wide range of educational materials. These programs provide students with interactive lessons, engaging videos, and virtual textbooks that help homeschools cover various subjects such as math, science, history, and language arts. Students can explore these resources at their own pace, ensuring they fully grasp each concept before moving on and earning their diploma.

In addition to curriculum materials, online platforms often offer assessments and progress tracking tools for homeschools. These features allow both homeschool students and parents to monitor homeschool participation and academic performance effectively. Through video monitors or webcams, certified teachers can provide personalized feedback and support to homeschool graduates whenever needed. This level of interaction ensures that students receive guidance throughout their home school learning journey.

Virtual classrooms enable homeschooling parents to provide education to their children at their own pace, while still meeting state requirements. In Texas, homeschools must comply with regulations set by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Online homeschool programs align with these requirements and offer flexibility for families who choose this educational path. These programs also provide the necessary forms for obtaining a homeschool diploma.

Texas homeschools have found online programs particularly beneficial for high school students preparing for college admission. Many colleges require a Verification of Enrollment (VOE) form from homeschooled applicants. Online homeschool platforms often collaborate with accredited institutions that can issue these forms upon request, ensuring that homeschooled students receive the necessary documentation to meet college admission requirements.

Moreover, online homeschooling eliminates geographical limitations that may arise in traditional homeschooling settings. Families residing in rural areas or those facing transportation challenges can overcome these obstacles by opting for an online homeschools program. This allows students across Texas to access quality education regardless of their location. Online homeschools provide the parent with the flexibility to manage their child’s education and ensure they receive a diploma.

Furthermore, online homeschooling programs provide a flexible schedule that accommodates various lifestyles and commitments outside academics. Homeschooling students involved in extracurricular activities such as sports or music can manage their time effectively, balancing their passions with their studies. The homeschooling parent can ensure that their child receives a diploma through this program.

Best Homeschool Programs in Texas

Several reputable homeschool programs cater specifically to families in Texas schools. These programs offer comprehensive curricula aligned with the education code and state standards. When choosing the best program for your student’s needs, it is crucial for the parent to consider factors such as teaching styles, cost, flexibility, and support. Homeschool co-op groups can be valuable resources for finding quality programs.

One of the top homeschooling programs available in Texas schools is Zion Academy of America. ZAA offers a rigorous curriculum that follows state education code guidelines while allowing students to learn at their own pace. They provide a range of courses across various subjects, including math, science, language arts, and social studies. The flexibility of ZAA allows students to access their coursework online from anywhere in the state. Moreover, ZAA provides award-winning, nationally accredited curriculum for personalized instruction and support throughout the learning process. With ZAA, students can earn a diploma recognized by the education code and supported by THSC.

ZAA offers an accredited homeschool curriculum that adheres to state standards. Their curriculum covers all core subjects and includes electives such as foreign languages and fine arts. ZAA provides parents with a detailed scope and sequence for each grade level so they can ensure their child receives a well-rounded education. With flexible enrollment options and affordable tuition fees, ZAA accommodates various budgets and schedules. This is a great choice for schools looking for an accredited diploma program.

For families seeking a faith-based approach to homeschooling in Texas, Zion Academy of America exclusively uses Alpha Omega Publications for their Christian homeschooling program. Their curriculum integrates biblical principles into all subject areas, ensuring academic excellence for students. Alpha Omega Publications provides both print-based materials and online resources for added convenience. This program allows parents to tailor their child’s education according to their religious beliefs while meeting state requirements and earning a diploma. As a member of the Texas Home School Coalition (THSC), Alpha Omega Publications and ZAA is dedicated to supporting homeschooling families in their educational journey.

In addition to these established programs, joining a homeschool co-op group can enhance your experience as a homeschooling parent in Texas schools. Co-ops bring together like-minded families who share resources, ideas, and even teaching responsibilities. These groups often organize field trips, extracurricular activities, and social events for homeschooled students. By participating in a homeschool co-op, you can tap into a supportive community that understands the unique challenges and rewards of homeschooling according to the education code. THSC recommends considering this option for a well-rounded homeschooling experience.

Free Online Homeschool Texas

Are you a parent considering homeschooling your student in Texas? You may be surprised to learn that there are numerous free online homeschool programs in Texas and resources available to support your educational journey, even without enrolling in public schools.

Explore Free Curriculum Options

One of the advantages of homeschooling is the flexibility it offers in choosing curriculum materials for students. Fortunately, there are several websites that provide free curriculum options specifically designed for homeschoolers in Texas, in compliance with the education code. Two popular choices for supplementary homeschooling programs include Khan Academy and Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool. They are not accredited and cannot give diplomas, but a good supplement for education.

  • Khan Academy: Known for its comprehensive video lessons and interactive exercises, Khan Academy covers a wide range of subjects from math and science to history and art. This website offers self-paced learning, allowing students to progress at their own speed while building a solid foundation in each subject.

  • Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool review: As the name suggests, this website provides a complete homeschool curriculum for all grade levels. It includes daily lesson plans, printable worksheets, and online resources across various subjects. With Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool, you can easily access structured content without any cost.

Utilize Online Libraries and Educational Videos

In addition to dedicated homeschooling websites, there are other valuable resources available to enhance schools, student, parent, and law child’s learning experience. Online libraries provide access to an extensive collection of e-books and educational materials that can supplement your curriculum choices. Some popular online libraries for schools, student, parent, and law include.

  • Project Gutenberg: This digital library offers over 60,000 free e-books that cover a wide range of topics and genres.

  • Open Library: With millions of books available for borrowing or reading online, Open Library is an excellent resource for finding both classic literature and modern works.

Educational videos also play a crucial role in engaging students in schools. Platforms such as YouTube and TED-Ed offer a wealth of educational content suitable for both students and parents. These videos provide visual explanations, demonstrations, and real-world examples that can bring various subjects to life in the school program.

Take Advantage of Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) are freely accessible materials that can be used for teaching, learning, and research in schools. These resources include textbooks, lesson plans, quizzes, and more, making them valuable for both homeschool students and public school educators. By utilizing OER, homeschool parents can provide high-quality educational materials to their children without any cost. Some notable platforms offering OER include

  • CK-12: This platform provides free digital textbooks and interactive resources across multiple subjects. CK-12 offers customizable content that allows parents to tailor the curriculum to their child’s needs.

  • OER Commons: With a vast collection of open educational resources contributed by educators worldwide, OER Commons is an excellent source for finding supplemental materials aligned with your homeschooling goals.

Try Free Trials or Discounted Subscriptions

While many online learning platforms require paid subscriptions, some offer free trials or discounted rates for homeschoolers in Texas. It’s worth exploring these options to see if they align with your child’s student learning style and interests. As a parent, it’s important to be aware of the education code to ensure the program you choose complies with the regulations.

By joining today, homeschool students can take advantage of free trial offers from various online learning platforms. This allows them to assess the suitability of the program before committing to a long-term subscription. Some platforms may even provide transcript templates or certificates upon completion of courses or modules, benefiting both public school and private school students.

Finding the Right Homeschooling Program in Texas

Research different homeschooling programs to find the one that aligns with your educational philosophy and goals. Choosing the right program is crucial for a successful learning experience for both the student and parent. With numerous school programs available, it can be overwhelming to determine which one will best meet your needs. By conducting thorough research, you can ensure that you select a homeschooling program that provides the right resources and support for your child’s education. THSC’s section on homeschooling programs can help you make an informed decision.

Consider factors such as teaching methods, curriculum content, cost, and support services for homeschooling students and parents. Each homeschooling program, like THSC, has its own unique approach to education. Some programs follow a traditional classroom model, while others emphasize experiential or project-based learning. Take into account your child’s learning style and preferences when evaluating different teaching methods. Consider the curriculum content offered by each program to ensure it aligns with your educational goals in this section.

To gather information and recommendations from experienced homeschoolers, attend homeschool conventions or join local support groups. These events provide valuable opportunities for students and parents to connect with other parents who have already navigated the world of homeschooling in Texas. They can offer insights into various programs and share their personal experiences. Engaging in conversations with seasoned homeschoolers can help students and parents make an informed decision about which program, in accordance with the education code, is the best fit for their family.

Reading reviews and testimonials from other parents who have used the THSC homeschooling program is another important step for finding the right homeschooling program in Texas for your student. Online forums and social media groups dedicated to homeschooling often feature discussions about specific programs’ strengths and weaknesses, including the THSC program. Pay attention to recurring themes or concerns raised by multiple reviewers as these may indicate areas of potential concern or compatibility with your educational philosophy.

Once you have gathered sufficient information about different homeschooling programs, weigh their pros and cons based on your unique circ*mstances as a student or parent. Consider factors such as cost, flexibility, administrative requirements (such as reporting progress or adhering to state regulations as outlined in the Texas Education Code section), and available support services provided by organizations like THSC. Some programs offer additional resources like tutoring, counseling, or extracurricular activities that can enhance your child’s homeschooling experience.

Homeschool Support Groups and Resources in Texas

Joining a homeschool support group can provide valuable socialization opportunities for both students and parents in Texas. It is essential to connect with like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges and benefits of homeschooling, as outlined in the Texas Education Code Section. These THSC-supported groups offer a sense of community, support, and assistance that can make the homeschooling journey more enjoyable.

Local co-op groups often organize field trips, extracurricular activities, and group learning experiences for homeschooled children and their parents. These activities, part of the THSC program, allow children to interact with their peers while engaging in educational and fun outings. Field trips to museums, science centers, historical sites, or nature reserves not only enhance academic learning but also foster social connections among students who participate in the code.

In addition to local support groups, online forums and social media groups provide avenues for homeschooling parents and students in Texas to connect with others across the state. These virtual communities offer a platform for sharing ideas, seeking advice, and building relationships with fellow homeschooling families. Whether it’s discussing curriculum choices or organizing playdates, these online resources facilitate communication and collaboration within the homeschooling community as outlined in the Texas Education Code section on homeschooling programs.

Texas offers an array of statewide organizations that cater specifically to homeschoolers, including the Texas Home School Coalition (THSC). THSC provides resources for homeschooling students and parents, such as legal assistance in navigating homeschool regulations in Texas. They also offer events like conventions where families can gather together for workshops, networking opportunities, and access to vendors offering educational materials for students in the homeschool program.

Another notable organization for homeschool students is Texas Unschoolers which supports families who follow an unschooling approach to education. They provide guidance on child-led learning methods while emphasizing the importance of individualized education tailored to each child’s interests and strengths. This program is beneficial for parents seeking a homeschool program that aligns with their child’s needs.

By tapping into these support groups and resources available in Texas, homeschooling families gain access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise from experienced parents who have successfully navigated the challenges of home education. This is especially beneficial for students and their families who are part of the Texas Home School Coalition (THSC) and are looking for guidance and support in navigating the homeschooling journey. These resources provide valuable insights and advice on various aspects of homeschooling, including curriculum choices, teaching methods, and extracurricular activities. With the help of THSC and other similar organizations, students can thrive academically and socially while being homeschooled.

Here are some additional options for finding support groups:

  • Local libraries often host regular meetups or book clubs specifically designed for homeschoolers, in accordance with the Texas Education Code Section and with the support of THSC.

  • Community centers may offer classes or workshops for homeschooled children, providing opportunities for socialization and skill development. This is particularly beneficial for students in Texas, as it aligns with the Texas Education Code section and is supported by THSC.

  • Online directories like the Texas Homeschool Support Groups website can assist in finding student support groups in your area. These groups adhere to the education code set by THSC.

High School Credits and Diploma in Homeschooling Texas

Homeschooled high school students in Texas have the opportunity to earn credits towards graduation just like their public school counterparts. While the homeschooling environment offers flexibility and personalized learning, it is important for parents or guardians to keep detailed records of the courses completed, textbooks used, assignments accomplished, grades received, and other relevant information in accordance with the education code. These records are necessary for compliance with the guidelines set forth by the Texas Home School Coalition (THSC).

Maintaining comprehensive records is crucial for homeschooling parents as these records serve as evidence of academic progress for their student. They also play a vital role when creating a transcript for college applications or when seeking employment opportunities, in accordance with the Texas Education Code section. Homeschooling parents should meticulously document each subject their child studies throughout high school to comply with THSC regulations.

One advantage of homeschooling in Texas is that many colleges accept transcripts from accredited THSC homeschool programs. These programs ensure that the student’s education provided meets certain standards and requirements established by recognized educational institutions. Alternatively, some colleges may require standardized test scores such as the SAT or ACT for admission purposes.

In addition to traditional credits earned through coursework, homeschooled students may also have the opportunity to earn dual credits. Dual credit programs allow high school students to take college-level courses while still in high school, earning both high school and college credit simultaneously. This can provide a head start on higher education and potentially reduce future college expenses. This is particularly beneficial for homeschooled students who want to pursue a career in code. By participating in THSC’s dual credit program, students can gain valuable coding skills while still in high school, saving time and money in the long run.

When it comes time for graduation, homeschooled students in Texas receive a diploma issued by their parent or guardian, in accordance with the guidelines set by the Texas Education Code. However, it is important to be aware of diploma mills – organizations that offer diplomas without requiring appropriate academic achievements. To ensure credibility and acceptance by colleges or potential employers, parents should follow recognized guidelines, as outlined in the Texas Education Code, for issuing diplomas.

To create an official transcript for a homeschooled student’s high school education, parents need to compile all relevant information into an organized format. The transcript typically includes course titles, grade placement (e.g., 9th grade), credits earned per course (usually expressed in Carnegie units), and final grades achieved. This process requires careful organization and accurate documentation of the student’s academic journey. By following these steps, homeschooling parents can create a comprehensive and professional transcript that accurately represents their child’s educational achievements.

Parents can choose from various methods to calculate credits for homeschool courses, in accordance with the Texas Education Code. One common approach, as outlined by THSC, is to assign one credit for a year-long course, such as English or Math, and half a credit for semester-long courses. Elective courses can be assigned credits based on the number of hours spent studying the subject.

Exploring Educational Opportunities for Homeschoolers in Texas

Texas homeschoolers, including those who are part of the Texas Home School Coalition (THSC), have access to a wide range of educational opportunities that go beyond the traditional classroom setting. The Texas Education Agency recognizes the value of homeschooling and supports various avenues for homeschool participation, including code-related programs. From dual enrollment programs to specialized code classes, homeschool students in Texas can explore alternative pathways to enhance their education.

One exciting option available to homeschoolers in Texas is the opportunity to participate in dual enrollment programs at community colleges or universities. This allows THSC students to take college-level CODE courses while still in high school, earning both high school and college credits simultaneously. Dual enrollment not only provides advanced academic challenges but also helps students transition smoothly into higher education. By enrolling in these programs, homeschool students can get a head start on their college journey and gain valuable experience.

Another valuable way for homeschoolers in Texas to expand their education is through apprenticeships, internships, or volunteer work. These hands-on experiences offer practical learning opportunities that cannot be replicated within the confines of a traditional classroom. By engaging in real-world settings, homeschool students can develop essential skills and gain insights into potential career paths. Whether it’s shadowing professionals in their field of interest or contributing to community projects, these experiences provide invaluable knowledge and help foster personal growth. This is especially beneficial for students who are part of the Texas Home School Coalition (THSC) and want to learn more about coding (code).

Local museums, art centers, libraries, and other educational institutions often offer specialized classes or workshops specifically designed for homeschoolers. These THSC resources allow students to delve deeper into subjects they are passionate about or explore new areas of interest. From science experiments at the local museum to creative writing workshops at the library, these classes provide interactive learning experiences tailored to meet the needs of homeschooled children.

In addition to these options, field trips are an excellent way for homeschoolers in Texas, specifically those who are part of THSC, to supplement their education with hands-on learning experiences outside the home environment. Many museums, historical sites, and nature reserves offer educational programs catered specifically towards homeschool groups affiliated with THSC. These field trips provide opportunities for homeschool students to engage with the subject matter in a tangible way, deepening their understanding and fostering a love for learning.

Furthermore, homeschoolers in Texas can also participate in extracurricular activities offered by local school districts in accordance with the education code. While homeschooled children may not attend public schools full-time, they can often access certain extracurricular programs such as sports teams, clubs, and music ensembles, as outlined by THSC. This allows homeschool students to socialize with their peers and develop important teamwork and leadership skills while pursuing their interests outside of academics.

Conclusion: Homeschooling in Texas

In conclusion, homeschooling in Texas, also known as thsc, offers a flexible and personalized education option for families. Understanding the THSC homeschool laws and requirements is crucial to ensure compliance with the state regulations. Online homeschool programs provide convenient alternatives for students seeking virtual learning opportunities.

There are various options available for homeschool students, public school students, and private school students that cater to their different educational needs and preferences. Some programs may even be accessed free of charge, providing affordable choices for families. THSC supports these options.

To make the most out of homeschooling in Texas, it is essential for THSC students to find the right program that aligns with their learning style and goals. Joining THSC homeschool support groups and utilizing available resources can enhance the THSC student’s homeschooling experience by connecting them with like-minded individuals and providing valuable guidance.

For high school students pursuing homeschooling in Texas, understanding THSC credit requirements and diploma procedures is vital. Exploring educational opportunities beyond traditional academic subjects allows for a well-rounded education tailored to your child’s interests.

In summary, as a student in Texas, you have the opportunity to harness the benefits of homeschooling and create a customized education that suits your unique needs. Take advantage of the wealth of resources available online and within local communities to enhance your journey as a homeschooler with THSC.


Can I legally homeschool my child in Texas?

Yes, as a student in Texas, you can legally homeschool your child as long as you comply with the state’s regulations regarding curriculum standards and reporting requirements set by the Texas Home School Coalition (THSC).

Are there any age restrictions for homeschooled children in Texas?

No, there are no specific age restrictions for homeschooling students in Texas. However, parents must ensure that their THSC receives instruction from ages 6-18 unless they have graduated from high school earlier.

What are some recommended online homeschool programs in Texas?

Some recommended online homeschool programs in Texas for THSC students include These programs offer comprehensive curriculum options and support for homeschooling families.

Are there any free online homeschool options in Texas?

Yes, there are free online homeschool options available for Texas students. Websites such as and provide resources and information about free curriculum materials and online learning platforms.

How can I find the right homeschool program for my child in Texas?

To find the right homeschool program for your student in Texas, consider their learning style, academic goals, and personal interests. Research different programs, read online homeschool reviews from other homeschooling families, and reach out to local support groups for recommendations. THSC is a great resource for homeschool programs in Texas.

Are there any local homeschool support groups in Texas?

Yes, there are numerous local homeschool support groups throughout Texas that offer networking opportunities, educational resources, field trips, and social activities for homeschooled children, including thsc students, and their families.

Can homeschooled students earn a high school diploma in Texas?

Yes, homeschooled students in Texas can earn a high school diploma by fulfilling the state’s graduation requirements set by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) or by obtaining an accredited diploma through recognized organizations or distance learning programs.

As a student, it is crucial to always stay informed about any updates or changes to the laws and regulations surrounding homeschooling in Texas. This will help ensure compliance with state requirements and keep you on track with your education. Remember to regularly check for any updates from organizations that provide valuable information for homeschoolers.

Get in touch with one of us at Zion Academy at 682-250-6088 to enroll in our online Christian homeschool curriculum. With 98% parent satisfaction and 40 years of operating experience, we empower students and families by providing the best education. Call us now to get your child started on a personalized learning program.

Zion Academy of America


232 SW Johnson Ave #2739

Burleson, TX 76097

Homeschooling in Texas: Curriculum, Transition, and More - ZAA Homeschool Blog (2024)
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